We live in a time where you're now an old man because you actually know what an ethernet port and cable is...

We live in a time where you're now an old man because you actually know what an ethernet port and cable is. People younger than you have ever only experienced wireless connections

pretty sad people dont even know how it is to use the internet with 100% stability

People younger than me are plebs.

You know how it's going to go user, the forcefully bred 85 iq mulatto underclass will peck on sponsored content in the facebook mines while the asian-jew masterrace carries out it's goals which are for us impossible to comprehend.

i'm 19 i'd say two years younger than me is where everyone is teach illiterate retards who only think the internet consists of facebook, hell the majority of people my age do too

tech illiterate*

>WiFi Cable

Go back to youtube you stupid retard.
>I'm 15 and i love real music like Nirvana
Kill yourself.

heh, it's old people too. A 67 year old lady neighbor called me and asked me if I could come help her get her Internet working. So I did. It turned out she had Firefox auto-saving her Facebook username and password and she was trying to login with Internet Explorer and it didn't fill those things in so she weren't able to get into Facebook - described as "Internet isn't working". She didn't actually know her username and password. I did manage to figure out that it was auto-saved in Firefox so I became a hero who restored her "Internet-service".

how is that anything like what i said desu when i was in school i know people in the years below me and they literally don't know anything about tech aside from facebook, snapchat and their xboxes. Literally half the people i knew didn't even have computers.

kek old people and tech are pretty funny.From the people i know I think weve passed the group of people who were really enthusiastic about tech when growing up i'd say the main group was between like people who are 45 and up to around my age people

Pretty much didnt even know people younger than me existed until I was about 25

That'll be you someday. Just remember. That 67 year old lady was born in 1950. She was used to radio, TV, automatically starting cars (ie no crank to break your arm). A whole technological world that was alien to her parents and grandparents.

The rate of change is increasing, too. Future Shock.

Wired connections give you reliability, privacy, and security. If they're abolished, it's to make people easier to monitor.

I'd say people who've used DOS unironically are in the golden mean, not too old and not to young, of course I'm not impartial.

>stupid shit
thought those cunts knew better desu

I'm 23 and it was the same for me. Same in every generation. The jockey and the stable boy see different things when looking at a horse

That's a wifi cable though not an ethernet cable. A wifi cable is a special type of coax cable that literally transmits wifi. They're pretty cool because you can either plug in an antenna or directly into something with a RF modem. Wifi cables are often confused with ethernet cables because the quick connect RF adapter looks sort of like an ethernet jack

Nope, it's not old people.
I work as a programmer, and my mentor is a 63 year old.

Dude went ahead and made an entire domotica system himself, including web interface and android app. This includes communications to central heating, ventilation... Running on a linux server. He started working on ibm mainframes when he was younger.

As long as you follow the industry closely, you have no problems. It's when you stop learning.

>tfw less than 1% of Sup Forums knows what 10 base 2 is
>even fewer remember using coax
> even fewer remember you have to use terminators at the ends of your cable run

gotta go soak my dentures

I don't go outside much but I'm pretty sure this is just a meme and most people do know what an Ethernet cable looks like


This actually frightens me. I was an adult when "cheap" computing came to the masses, and have made it a point to keep up on technology. Part of the reason I come to Sup Forums desu is to keep up with current trends in tech.

Ironically, I know more about computing / networking etc than almost everybody I come across. Both my age and kids. It's weird to think that our kids use tech so easily, but it might as well be magic to them because they have no clue as to the fundamental workings of their laptops fagpads etc..

If I ever get to the point where I am too old to understand something, I am going to 'ol yeller myself.

i'm old enough to both remember all that shit and to have set it up as our first home network with my dad

first time using internet on my own pc (sharing the dialup from the family pc at the other end of the house) was magical

These people are tech illiterate because they spent their time screaming about how the internet is the work of the devil instead of actually bothering to figure out how it works. If you're just willing to learn you'll be okay.

I think it's more that their minds just fold at the thought of anything with a hint of complexity.

Also, never underestimate the power of lazy.

I just knew it would give me an edge to be computer literate which would be a good life skill to have.

Super excited this Christmas for my 15 y.o. son . He asked for computer parts so I cobbled together some parts, bought some new, and am going to teach him how to build a computer, and then let him fuck it all up and learn from it.

this is a funny image

>university catering to people who won't know the correct nomenclature, because the area of their interests are outside the precious field of technology
No, you're a sheep shagging faggot.

>precious field
computers are part of almost all (if not every) field now. Even cashiers need to know how to use a computer, so I'm not sure what your point is.

>and then let him fuck it all up and learn from it.
Kinda hard to fuck up building a computer these days.

>That'll be you someday
Only if I get a brain disease like alzheimers or dementia.
Healthy old people don't keep up because they're stubborn old fucks from a lazy era.

The physical act of building it yes, but think about how much you learned by installing an OS, and then maintaining the computer.

This is what I mean.

>computers are part of almost all (if not every) field now.
Plugging Ethernet cables in isn't, you arrogant cock jockey.

Language is part of almost every, if not every, person by now. But most of Sup Forums knows sweet fuck all about linguistics.

Cars are part of almost every, if not every, life by now. But most people don't know much about gear ratios.

Are you sensing a pattern here? If people both don't need to know, and it's also not within their field of interests, they have a tendency to not know.

This. It's not rare to see people unironically proud about not knowing any of those "technological shit", but it's not only relative to one's age

>you're now an old man because you actually know what an ethernet port and cable is
nonesense. kids and their games mang. if they don't want lag or dropped packets they will use a hardwired connection.

also, wifi is cancer

>humanities guy
Your opinion is irrelevant.

UC faggot. Fuck Christchurch.

I peek and poke the printer port

What's a keyboard?


even if it's really just lego these days, it'll be magical the first time a kid goes from parts spread across the table to a pc playing minecrap or whatever kids do these days

I know linguistics and I've never owned a car or had a license

To be honest I've seen what the younger generation are up to and I want no part of it.

Besides technology is getting dumber for end users of the future generation anyway. You get maybe one kid out on 100000 who actually understands technology and uses it for more than social media. And from what I've seen of the tech companies Thier main interests aren't that much in actual technology development and just want to be content farms.

The problem is that those things still exist and will still exist for a long time.
It's an empire being built on top of sand.

And someone will remember all of this someday and collapse the whole shit because he wanted 10 BTC and google refused to pay him that.

I teach freshman maths in university, the overwhelming majority of them are like this. They have phones and iPads, a handful own mac laptop, virtually none of them know their way around a windows desktop, much less linux. Anything that isn't a self-contained "app," is indecipherable to them. It really is terrifying.

Not to derail, but immigration is honestly the only hope for the future. The current generation of children in Western Europe are completely and utterly useless. I can't speak for America but from what I read they are similarly technically handicapped with computers.

So, you're not a cock gobbler, you're just trying to produce an uvular fricative?

Make sure to create your own botnet to keep an eye on him, don't want to miss the day that he finds porn

We burgers are fucked just as bad, send help please.

You're acting like knowing what the fuck an Ethernet cable is, is the same as knowing a programming language is, if you honestly do not know what an Ethernet cable is you need to become an hero


RJ-45 cable*

>i'm 19 i'd say two years younger than me is where everyone is teach illiterate retards who only think the internet consists of facebook, hell the majority of people my age do too

I remember when Geocities was a thing, all young people obsessed with Geocties and everybody in 90s think the internet consists of Geocities and AOL.

"I'm not like those OTHER millineals, user!"

18, IT and telco professional
I know what the fuck an ethernet cable is

am immigrant in U.S. most people are welcoming The most retarded people are the overly religious whether christian or Muslim. i like the place tho.

>im 12 and this is REAL music. born in le wrong generation

Good, the more retards the better it is for non retards.

"WiFi" was a retarded name in the first place. "Wireless Fidelity"? What the fuck does that even mean?

i want to go back

That's the nature of technology though. I mean how much do you know about radios and vacuum tubes? That was mainstream tech at one point. Are you a terrible person just because you aren't necessarily familiar with those devices or their operation?

The fact that today's kids don't know what a floppy disk or a cassette is isn't a reflection on how inferior the next generation is. You wouldn't expect them to know because they weren't raised in the era of that tech. Some will no doubt discover it on their own and learn about it anyway but most won't and honestly what does it matter?

are you implying wired ethernet has been deprecated in favour of wifi?
because that's not the case, wired ethernet is still used everywhere

*wifi cable

When people "knew" about "radios and vacuum tubes", did people call them "woody hearing boxes" and "glass music dildos"? No? They called things what they are?

Not knowing about how something works doesn't mean you can't call things what they are.

No. I'm more critiquing the general tendency to think worse of a generation because they don't know what old technology is. This happens a lot with audio formats. Look at the comments for any kids react to "cassettes, eight track, reel to reel, vinyl, insert obsolete audio format here" and see how many people shit on these kids who weren't even alive when these formats were in their prime.

That said ethernet is definitely not obsolete and is superior to wifi though wifi is more ubiquitous. Since most devices are wireless capable I can understand why the plebs probably think it's better. Anyone with any semblance of tech knowledge should know better though.

there were times when a wireless radio was just called a "wireless", and vacuum tubes are still often called just "tubes"

>When people "knew" about "radios and vacuum tubes", did people call them "woody hearing boxes" and "glass music dildos"?

Who the fuck has ever done that? I am not aware of any instance of people coming up with new hip names for old tech.

help guys, how to i get that on my internet viewer?

Is "wifi cable" an acceptable, new, hip name for "old tech"?

>Tfw when using using production equipment running on dos 3.31 and sunos 4.1.4 to make modern technology.


Agree, it's not as off you have to set the irq space when installing cards in specific slots anymore.

>it turns out that things that not only were particular things that happened hen you were young are dated to when you are young, but ideas and values become dated over time, too
Meh. Everyone expects the future to continue in the direction that the world was going in when they were young, but that's never actually happened.

>People younger than you have ever only experienced wireless connections

Ethernet cables are still useful and used all the time. Educate these people you are talking about and then, wow, they will know what ethernet cables are and for.


is this bait?

If you think immigrants would be more tech savvy than native Europeans, you are gravely mistaken.
Newsflash, only a small subset of a population will show true interest and ingenuity in technical fields. But it is that subset of whites that has advanced computing to where it is now and will continue to do so.


>i want to go back

lel'd irl

I always wanted to be an old man

ah yes, the firefox's 'show passwords' button
i fucking love it

>WiFi cable
My God, I want off this planet.

>Ethernet cables are still useful and used all the time. Educate these people you are talking about and then, wow, they will know what ethernet cables are and for.

They are the backbone of that fucking WiFi network people use, so they fucking should know it exists.

>we live in a time when kids today never connected a telegraph

Don't worry. Everything old will be new again.

I just bought a record player.

people without programming/scripting/engineering experience see software strictly as what is presented in the ui
the browser ui IS the internet as far as they're concerned

This legitimately makes me angry

>give girl a direct link to a jpeg on imgur
>she thinks it's a virus and won't click it

has happened a few times now.

It should be a crime to be young, if you ask me.

>WiFi cable

she doesn't "parse" the url at all
in hear head it would literally be the same if you gave hear some random hash

maybe his keyboard is broken

Bro, you're at university. If you aren't there as a professor, someone's parent, or a PhD student, you ARE the problem.

our twenty year old interns do not know how to type


I love using dos to fix windows. It's my preferred method even if there is a GUI for it (like dism.exe).

Well uh it's one connection and it starts connected instead of... I don't fucking know

I deal withe 30-45 year olds that have the same level of understanding, in your generation and younger there will be a percent that learns the important pieces of computers and excels at them. The rest fall behind and get spoonfed. Its normal.

At least kids could remove apps, do updates on their phone, browse the settings to remove an email if need be. I have do configure the simplest shit on phones for brain dead people in offices

I carry my own router so I love seeing ethernet jacks around

>Not to derail, but IMMAGINATION is honestly the only hope for the future. The current generation of children in Western Europe are completely and utterly useless. I can't speak for America but from what I read they are similarly technically handicapped with computers.
Well, he has a fair point to be quite honest
But actually, I misread and actually there was written:
>Not to derail, but IMMIGRATION is honestly the only hope for the future
What the fuck dude

It's like a HiFi except instead of Hi, it's... uh

hell even a lot of laptops these days (the closest a modern kid will probably come to a owning a proper desktop workstation) don't even have jacks for LAN connections

I'm 25 and I feel the same way.

The fidelity would denote consistency and quality of the signal.

I believe in having a solid foundation in the English vocabulary. When reading the word, the emotion and action conveyed should be palpable in your mind's eye.

people younger than me are also woefully inept at a cli and have no idea how to do anything on a computer more than hit colorful buttons and swipe

i laughed at this image.
it is now saved locally.
thank you user