wut de fuck is this thing meant for?
Wut de fuck is this thing meant for?
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That's for desoldering.
>not using solder wick
it's a spring loaded vacuum solder sucker. and as pointed out. it's for removing solder
>t. soldering newfag
FIRST you use the pump and afterwards you use solder wick, you dumbfuck
You suck the solder beads.
Not that useful since you can just use one of those braided copper wires to absorb and clean the area anyways.
Its for testing semen quantities in your feces.
>Not having a vacuum desoldering gun and hot air rework station.
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
Wick is for cleaning up after the desoldering tool or when you can't get with to the part with the tip.
Using wick alone just makes you waste money on wick.
Why the fuck are you using that much to make a difference? Do you normally try to solder wire coat hangers together?
Oh and Yank Doodle Dandies, it's pronounced "sole-der" not "sodder".
You really do get on my tit end when you come out with this shit.
installing gentoo
l2solder, nigger. I won't teach you
Soleder sounds retarded, I'd rather pronounce it wrong. Just like how I don't call SQL "sequel" or gif "jif"
You just say solder how its written you stupid imperialist fuck
If it was sodder they would have written it that way
Do you say "colonel" how it's spelled as well? Besides, as I've previously stated, I'd rather pronounce it wrong.
It's a solder sucker. It sucks solder, after it has been melted by a soldering iron.
the real question is, do you have -1 or +1 chromosome ?
I've got a standard set
you might be an idiot
go out fucking normie you don't have your place on Sup Forums
Actually I'm a genius.
If you don't know then you are going to waste a lot of money on solder wick
wow i'm impressed
I wonder about your transition from "Let me google that" to "Le me shitpost on /g"
What happened ?
>I wonder about your transition from "Let me google that" to "Le me shitpost on Sup Forums
What the fuck are you talking about?
it should have taken 10 seconds on google to figure out that you have a solder sucker.
but you posted on Sup Forums to find out and are still lurking?
I'm not OP, you fucking moron.
you're lurking on Sup Forums talking about how you don't want to pronounce "solder" correctly because it sounds stupid
feel free to call whoever you want a moron, but its not fooling anybody
>you're lurking on Sup Forums talking about how you don't want to pronounce "solder" correctly because it sounds stupid
Yes, and?
>feel free to call whoever you want a moron, but its not fooling anybody
Will do, moron. And who am I trying to fool?
you might be an idiot
>deciding to pronounce a word a certain way means you have low intelligence
That's not how that works.
Fucking Brits
It's aluminum not aluminium
>pronouncing in "soul-durr"
Who's the idiot here?
I stopped googling, there are enough newfags that do it for you only to fit in. Fucking newfags should do the slavework.
>tow when Americans call a Beef Wellington with Lettuce Ensemble a “hamburger”