I mean I got it free
Best distro for this
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Might as well keep XP on it. Do a fresh install
Android x86
Linux mint with MATE.
Op here one friend told me about Xubuntu what do you think about it?
Try it with a live disc. Honestly, if it is too slow it is most-likely the result of your processor.
Puppy Linux 7.5 ? Very very light.
any light distribution
debian, lubuntu, arch and (unironically) gentoo are all fine choices for such a low-end machine
Arch with a WM
For the love of God don't put a DE on that machine.
1 gb ram is plenty for lxde or similar
It should be fine but with specs that low I'd be trying to squeeze every MB I can.
Wouldn't Gentoo take fucking ages to compile on specs that low?
Maybe try wattos if you're into that ubuntu based shit
Bodhi Linux is ok too.
Void with XFCE is really good and fast. Boots in 30 seconds on my Ryzen 8 core. And 29 are the BIOS initiallizing.
it would but the end result would be lighter than even arch
Thanks anons I'll try with 3 distros and clean install of xp to see which one is the smoothest
Fair enough, was just curious, my experience with Gentoo is zero.
debian netinstall with tiling wm/openbox
give it back jamal
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