why don't operating systems say something cute like "goodnight" or "cya tomorrow" when you shutdown?
Why don't operating systems say something cute like "goodnight" or "cya tomorrow" when you shutdown?
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Cortana is bad enough as-is
I don't want to be turned on by my little computer...
Cause making people attached to a computer by making it seem human makes people less likely to toss it and buy more.
Fucking goyim.
the little dings and tunes we used to have filled that purpose
I guess you could make a little script to do that on Unix/Linux OSes
also is this a cuteness thread?
Because Linux can do it...
because your computer doesn't care, just like your parents.
My little computer can't be this cute.
Cause itd make jerking off in front of it weird Id it had a personality.
i don't get it
is that some sort of halo reference?
Same voice actress.
tis a fucking machine
>Not having a OS you can customize to do exactly that
>tfw wrote a terminal waifu in C
Because they're not designed to be used by socially retarded neets
>Because they're not designed to be used by socially retarded neets
But lunix is a thing.
My Windows Phone does
mine does
What are some cute things you've seen programs do?
winrar suggested that i buy it
it was adorable every time
cowsay is pretty cute
Why don't you code a little script yourself
>alias poweroff = "mpv cya.mp3 & poweroff"
I want my computer to sound like Charles Manson
This device says "Goodbye, see you!" on screen when you power it down.
Some user posted his student website that generated a bunch of emojiis in the style of: ヾ ( •̀ ᴥ •́ ) و
It eventually got taken down though.
Kirie is best girl.
Because Cortana knows what you do on the internet and doesn't want to associate with you.
uhh just code it in yourself you moran
'98 used to...
If you ask Cortana to shut down your computer, she'll say something similar.
>lewding the little Lum
you deserve this
Can't you do this on Linux? Sounds pretty simple.
playing with daidouji.com
my gf kirie is so cute