Net neutrality has been repealed, and the companies who spent millions of dollars shilling all over the internet have lost.
Net neutrality has been repealed...
Amerifats are retarded
Imagine having corporate cock so far down your throat that you think this
We've truly gone back to the dark ages, before net neutrality
I agree, there's americans out there who actually believe the shills, like this fucking moron
>when you never used the internet before 2015 so you just believe the big companies when they tell you repealing nn is bad
Actually, there was nothing but awkward silence from the supposed shills like Google and Facebook. Know why? Because they won!
shills on suicide watch
>awkward silence
>when you spread your asscheeks for the pajeets you constantly sperg about and give more power to the companies you constantly sperg about to pwn teh libs
PS: who would win?
all this shill talk like most anti-NN comments weren't literal bots
Thank goodness, an internet without amerimutts.
t.13 year old
>i just watched john oliver explain to me what the internet is and i'm pro net neutrality
Your company lost shill, no point in spinning your (((lies))) any longer. We're making the internet great again
So now when little Johnny goes to Wikipedia to complete his science fair project, he has to pay $1 gorillion dollars for the information package!!
If you actually believe that, you're fucking retarded. please try to read a single article on nn that wasn't put out by buzzfeed
What's up with this fucking poop muncher and giant mugs?
fuckin love this pajeet god
gotta have something to drink all those government loving tears
Few people I hate more than that dickface
> the companies who spent millions of dollars shilling all over the internet have won.
We are. We voted for Drumpf.
They have Trump cock in there already so it's not surprising the crave more cock. Those people are mentally ill and can't be reasoned with.
>Look guys! instead of sucking off Google, i'm sucking Comcast off!
her der we trump da jooz goin down
Pic related
it's the only wall trump cares about
>b-b-but 666D chess magapedes
Sometimes you need a pajeet to kill a pajeet.
>one battle is the war
youre baiting people but youre also fucking stupid
this fucker is so fucking punchable.
provide some nigger
spoonfeed me some this hot pajeet curry you Sup Forumstards have been drinking
Based pajeet cleansing the internet of ameriburgers (2017, colorized)
the shilling was stepped up today
losercrats are taking it to court
I fucking hope so
wikipedia is a shithole
The companies that had a vested interest in net neutrality didn't over-exaggerate at ALL
shut the fuck up
you sound like a girl
and that's not a compliment
fuck poo in loo
I laughed out loud when I heard it was implemented only 2 years ago.
one day on reddit the front page was riddled with
Reddit is literally compromised.
This fucking cuck, just because he shares an accent with Sherlock Holmes people think he is halfway intelligent
He wasn't funny or smart enough for the British so he went to America
the cable companies and ISPs turned into the same thing, edged out any possibility for local competetion, merged and bought out phone service, eliminated any voip that wasn't theirs, changed definitions of broadband (and 4g), throttled supposed """unlimited""" data on every transmission media, charged for peering within bgp and then charged more for the users to access the peered services at a reasonable data rate, etc. There is so much that's already happened to clue you in, but you probably haven't been around for the 2 decades it took to even get to this. I have a friend that was going to set up a WiMax ISP around the time broadband was getting to my area. He was crushed by litigation, outrageous peering costs (because they knew what he was doing) and corrupt zoning board officials who were on the payroll of the up and coming cable provider (I think it was roadrunner or cablevision at the time, but Comcast "merged" the company into oblivion around the same time, iirc). It was faster than either dsl, or cable internet of the time, and didn't require much in the way of infrastructure, other than to peer with the other ISPs. They didn't outcompete him in the market; they didn't let him get to the market because they had the only keys to access it, and went instead with a slower, more congested technology. Innovation my fucking 3rd nipple!
Just like the economy instantaneously recovered the day Trump was inaugurated right?
>and the companies who spent millions of dollars shilling all over the internet have lost
But those companies won
>An actual marxist has some kind of idea of what cultural marxism is
I guess
supposedly took 2.8million to buy the politics sub in payoffs to old mods and reddit ceo
The other companies won.
Not a good scenario either but.
If ISPs were actually shilling against NN, they are running circles around edge providers in the internet shilling campaign department
You're young and stupid. With any luck, you'll get older, wiser, and sadder at the complete lack of knowledge these arrogant youngins that spout uninformed garbage seem to possess. 2 years ago it was past time for the rules to be implemented. Well past time. This fight has been going on since the mid 90s when broadband was being brought by some fucking tv company or something. You could download through the same shit that your tv came through and it was a miracle because
>it didn't take forever just to load a page
>There was no interruptions on your phone line
>You could feasibly download full movies
>no fucking modem sound
It was glorious, and only a couple companies were offering it (cheaply) and providing cable service with "premium" channels included, all while buying up all the dark fiber.
>hey we'll come to your rural area too, provided we can get an exclusive deal in your area. Pay us these """"COMPLETELY REASONABLE""" fees and we'll even """EXPAND YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE""" (with the dark fiber that's already been laid that we already bought)
>don't worry about Vonage, we have our own voip service
has the world always been this fucking insane and i'm just now paying attention?
nothing changed in the last two years in regards to any of that
>I HATE (company 1) BECAUSE THEY DO (act that you believe is unjust)
>i don't hate (company 2) because they do (the exact same thing as above but sugar-coating it)
>all this fear mongering about net neutrality
nothing is going to happen
True picture but it's hard to convey the further erosion of American leisure time through slower internet speeds.
those old ladies want niggers out for good
Net Neutrality means have to deal with cooperation (as always)
instead of needing to deal with coorperation AND government.
Rule #1 keep government the fuck out.
Nah, you're just noticing that the internet has allowed more retards to voice their opinions. Moot, being the progressive thinker he was, predicted this, and created Sup Forums in an attempt to herd these tards into one place.
The problem is that the government is still in, and in a very terrible way that is imposing monopolies in several cities.
They only removed the kludge that "solved" the issue those monopolies cause in first place.
You are old and stupid.
You expect a bunch of broadband companies to get up and running overnight to compete with a cable provider that only has to update existing infrastructure?
can never genuinely patch it up, have to kill it at it's roots
Maybe if i was given the option of more than one ISP in the last 2 years i would believe your shill dish
>has the world always been this fucking insane
>and i'm just now paying attention?
probably just much louder about what their insanity.
sadly it pervades and permeates through every walk of life these days.
there's no escape >:^(
hah. saved.
bless those old bitties
hi grandma
>NN somehow deals with municipal market capture
I am puzzled how such a conclusion can be reached
eat your cookies and never bring niggers to the house, Jimmy
It don't.
It just imposes some rules to limit the damage the monopolies can do as well fucking monopolies, but it's not a very good solution, given how shitty the american internet is.
ok grandma, pls get off Sup Forums.
they can hang nigga
Fucking alt-right faggots can't understand that a conservative doesn't change things for the sake of change. Now we're supposed to trust the FTC to break up the cable monopolies and it's going to be shit because the FTC is poor and powerless and never talked about. IT WAS PERFECTLY FINE, WHY ROCK THE BOAT
And what is the thing that is not being done at this very moment that should had been done many, many years ago already?
i hope you realize that literally did happen
>bad solution
>shouldn't be repealed
exactly why we should repeal asap
No it was not.
But repealing the NN instead of just well dropping a fucking presidential decree nuking the local laws was not very good.
>politicians get elected to office despite the popular vote saying otherwise
>new laws get written without any sort of involvement of the people, even blatantly against public interest
>everything is in the hands of a few people that nobody asked for, and they are influenced exclusively by whichever corporation bribes them the most
What happened to the states? Wasn't it supposed to be a democracy? Why aren't you assassinating these tyrants?
>i hate ISP monopolies!
>any budding ISP or alternative service had to hire an army of lawyers to comply with this giant book of Obama Net Neutrality regulations
leftist economics in a nutshell
Not without fixing the underlying issue.
>wants unnecessary regs
all i'm seeing is grandmas posting pepe, calling themselves pede.
The fuck happened to this site over the past three - four years? I'm absolutely astounded people think this is a good thing and they forgot why the rules were implemented in the first place.
I'm probably just watching a bunch of retarded 14 year olds posting though.
Congrats, it's only 200 pages of legislation instead of 300.
>thinks edge providers didn't help railroad NN into being in the first place
Americans invented the internet so they have the right to fuck it up for everyone including themselves.
the repeal IS a good thing. give me reasons it's bad aside "b-but muh netflix!" and misleading left leaning lies
im astounded you KNOW its a bad thing, even though you havent read Obama's giant book of Net Neutrality posted here do you also support the patriot act? youre a patriot arent you?
Good job doing fucking nothing. I'm pissed because the solution was so obvious - repeat the AT&T breakup.
>unnecessary regs
that actually help protect the internet?
>The fuck happened to this site over the past three - four years?
ai botnet and social media campaigns have advanced
>the repeal IS a good thing.
>nothing will happen
so what is the truth?
That would help a lot yes.
But just making illegal to make monopoly laws would already solve it.
Just looking at shit like:
It's quite obvious that shit is fucked from a legal level.
it protects edge provider CDNs brainlet
No, but nothing has been getting worse either. It was a stopgap filled with compromises that just intervened in the way the trend was going. It put a leash on the companies I discussed, who initially offered great speeds and innovative services BECAUSE they were still in competetion with dsl and dial-up in areas they hadn't bought, along with other companies providing a similar service over cable, that eventually were all merged. When broadband was first available, they wouldn't dare do what they're doing now and have done over the last decade. Now that they've established an oligopoly (government protected, no less), there's no innovation that will happen anyway. All that happened with title 2 was preventing it from getting worse. Remember Comcast dating network? That was innovative, even if it was cringeworthy. They won't try anything like it now because there's no reason to offer services the others don't, except if they all start having exclusive rights to peered services and can provide "free streaming to new customers of Verizon NFL mobile (only available with Verizon). It's going to get worse, but only for those that have had it great when they were busy trying to kill each other, instead of sitting on their piles of gold.
The whole site has been utterly infested with Sup Forums shit. It's just what happens when a bunch of impressionable teens spend too much time on the edgiest board. Now they can't think for themselves and just regurgitate whatever trash they see being posted on Sup Forums. It's cliche to say so, but Sup Forums is a shell of its former self.