You guys promised nothing will happen when NN gets removed. You guys promised we can laugh at dumb redditors and this has nothing to do with us. You guys promised ISPs won't start being greedy jews again like they where before 2015.
Luke Brown
>make Internet accessible to low income families Good. Niggers dont deserve free internet.
Jonathan Gomez
Kind of ignoring the other 2 points aren't you?
Matthew Taylor
Fuck poor people
Cooper Moore
Those first two still happened under NN. The 3rd one is a good thing.
Christopher Sullivan
Has anything happened?
Owen Anderson
fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on NN deniers.
anything obama did trump will destroy it whether it is good or bad.
in this case it's a bad, bad move.
Elijah Gonzalez
You guys promised ISPs won't start being greedy jews again like they where before 2015.
Lol what? They were Jews before net neutrality, during net neutrality and after net neutrality. What the fuck are you talking about. It also has nothing to do with us. Go back to /r/netneutrality
Colton Sullivan
make internet available to everyone for free im pretty sure we can afford this if we take the money from illegal immigrant children healthcare
Bentley Diaz
hur poor people don't deserve equal access to the internet dur Man this is the most un-american thing you can say. America is the land of equal opportunities, trump shills are so gullible and blinded by hate it's a shame.
Carson Diaz
Equal opportunities doesn't mean giving everyone free Shit. It means you can succeed equally to everyone if you work hard enough, with no discrimination
Christian Martinez
>Believing anything the government or big corps say
Brandon Sullivan
Its not only Trump supporters, but the whole idea that being poor is only the fault of the individual when in reality its much more complicated than that. Funny though since Sup Forums is mostly full of poor people that rely on the used market to get their computers. (ThinkPads etc.)
Zachary Scott
Cameron Foster
Im upper middle class and i hate the poor
Leo Martinez
I'm lower class scum and I'm going to kill all the middle class!
Liam Hughes
It's easy to make money nowadays.
Ethan Perry
yeah, try and succeed in 2018 without an high speed internet connection
it's like saying "these poor people don't deserve schools or public transportation, that'll teach them"
that's just ridiculous.
Luis Flores
>ayy goy! buy our server package that's $500/mo for that 50/50mbps bandwidth!
Logan Diaz
Doesnt really matter how much money I have I still buy used. Its never worth it to buy new things.
Jayden Nelson
>promises that's not how it works, retard
Ayden Brooks
>tfw net neutrality in burgerland was a joke
Caleb Price
>It also has nothing to do with us. Go back to /r/netneutrality Whole Sup Forums was full of the reddit mascot pictures with text "ahah reddit fags will lose NN, what paranoid snowflakes, nothing will happen trust me". You haven't been on Sup Forums for the past week?
David Harris
was born in a middle class neighborhood, raised in a wealthy household, with good health care, went to a good school, always had good computers and access to TV channels and the internet.
>denies that to poor people because they're poor. >hur anyone can succeed equally
lol quit your bullshit already. you don't know anything about hard work.
Jonathan Torres
>was born in a middle class neighborhood, raised in a wealthy household, with good health care, went to a good school, always had good computers and access to TV channels and the internet. >but but you don't know anything about hard work. Tell me again how you used to sleep in random places and work your ass off for food while still trying to go to school when you where 16.
Tyler Jackson
Libraries exist. Last time I checked, working at the McDonald's doesn't need internet. Man up and pay for shit. Weird, cause I grew up $9000 dollar below the poverty line in Pennsylvania. Fuck off with that bullshit. There was many times I didn't have cable, internet, or food. Fuck off, projector.
Jaxon Powell
>listening to Sup Forums
Noah Robinson
Nice to see Sup Forums full of good goys who know the dangers of anti semitic smears against NN
Carson Young
What is Comcast Business?
Cooper Young
>I'm so poor I had to work and go to school up hill both ways >I was poor but now Im not now by baseless anecdote is proof that anyone can because I want to be hyper reductive and disregard complex amalgamations of society on why many people can't and don't "get rich"
>therefore because I didn't do something outside of my anecdote that means I don't need it and it doesn't exist
Aiden Green
>you don't know anything about hard work. I'm quite certain you know absolutely nothing about hard work, yes.
Evan Robinson
Obama's admin never enforced nn you fuckin idiot. Under it, isps literally could throttle by website.
Anthony Myers
Real big words don't make your retarded argument look better.
Asher Morris
>You guys promised nothing will happen when NN gets removed. And nothing did happen.
Connor Rodriguez
Boohoo, a Hindu man shat on your internet rights.
There are people literally STARVING right now. You have NOTHING to complain about.
Henry Gomez
No one needs high speed internet. Fetching text doesn't require fast speed.
Nathan Wood
Yeah, they just removed this for kicks. No way they will do something related to removing those promises.
Jayden Williams
Real fucking stupid posts about how poverty tier you were in another life doesn't magically mean anything
Andrew Carter
I'm genuinely curious. Are you one of those autistic people with a laptop from 2004 and use Linux exclusively?
Anthony Martinez
They were allowed to do those things beforehand.
Brandon Peterson
>itt r donald and jew shills try turning Sup Forumss opinon which wont ever happen only fucking retards that dont know anything, say nn is bad, muh 2015 laws, muh its good for liburals an shiettt to lose netflix its only that group that uses the internet, muh based street shitter. Your the niggers even niggers would be smart enough to say this shit is bad.
Xavier Long
back to tumblr you shitstain
Sebastian Gutierrez
>implying we can do anything about that shit let the fucking army take care of this, africa is also being supplied with food from the chinese and us at the same time.
Ryder Carter
I'll to repeat myself: nothing happened. When anything like this does happen, let me know.
t. Person living in a country that never had net neutrality and who is doing fine.
Robert Gomez
If you don't use Linux almost all the time, you don't belong on Sup Forums
Wyatt Taylor
Another life? What the fuck are you talking about? >durr you cant prove anything so you cant prove me wrong and I cant prove you right ;;;;)))))
Thomas Evans
what country do you live, be honest tell me how many isps do you have, how many gbs do you get, and how much do you pay.
Kevin Lee
>TFW Portugal has EU net neutrality >TFW Portuguese ISP breaks net neutrality
Ryder Martinez
Mobile plan, bait harder.
Logan Jones
I pay a ton because it's a family package that includes 4 cellphones, each with a 2GiB data cap. 100Mb/s download, 10Mb/s upload. Television included with something like 120 channels, Idk I barely watch TV. And a landline. I think it's something like 80 euros/month.
I live in Portugal, 2 major ISP's almost everywhere.
Most people who post that image have no clue what it's about. It's a completely optional package where you pay extra to have those services excluded from your data cap. So you could access 1 Petabyte of Snapchat for som ungodly reason for 5$ or something. However, the implication is that you have to pay to access those websites at all, which simply doesn't happen.
Juan Bailey
American "net neutrality" allowed throttling and limiting access?
What a joke.
Isaac Campbell
Of course it did. Throttling has nothing to do with Net Neutrality as long as you throttle traffic regardless of what it contains.
Ryan Bennett
>Person living in a country that never had net neutrality >Portugal You're part of EU and under EU NN laws. You don't even know this much about your own shithole?
>mobile internet Nice try.
Landon Mitchell
Portugal does not have Net Neutrality. The image you yourself posted proves that, they apply zero rating to certain services in a data cap. I don't know how we circumvented this, but it's pretty established, there was even a big argument regarding our status.
>nice try But it is for a mobile package. Did you seriously just post an image without knowing what it is?
Nathan Green
Are you retarded?
Adam Flores
>no counter-point >resorts to name-calling Better luck next time.
Grayson Harris
EU has NN, just not for mobile devices. Brainlet
Caleb Parker
Then my point stands, you moron, the image you posted regards a mobile plan.
Jackson Davis
I never said that.
Dylan Harris
>Internet access is human right
When did everyone become so obsessed with the internet? Back around 2008 when was in school my friends would always call me a douche for looking things up on the internet. Now its all people do is spend time on the internet.
Ryan Cooper
The most sheltered post on Sup Forums.
Aiden Smith
HEHEHE oy vey, I can't believe the goyim actually fell for our newest meme! >Yeah goyim, we paid millions of dollars for lobbying, buying the FCC and their poo-poo president and dragged our companies' reputations through the mud... because we want to offer you a better service! And for cheaper! Yeah, we actually want to make LESS money! Also, we'll DEFINITELY not put unknown traffic like VPNs on the slow lane ;) Just trust us;) Would we ever lie??? ;)
I can't elieve it. Schlomo was right about you. Just say "Obama Likes X, Trump hates it!" and you gentiles do whatever your masters demand! Oy gevalt.
Carson White
try and succeed in 2018 without a laptop. let's give people free laptops
try and succeed in 2018 without education. let's give everyone free higher education
try and succeed in 2018 without a car. let's give people free cars
wait... you mean those aren't actually free? they're being paid for by people who actually had personal responsibility? oops
Lincoln Powell
Because Google, Netflix, and Amazon (nor any of the literally hundreds of other internet based companies backing this) weren't in on any lobbying. I bet you don't even know about the CRM issue, or how that is the functional backbone of the whole issue that was being bitched about by the internet based companies. Net Neutrality is a meme and you're a fucking retard.
Carter Gutierrez
this I hope we cut out India from the Internet eventually
William Miller
I literally got my job by making a phone call on a 30-dollar smartphone with a fucking destroyed screen, I make $130K a year now traveling the country. Just dropped 2K on a brand new Threadripper 1950x rig all top shelf hardware and didn't bat an eye. I'm probably buying a house in 5 years and paying cash for it in full, what the fuck are you doing with your life?
Stop being poor.
Julian Jackson
Do you have a degree?
Isaac Reyes
Learn about a few things regarding the subject and come back. This is place for discussion not educating retards.
Isaiah Sanchez
I was born to an alcoholic illegal alien single mother and grew up without internet. Managed to go to community college and get a full time job with decent pay and benefits. No one needs high speed internet to succeed in life. 40 hours of youtube and netflix isn't helping anyone succeed. Hell it might be holding them back from being more productive. Also I'd pay extra money not just for my internet to be faster, but for the internet of others to be slower. I would have an express lane to the internet.
Gavin Rivera
As if they weren't getting fines for pulling shit like they did before title II.