fresh install of firefox. What extensions should I install?
Fresh install of firefox. What extensions should I install?
please respond
go to addons the second suggested is the only one you need
pocket and hello
Uninstall fireshit
Install Gentoo
cookie autodelete
uBlock origin
privacy badger
canvas defender
ublock origin, greasemonkey for Sup Forums x and any other userscript you might want (I use manga loader), and https everywhere.
The one where you kill yourself for supporting commies you dipshit nigger.
Shilling for antifafox. Fuck off
I have a good one but you need to unistall this shit browser first
Imagine lurking Sup Forums so fucking much that you think using a free browser is white genocide or whatever that's going in this dude's head.
get AdNauseum
Imagine using software from a group that openly supports this...
Stay a boot licker Lefty scum...the establishment loves your mouth on thier cock.
been using this. pretty snappy. feels faster than chrome actually.
you know you idiots have become a joke of yourselves at this point right? youre like the juggalos of politics now.
Ublock Origin (Activate all filters except Expermental, Mobile and the languages you don't need)
Optional: HTTPS Everywhere
That's it.
That's it.
like juggalos, they arent aware of how pathetic they are. Sup Forums should just be deleted and the ensuing shitposters banned
>What extensions should I install?
violentmonkey + Sup Forums X
ublock origin
Too bad half of the good addons don't work anymore and will never be able to work on this bullshit new Quantum garbage
Because Mozilla knows what you want more than you do! The user can't be trusted to know what features they like in a browser! Sidebars and add-on bars? Tabs below the address bar? No, what YOU want is Pocket! Take it now! Take it hard!
I thought firefox couldnt get this bad until this recent update. This is truly fucking garbage.
Go praise kek you fat autistic loser fuck.
>he doesn't want to have an evil corporation force a botnet browser down his throat to sell his data
You're a joke.
Install palememe/firefox esr.
Then get ublock origin, noscript, https everywhere, greasemonkey (plus Sup Forums x and oneechan). Get rid of pocket.