I thought Sup Forums was the home of cyber vigilantes...

I thought Sup Forums was the home of cyber vigilantes, the fight against the status quo and the rebellion against governments, corporations and organizations who try to silence discourse.

What happened? Why did all the rebellious nature of Sup Forums completely die in favor of bring lapdogs and bootlickers?

Never in my 12+ years of being here would I imagine seeing so many people across so many boards fight against net neutrality.
If this was 2008 we would be ddosing the FCC website and having a real campaign of our own, yet it seems like people either are too cynical to care or are actually celebrating this.
What happened to the Sup Forums culture? Has Sup Forums just become the opposite of Reddit? Where we do things differently then them just to be contrarians even at our own peril?

Other urls found in this thread:


Tits or gtfo

>What happened? Why did all the rebellious nature of Sup Forums completely die in favor of bring lapdogs and bootlickers?
Their meme man got elected into office.

We got invaded by alt right spammers who now think that they own this place. That's what happened.


Sup Forums happened. The alt right scourge infected every major board on this site.

We're still here, believe me. I've been here since 2006. I've been doing everything I possibly can to fight this. I've sent letters. I've made phone calls. I've protested in person. I've recruited friends and relatives. I've donated money. I'm not giving up now that this has happened. Our best hopes now rest with a successful lawsuit. I donated my bitcoin profits to EFF this morning.

Don't give up on Sup Forums just because the /r/The_Donald tier morons post here now. Ignore them and keep fighting for a free Internet.

I will remember you, user.

kek too late faggot, all your efforts and money were in vain as of today

Wow all of this for a non issue.
>I didn't choose the autism life, the autism life chose me

All started when moot brought back Sup Forums and /r9k/ then left. It all went downhill once the stormfront faggots found refuge in Sup Forums and used gamergate as the redpill to convert Sup Forums to what it is now.

Face it, the Sup Forums we knew is dead. This place is a far-right staging ground now.

"Net neutrality" is anti freedom. Vive la Net neutrality!

this is the truth.

>I've protested in person

that's the reason this site has sucked for a long time

hai guize lets all protest scientology and take habbo raids to irl meet ups for autists

>FCC says they are going to approve NN in 2015
>everybody hates it

>FCC says they are going to repeal NN in 2017
>everybody hates it

>The Sup Forums we knew
Fuck off, you're all a bunch of newfags, I've been here since 2001.

I think this is going to be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of longtime users. before you could kind of sit in small threads and keep away from most of the shit but this has shown just how out numbered actual Sup Forums posters are.

Yeah, this place got flooded with a fuckton of circlejerking edgelords whose arsenal of words got reduced down to Normie, SJW, cuck and special snowflake that they're using for everything they evenre minorly disagree with, feeling all individual and cool while they don't realize how embarrassing it has become by now, bonus points if they sprinkle some “nihilistic intelligence“ into it. While I do miss this place how it was years ago, I'm also glad that I don't nearly spend as much time online anymore nowadays.

I cringe. You're playing right into their hands.

Ofc m8, ofc.

why the fuck is everyone constantly shilling this autistic fuck
like im suppose to know who "weev" is and if hes done something important.
If it was geohot maybe, but fuck you.
>i cant think for myself so heres this guy who thinks for me



Obviously the people who oppose net neutrality also feel like they're rebelling against government and corporate authority
Solipsistic moral appeals and dead Reddit memes are no substitute for an actual argument

Watch the video instead of finding reasons to justify not doing so. You might learn something, Steve.

Nah mate, probably quite a few long time users will quit, but this place is more resilient than anyone can think, once the meme president gets impeached stormfags will be salty for a bit, then will slowy fade away and will be seen as outcasts even in this hellhole that is this site. In my opinion, it's not what it is now, but what this site will evolve into that will determine the permanence of a lot of users

It's now home to the pol/cucks. Lords of the status quo

By the way, not only moot but also the mods share their part of guilt for the state of things on this 4th channel

When people trying to manipulate public opinion realized that there were highly influential communities online that were mostly centered around contrarian and rebellious ideologies, they started specifically designing part of their public messaging to incorporate it. The same outrage fever and tribalism began to infect these places in the same way it does everywhere else.

The most effective tactic in controlling information about a particular topic is to sow discord and offer yourself as the only clear voice on the issue. This works for any community- Sup Forums too. it happened here as soon as the people financially motivated to push these agendas noticed that we were a large enough collection of people to be influenced.

Our growth and our periodic success at self-organizing for previous activities of our own choosing painted a target on our back, and we couldn't resist the influence of manipulative participants any better than other communities.


You are the one who is playing right into the hands of the ISPs. And why should I trust some random neckbeard?

Enjoy paying 10$ for the new "sites packs". Can't wait for the ISPs to throttle this place so bad that dial-up seem like it was from the future.

>increasingly nervous man proclaims Plompf's impeachment "just around the corner!"

All it took for Sup Forums to fall in love with big corporations was realizing that Reddit disliked them. Combine that with Shareblue shills who invaded during the election, and you get the current state of Sup Forums.

Reddit is literally a corporation you stupid fuck
You need to go back there

>realizing that Reddit disliked them

Bullshit. Sup Forums didn't support SOPA even thhough they complained about the protests, mainly because Reddit spilled over here during the blackout.

Sup Forums and the resulting astroturfing made Sup Forums what it is today. Bringing Sup Forums back made us a target.

Rednecks from Sup Forums literally destroyed this place. You can't have another opinion or else Sup Forums larpers come here and spew their retarded agenda. Just fuck off back there.

If Reddit defended Verizon and Comcast, Sup Forums wouldn't shill for them. The anti-NN cocksucking around here is proof that all those anti-Google and anti-Facebook posts are an act - Sup Forums loves nothing more than corporate control.

>people that never read a book on free market thinking they know what free market is because they did a 2min google search
fucking leftists

h3ll0 r3dd1t

>I can't spew uninformed opinions about politics or economics anymore without someone arguing against them
You poor poor man

Lefties noticed Sup Forums during the election and started coming in en masse, and they love a strong government/corporate hand that can punish those fake news and hate speech websites.

>people enjoy things
>"fucking autists"

it's just boring, any post that doesn't fit the hivemind is instantly spammed with one or more of the following
>look at this video/blog post from a screeching retard

>What happened to the Sup Forums culture? Has Sup Forums just become the opposite of Reddit? Where we do things differently then them just to be contrarians even at our own peril?

Unironically people do this.

>starting with a ad hominem

>Local monopolies are an example of a free-market economy

Trumpists are going to take gold in the next olympic mental gymnastics

>If it was geohot maybe, but fuck you.
Luke Smith talked about it on a livestream recently. He's opposed to net neutrality and said he was going to make a video on it soon. If you don't want to listen to weev, maybe you'll listen to him.

If you want to have a political argument then take it to Sup Forums
Stop acting surprised when your teenage marxoid ideas about the world aren't universally accepted on blue boards

Wow this thread reeks of reddit circlejerking.

Mods are asleep.

I have no interest in political arguments they are forced on me when ever someone formats their post incorrectly and we all have to sit through the "reee reddit spacing" meme for the n'th time

> Implying the alt-right is well informed

Please don't put us in the same lump as redditpol.

You forgot


Being a Sup Forumstard outside of Sup Forums should be a bannable offense, tbqh.

>country has a bunch of anti-free market laws like NN
>"WOAH! look at these monopolies"

>If this was 2008
This isn't 2008 anymore, grandad.

>any post that doesn't fit the hivemind is instantly spammed with..

It's called flamed, newfag. And it's because you're not subtle at all. You are so obviously a shill, it's absurd.


Sup Forums isn't a place for activism, go to one of the various image boards that aren't infested by normies.

1. they fucked off during occupy because it was clear that it failed (despite hacking nyc cops like they are a bunch of noobs(iirc they did this because of the 4noraison beating the shit out of random protestors))
2. anonymous was a mistake

You, are a reddit shill who came here in order to try to make us suck your redditor dick. Sup Forums is against net neutrality because Sup Forums is pro FREE MARKET. You havent been here for 12 years, although i presume you may be 12 years of age.

Permaban every BACK TO POL/REDDIT screecher and the problem will be fixed in 2 weeks.

It's funny how you faggots accuse people with different opinions as being Redditors, when r/the_donald is the place where you've come from to invade us.

>ddos the FCC over the literal nonissue behind why our internet is shit
>end up in jail for literally no reason
>news: the hacker known as Sup Forums is behind bars

>having opinions I don't like should be bannable
Hello r*ddit!

>a real campaign
>the Sup Forums culture
>Never in my 12+ years
Sure thing, chanology shitter. Arriving here in an earlier wave of cancer than the Sup Forums chucklefucks doesn't exactly lend you authority

Fucking thank you, like how the hell are there Sup Forumsentlemen who actually think any of this is good.

12 years ago was when the massive influx of summerfags came to Sup Forums wasn't it?

Your a true, user. Fuck these fakes.

>I thought Sup Forums was the home of cyber vigilantes, the fight against the status quo and the rebellion against governments, corporations and organizations who try to silence discourse.
you thought wrong

If you oppose net neutrality how the fuck is that rebellious? do you just not know what your talking about? By opposing/removing it, your letting the government sit on your fucking shoulder you pleb.

Jesus I just woke up and you guys are still on this shitflinging?
When best korea leader will wipe america btw? I can't stand you niggers spamming these threads on Sup Forums at least go make them on Sup Forums instead so you can enjoy your board while you can before the webocaust.

It's not about having opinions, it's about spewing your alt right propaganda on boards that have nothing to do with politics. Fucking off yourself asshole.

he means opposing the abolition of net neutrality. the term 'net neutrality' is just a bzzword at this point

net neutrality is both political and tech related. Sorry you dont get your echo chamber user.

>monopolies just sprang up in 2 years

And the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to...

for someone claiming to come here for over a decade you sure are newfagging really hard

>it's propaganda if it hurts my feelings
and I'm not an alt-right sweetie (nice buzzword), I'm a national socialist.

So many soyboys in this thread

pretending to be a nazi is stereotypical alt-right behaviour

You're the user we should all strive to be



go lynch some jews, then i'll believe you

>mfw newfags pretending to be oldskool but talking about reddit and Sup Forums and don't know what chanology is
get off my lawn!


Sup Forums doesn't do any of that because it is now considered childish, because redd*t copied it. Sup Forums doesn't do raids, doesn't do DDoS, doesn't do anything harmful, because it's childish and XD RANDUMB REBBIT, or so they think, they have been effectively neutered and castrated for more than 7 years now. And if you make any mention of a raid, a DDoS, or anything else, you get told to go back to Sup Forums, ironic XD LOLL EPIC replies, or to go back to redd*t.

Basically imagine a swole guy with a lot of weapons, and then he got a neighbor who is retarded and likes all of that, so the swole guy give up all his weapons and muscles just to not look like him to give himself a self-fulfilled sense of elitism. "Oh no, I don't do that, I'm not a redditor."

raiding and ddosing is childish though you fucking retard

>And if you make any mention of a raid, a DDoS, or anything else, you get told to go back to Sup Forums, ironic XD LOLL EPIC replies, or to go back to redd*t.
That's always been the case

FUck off shill, NN is dead and there's nothing you can do to save it

>things that actually have effect on the world and can push people to react are childish returd XD
>crying on Sup Forums while being a good gentlesir who doesn't do anything harmful is where it's at!
You'll go places in life.
If the proposal was retarded or personal army request, yes. But a good cause would get support on 2007-2009 Sup Forums, not anymore.

I don't even give a fuck about NN, I'm just stating how Sup Forums turned into soyboyland.

This has always been true. What's changed is the stormfront faggots found refuge here in numbers whereas before neopol they were few and far between.

Sup Forums was fucking childish

I'm one of those "stormfront faggots" or whatever boogeyman you're refering to. Sup Forums has been always more racist than you think you cockmongler, I've been here since 2006.

We are living the most SJW period of Sup Forums ever, so maybe it's time for you to get a new boogeyman.

Yes, thanks to meme spouting retards such as yourself

Everyone blames Sup Forums, and Sup Forums isn't exactly innocent, but this started happening years ago. I think I noticed a major increase in the "Not your personal army" shit in 2010. I remember being surprised at this because it was just a year after Sup Forums and Sup Forums had fun vote spamming a couple of Gamespot polls. I think it was a mixture of terrible new people who never belonged on Sup Forums, and the contrarianism warping so far that everyone became corporate bootlickers.

This is so paradoxical. Op is calling for more goverment regulation in the name of anarchism.

Comparing NN to other massive government regulation is like saying that a law that makes slavery illegal is somehow imposing on our freedom.

fire muh lazor wouldn't even work anymore if im not mistaken, and in contrast one person can cause a traffic cascade if you know how these days.
and not your army doesn't mean people wouldn't do the same thing if shit hit the fan and it was needed. one does not simply fuck with the internet.

2005er here. like you I've done a lot.

Also guys remember to get your attorney generals involved. 19 states are involved right now in suing the FCC make sure yours is on the list. NYC AG will help with any info you need to get your shitty state on the bandwagon. I threatened my state to do it or I'd flood the streets with email links to them.

For the decade i've been here, anons have never before believed the government to have their best interests at heart. If you believed in the angsty anarchy, the general throwing of pipes in gears, the distain for "big brother", then why now campain so hard for more policy?

>We are living the most SJW period of Sup Forums ever

You're so fucking closed in on your Sup Forums bubble that you have no idea what the outside looks like. We're the furthest thing from SJW on the internet.

Sup Forums has always been a lot of things. loli threads on Sup Forums, gay/drug threads on Sup Forums, waifus on Sup Forums, whatever the fuck /jp/ likes to get up to, but collectively white supremacist and supportive of government not a fucking chance.

Sup Forums want to start a civil war so they are trying turn lives of burgers in hell.
Also, maskfag are fagoot too.