So what exactly does Net Neutrality mean? And what will it's repeal indicate?

So what exactly does Net Neutrality mean? And what will it's repeal indicate?

The media, on both sides, are up in arms about it, making it difficult to get a clear, reliable answer. So I figured you guys would have better explanations to give.

Pic mostly unrelated.

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Title 2 has done nothing but hinder the market, since 2015 investment in internet infrastructure has declined for the first time ever outside a recession. Heavy-handed government regulations have slowed development and hurt consumers by restricting competition. By removing internet service from title 2 classification, we are restoring internet freedom to the open, amazing platform it had been for many years before it.

who turned it into a right-left issue? fucks sake

with repeal it means you will have to pay more for internet

Everything's a political issue now.


The people who want it to sound like a left right issue.

Rather than corruption for the benefit of giving ISPs more power over infrastructure.

Which they own but should be regulated for much the same reasons a stock market or other big market places are regulated. Can't let them rip off sellers and buyers on both ends.

>we are restoring internet freedom to the open, amazing platform it had been for many years before it

nice pasta

The concept of Net Neutrality basically just says ISPs must treat all packets equally, so a bit is a bit essentially. Title II guarantees this but also has some other regulations, the FCC just got rid of title II internet and in turn NN

"net neutrality" is just a meme, is you "freedom for download pirated things 24/7". In 2015 everybody claimed FCC killed net neutrality and in 2017 FCC killed net neutrality again, because they are scared of not download pirated things again

While that is actually also part of the internet and we might achieve bringing copyright again down to 10 non renewable years eventually, no, that is not all.

Its very simply the fact that ISPs have an interes in making most websites that don't pay them shit, so they can get paid for allowing websites to be nonshit.

Alt right babies and other retatds shitting on NN because the pajeet dismantling it is a republican. I'm not joking


ISPs will be able to prioritize some traffic over others arbitrarily. For instance, maybe your ISP decides to compress or throttle traffic from services like Netflix and Hulu. But Amazon pays your ISP money and in return, your ISP does not throttle Amazon's streaming service. Meanwhile, a new video streaming startup could be priced out of competing on a level playing field with Amazon.

That's one thing that's allowed once the repeal is implemented, among other things. Essentially what will happen is some consumers will pay more money for worse service.

And because liberals and reddit's against NN.

If the reddit/liberals told them *not* to jump off a building, they still would just to spite them.

This is a half truth. There is no solid evidence that any of that was true and it's all based on cherry picked cases.

Competitive ISP markets are Communism.

Alt righters are so contrarian that liberals only need to create a anti-suicide campaign for them to commit mass suicide.

>Breaking into a cartel industry is possible

>And because liberals and reddit's against NN.
>If the reddit/liberals told them *not* to jump off a building, they still would just to spite them.
A false equivalency is not an argument.

In my country for example we theoretically have NN but it isn’t enforced. So phone companies let you use WhatsApp for free without paying for a data plan. NN proponents are saying that this is illegal based on our current regulations, and it most likely is but as I said this law isn’t being enforced.
What this means is that other messaging services pretty much cannot compete and WhatsApp has a monopoly on phone messages.
Imagine this but in a larger scale, with Netflix requiring a premium price or maybe the opposite, Netflix being far cheaper giving them a monopoly on movie streaming.
One particular ISP will throttle your bandwidth if they see that you are downloading torrents or if you are using too much bandwidth in general. And they are getting away with it. Because our current president is an American lover I’m pretty sure he’s just gonna have that law abolished in no time.

Some shills are even defending it, saying that you wouldn’t expect to drive on a highway without paying a toll. So I guess it’s all going to shit, but hopefully I’m just being overly pessimistic

I can’t believe how Trump decided this was a good thing, considering how much he said he was on people’s sides. I guess he was just another lying corporate plant, the worst part is that I believed him

>dat gif

Can we identify everyone in it? There's the pizza gate girl. Some cuck with a Neo-Nazi hair cut. Who are the other two?

Fucking finally. Thank you.

pre-NN isps were caught throttling and blocking stuff they didn't like. this then began to expand further when media creators began joining with media distributors and isps all under roof where it makes sense to put your competition at a disadvantage.

that is the implication. isps will start off playing the good guy and the victim and they will use that excuse to fuck you over with data caps and shit happening behind the scenes

the arguments against NN saying it is just too much MUH GOBERMENT or that it hurts competition are flat out incorrect

why do his lips look like a worn out asshole?

>pre-NN isps were caught throttling and blocking stuff they didn't like
they can do what they like, its their wires and infrastructure
dont like it? go with a different isp or start your own. not a municipal one of course

>paying a toll to drive on the highway
Which barbarian country would do such a thing?

that isn't an argument in the real world, tools like you keep using it and i dont think you understand what you are saying

Fuck the government, let's trust the corporations!
Fuck the corporations, let's trust the government!

>dont like it? go with a different isp or start your own.
This is not an option most of the time. There's an inelastic demand for internet.

That’s where you’re wrong. For example the land where the wires are laid is owned by the citizens. So if they get something from the people, they should give something back.

left are all fucking BOUGHT by corporations, idiot

The only people who support title 2 got shilled to hell by google

>dont like it? go with a different isp or start your own. not a municipal one of course

I don't know what's worse, republishits using this excuse for everything they fuck up for normal people, or the normal people believing them and continuing to vote for them

I'm a republican, but you're a republitard. I cannot stand people like you, you're just as bad as antifa retards. You think ISPs don't get shit from the government ie. from taxpayers? Well they do. At least before they were forced to play by some rules, but now they were given free reign to do anything. You're just agreeing to it because daddy Trump is behind it.
If it had been Obongo or Hillary you would be protesting for NN right now. kys

>What if your electric company didn't charge you kw/h for your samsung air conditioner and did for everyone else?

Then you should like them, since the American right is all about sucking corporate dick.

>we want technocratic government ruled by experts!
>not those experts, our experts!

how could they even do that? do you know how power meters work?

Do you know what smart meters are? Welcome to 2017 kid.

The analogy still stands.

That's a pretty good explanation actually.

u live in a fantasy world of liberal memes

>republitard doesn't understand hypothetical cases
i see why you think these new regulations are alright, i guess you just follow daddy trump like a little duck following his mom

Smart meters can't tell what device is using power, your analogy is shit.

I didn't even vote for trump you tard, ajit is just a fucking baller

He didn't make a single stance in his post other than American left and right are both broken

You don't even know what we are talking about. Go back to whatever hole you came from and only come back when you know the basics of what is being talk about you mongoloid.

you said baller, you're so hip and cool
but tell me, what makes you like these corporations so much? is it the funny commercials? or is it just peer pressure?

>left are all fucking BOUGHT by corporations, idiot

>Insurance companies wanted the ACA
>cable companies wanted to be force to stop blocking netflix
>banks wanted to stop making millions on predatory lending

You're a fucking idiot

What is stopping an electric company from implementing it? The appliance manufacturers would then integrate it into their newest smart device.

The analogy stands, you are a tool. Come up with a real response instead of a 'they can't do that!', because that is not a real argument.

P-Pol told me s-so!

>Insurance companies wanted the ACA
They wrote it
>cable companies wanted to be force to stop blocking netflix
Cable companies love their unregulated monopolies
>banks wanted to stop making millions on predatory lending
lol predatory lending fucking liberal memes crashed the economy giving gibs to non-whites

Pretty much this.

tell me how they can know what device you're using on the meter

big corporations (google, netflix, et al) are the ones shilling for pro-title2. freedom lovers like ajit pai supports an open internet that we had before 2015.

integrate what into their smart device? do you know how AC outlets work? it would be easy as fuck to reverse and get free power for bitcoin mining.

Respond to the hypothetical instead of trying to divert.

>freedom lovers like ajit pai supports an open internet that we had before 2015

This is a pasta that's is being used a lot recently. Talk to your boss. The script they send to you are already dire and people are growing suspicious.

I would love if they did something like that so I could get free power to mine bitcoins

>They wrote it
The ACA is romneycare

>Cable companies love their unregulated monopolies
They sure do now that republisharts have removed anything standing in the way

>lol predatory lending fucking liberal memes crashed the economy giving gibs to non-whites
Liberals weren't in control of shit when the bubble popped.

That isn't the argument, stop trying to slide.

What is the argument?

>The ACA is romneycare
Ah so it was the corporate loving Republicans who created ACA huh ? Guess you are ok with getting rid of it?

>Liberals weren't in control of shit when the bubble popped.
They blocked any attempt to fix things, and they created the problem

read it again
It is pretty obvious what it is saying.

I will reply for him because he's not going to answer. If Trump, Sup Forums and his buddies over at r/The_Donald supported power throttling, he would defend it. If on the other hand it were a Democrat official trying to get the new power metering regulations passed, he would of course protest the new regulations.
He doesn't think, he's a drone who does as he is told by his peers.

that would be fantastic, and nobody would care since a fan takes very little power

ah, the extremely enlightened user who gets all his opinions from google shills

air conditioner not a fan, and it would not be fantastic it would be total bullshit

guy would literally eat trumps shit if he could have access to it.

>6 posts didn't catch the sarcasm
You're too high IQ for this board.

why do redditcucks and tumblrwhales like this idiot?

Net neutrality is a set of principles which roughly describe how ISPs must treat consumer data and general user access. For example, I as an ISP cannot throttle packets going to Sup Forums in favor of those going to partnered websites such as Zuckbook. With the internet and ISP companies considered public utilities it prevents ISP's from preventing access based on their personal preferences which gives users full access to all information available rather than approved sources of information. Anyone else remember when AT&T blocked Sup Forums or tried to prevent users from using FaceTime from their iPhones on their data connection that they already pay for. Without Title II, there is nothing to prevent companies from doing just this.

found the shill. fuck off, my guy