Why are Indians like this? Even at the highest echelon of American society bob and vagene tier behavior is displayed

Why are Indians like this? Even at the highest echelon of American society bob and vagene tier behavior is displayed.

How many dislikes does this video have by now?

I love this video, it's like a giant fuck you to every american

Literally a Pajeet insulting every American. This was their plan all along. World power by 2030.

What a twat

Vishnu got pissed at the Poo memes and decided to give Americans a royal fuck you

>white people are the problem guys
>America is going to be so much better when old white people are gone
Warm regards from Singapore.

Ajit Pai isn't a real person. He's an artificial (((intelligence))).


sure if you fell for the NN dig was was full brainlet status

All you virgins mad cause Chad poojeet don't give a single fuck lmao.

>a giant fuck you to every numale

holy fuck.

This is literally the same sense of humor that most millennial white guys have.


It’s quite surreal isn’t it? Why does everyone feel the need to be some ass hatted celebrity these days? Attention is truly the most valuable currency

That screencap is hilarious, he's clearly making fun of the demographic that's in favor of NN.
The guy is amazing.

Why do you think this belongs on Sup Forums?

Why is Sup Forums the most racist board on Sup Forums?
I'm Indian and I don't even get this level of abuse on Sup Forums or Sup Forums. It's just you faggots.

I thought it was pretty good, seemed to accomplish the task.

>mass triggering
>provoked a bomb threat
>unmasked more rabid leftists

You didn't like it because you had to dismount the bbc to make this thread

if you thought the task of the video was to trigger people you're clearly the type of retard the video is aimed for

>Sup Forums the most racist
It's that Indians as a cultural group have an excessively bad reputation in tech. For low skill jobs it's because you're providing cheap labor and poor service. It's still acceptable though.
For development jobs in particular you're just fucking awful. The turnover rates doesn't help your reputation but you're fucking crap on the whole in my experience.

Just 4 months ago I had to explain to a colleague what the difference between median and average is. HE was the one who asked. While I'm happy he did because he definitively needs to know that it's completely baffling to me because he's an engineer with a diploma. And I'm put to work with him
This isn't a freak knowledge hole either either it's like this with him. That's just the most recent example that shows him lacking the basic knowledge. This isn't even high-school level.

It's like this with every Indian we get. I know you won't believe me but before he came to me (thankfully he does this, again it's not his actions its his knowledge) he went to another engineer that absolutely should know better, even more so than this guy. He explicitly approved the use of average here. And the context is even more baffling but I won't get into it.

And I'm certain if you're less biased you'll find Sup Forums to throw way more slurs. Just not at you because your group isn't a cancer on the industry.

I'm not justifying racism though. I'm just saying I have perfect understanding for why they're like this. I'm sure there's good Indians but even I face this. You really wouldn't expect my field to face this.

Not that guy but what's your interpretation?
I'm not interested in watching a YouTube video. Especially not this one.

Blame your countrymen who shit in the streets and call it code and the companies who would rather scoop up that shit for pennies than pay an American worker a proper salary.

>reddit tards post on multiple boards for over a month about NN and try to tell anons how they should feel about it
>get told that NN is actually a bad thing
>continue shilling endlessly, and maintain 15 threads about it at all times
>being surprised when we laugh at you
>fucking Pajeet himself made a video shitting on you

Nice one faggot

reeeeee stop laughing this is the end of the world reeeee

Sup Forums hates mexicans
Sup Forums hates indians
Sup Forums hates americans

in every case it is deserved

I think it was less Ajit Pai and more The Daily Caller.

Even americans hate themselves so Sup Forums got it right.

>"Americans" hate themselves

in an attempt to seem like he's in the same spot as the opposition, it's some basic "HEY I'M ONE OF YOU COOL KIDS" humor that sort of mirrors stuff like Youtube Rewind--it uses outdated memes (fidget spinners), misuses terms (he uses "Gram" as a verb for instagram, though nobody uses that term) and improper comedic timing that basically just screams that he's horribly out of touch
it's not exactly something you'd use to sway someone to your side, especially when you're facing a lot of backlash

>when you're facing a lot of backlash
from numales
>implying making fun of soyboiz isn't comedy gold

>making fun of soyboiz
there was literally nothing aimed at soyboys, did you even watch the video?

>it wasn't funny, stop making fun of me

that's done nothing to refute my point and now you're just looking like a baby throwing buzzwords around on top of that



>Says the Reddit fag from /r/the_donald


I get that this whole “net neutrality” thing has got everyone in a hissy fit, and I don’t LOOOVE it either, but, let’s be honest guys. Ajit Pai is pretty fuckable. Firstly, he’s very handsome, and those beautiful, luscious lips of his could do more than just be pretty. Secondly, he’s an older man, who has acquired valuable wisdom and experience from life; like an aged cheese who’s flavor gets better as it ages. Thirdly, as a fellow brown man, he makes me feel safer than when I am around white fish. Hey, I’m allowed to prefer my own race; you white guys do it all the time.

ok ajit

Oh yeah MSNBC sure was supporting Trump the whole way.
What would we have done without them?

Obtuse faggot

I'd love to see Ajit Pai answer this question on the spot while on camera:

Given your past position at verizon as associate general counsel, describe example of some the legal hurdles hindering the growth of US ISPs.

Such a simple question for him to answer, and yet extremely difficult for him to answer on the spot without upsetting the jews.

Someone would definitely threaten litigation over that video.

I hope someone takes a hammer to his gigantic teeth

What a fucking nerd on that pic

no comment

Reported to the FBI for terrorist threats.

My fucking sides.
I want to see the Sup Forumsacks spin this shit up and say how based the tranny is too.

quite a few

It doesn't. The Sup Forums and /reddit/ needs to go


t. killary clinton/bernie sanders supporter

>muh librulls
How long will you keep supporting the shabbos goyim?