This thing ended up in my hands

This thing ended up in my hands.
What should I do with it?
Some specs
Model: Asus Eee 1000HE
HDD: 160GB
Processor: 1.66 GHz Intel Turbo N2840
Pre-installed OS: WinXP

It is old and shitty. I can't really think of any use for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

install ubuntu, hook up a proper HDD and use as a personal server.

>install gentoo, hook up a proper HDD and use as a personal server

Return it back deshawn

I did put a SSD in mine and I use it as a travel computer.
Also, have a windows aside my main system to use it with ELM327.

max out the ram and drop in a SSD and it'll be decent for web browsing.

That model even supports 64bit windows 10

Download ZSnes

>Processor: 1.66 GHz Intel Turbo N2840
that's incorrect
you've got the wrong specs
the N2840 is a chip from 2014, the 1000HE is a netbook from 2009

This thing would take a month to compile the kernel

Install arch or Ubuntu server

It can run windows 7 just fine, along with office 2013 and most games from gog. I've been using similar configs for years when travelling to third word shitholes.

>most games from gog
no it wouldn't
you can barely run fallout 1 on one of these things

Install Xubuntu.
NES and shitposting machine ready!

just scrap it

i got an eee901 cant be used for shit anymore
too slow

Install Gentoo, just build the packages on a faster machine.

Depends on usage habits. 300 tabs and fierce random multitasking won't work, obviously.

You are right. Sorry guys.
I actually got the N280

with how badly coded websites are these days you wont be able to do shit on it

thought so
honestly that notebook is borderline unusable
i use it for multihour transit rides with a broadcom crystalhd so it can play back video without choking but other than that it's useless

Are you retarded? I played fallout on a pentium 1 with 32mb of ram and 1gb of disk space. Any netbook from 10 years ago can run all the games from /vr/ butter smooth without breaking 5% cpu usage.

Install KolibriOS


>This thing would take a month to compile the kernel
More like just under a couple of hours. I've done it on an EeePC 1001px.

Upgrade the memory to 2GiB, install Debian, use a lightweight WM, and use it as a netbook.

Even gnome is semi-bearable.

i have a 1005ha running arch linux. also has the n280.
the battery life is insane and it's a beast despite it's clock speed. still kicking today. only problem is that charging cable. i've replaced it 3 times and it's like they come from the factory fucked.
^ this

>install UNIX System V, hook up a proper HDD and use as a personal server

you could install lubuntu and buy an sdr receiver like one of these

listen in and record all types of radio frequency

Use custom dwm and some light webbrowser like dwb.
Use Zram.
Replace gnome apps with light Lubuntu ones.

it's so cute

X131e with 16gb of ram, mSata ssd, usb 3.0 and Intel 1.9 Ghz is much cuter.

>Intel 1.9GHz
This means nothing

This dual core beats all Atoms and netbook APUs to the pulp.

I'm not saying it's not a decent CPU, simply that just the brand and clock means jack shit. List a fucking model.

Intel Core i3 (3rd Gen) 3227U / 1.9 GHz

That's pretty cool. I've been using an old shortwave radio receiver for this. I assume this dongle can do the same? Do I need to look for a specific model for good driver support?

That's a newer Atom though. The Eee PC 1000 models came with a single core 32bit Atom CPU.

Install Debian without X and roleplay 90s hacker

Install Damn Small Linux and hope for the best

why do you have to be contrarian
why can't they both be cute
why is your penis so small

I still have a 1015PE buried somewhere. I loved that netbook format. Stopped using it only after chrome dropped 32bit support and many other applications followed. Was good at uni because it had a functional keyboard, it was light, small, portable, ideal for a backpack and had little power consumption.
If you don't have any other computer beside your main one then keep it as an emergency spare - it doesn't take up much space after all. I'm thinking of repurposing mine as a print server.
>i've replaced it 3 times and it's like they come from the factory fucked
I had more trouble with the plug, which was soldered directly into the board (I hate when laptops do that)
I literally drilled a hole in the case and soldered a wire with a male plug (female on the charger end) into mine.

grab an antenna and your good to go. depends on your kit but you can receive a wide range of frequencies and do things like track satellites, detect meteors and a lot of other things!

any pointers where to start for someone who has a dvb-t usb dongle and wants to play with it?

I've also got an old netbook and wanted to install Arch on it but Arch no longer supports i686...

Yeah, a first gen Atom netbook is equivalent to a pretty killer Pentium 4/Athlon XP rig

Ooh, my CPU model. Can you post your RAM usage stats? Also, explain
> Akoocheemoya

> that pic
Yeah, that's what I'm sayin'!

Turn it in to a Chromebook

There's still Arch32.


The counter is broken right?

> the battery life is insane
What do you mean by "insane"? How much an Atom can possibly last on a charge? There is no netbook from before the 2012 that can break the 2,5 hours mark unless it sleeps.

>the battery life is insane
I wish it were for me, too.
Did you buy a new battery? Is there anyone who still sells them?

something like this might work, depending on your device

Throw it into the trash and get superior Intel Gemini Lake notebook

throw it away, it's light and small, won't take up much space in the landfill.

Not him but look it up on Aliexpress.

Are they any good?
All non-original batteries i've ever bought turned out to be crap

What makes you say that? I had one from 2010 very similar to OP's that lasted 6+ hours. I didn't even bother with the charging cable for weekend trips, it was enough for a couple movies on the train and catching up on my emails.

You'd be able to run, say, Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City/San Andreas, Morrowind, Halo 1, KOTOR, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Diablo 2.

Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 would boot and kinda sorta run but would probably get FPS in the teens too often.

heh look at the bottom left corner in

>released in 1989
>7mhz 8088 CPU, 640KB RAM, 640x200 display
>battery life: 50 to 100 hours idle, 10 to 20 hours under full load

Hey i used to have that one. I still have a msi wind 100 or something lol. Recently installed Windows 7 ultimate and stripped everything to make it a bit speedy. What's a lightweight browser though? Firefox seems like shit

>says 1gb of ram is insufficient to run fallout 1
[millenial detected]
underage b&?

you could run fallout 1 on a calculator lol.

300 tabs? That's some serious hoarding mentality or OCD

Using Qupzilla on mine.

Can confirm, totally worth it.

Eeepc 900HD is my main pc, work good for my with Xubuntu.

Hello there, fellow 1 GB RAM user.

>Are they any good?
I bought a 7800 mAh battery on Aliexpress for my EeePC and it worked pretty well. Chink batteries are hit and miss, I guess I could have been lucky. I got 10+ hours with light use.

Upgrade the ram dood

I use only half of it with Chromium. No need to upgrade.

>There is no netbook from before the 2012 that can break the 2,5 hours mark unless it sleeps
Complete bullshit.

Asus 1215n
Atom 1.8 Ghz
320 GB 5400 HD
Custom Kernel + grsec
Packages compiled: -O3 march=atom
Java + eclipse
ungoogled chromium
Camera cover

Mine runs pihole and is Xubuntu.

Install CloverOS

how do you even use this

phones are more powerful nowdays
and websites are bloated as fuck

I got a x230 and that basically replaces my eee901

max out the ram and use it as a small server for any multiplayer games you wanna play with friends, if you have any
