My mom just got this for my sister for Christmas...

My mom just got this for my sister for Christmas, and I'm laughing my ass off watching her scratch her head trying to understand why the charging port is on the bottom.

Is the an engineering reason why the port isn't on the front so you can charge and use it at the same time like every other mouse in existence with a USB port is it just Apple being contrarian and a special snowflake?

>muh form


>Full charge lasts 1 month
>9 hour charge when charging for 2 minutes and a 1 month charge when charging for a few hours

Give me one reason why it's unreasonable to set a few minutes aside to charge your mouse

They didn't want you to use it while charging. that's it. no other reason whatsoever. And Applefaggots defend it.

lol case in point

>i place my apple mouse in defense mode and end my turn

What if Apple put a port on the fucking backside of their keyboard so you have to turn it upside down to charge it.
>but just set it aside a few minutes aside to charge your mouse

bad design is bad design

and muh form

My Razer gayming mouse lets me charge while using it, and that's fucking sad when looking at this abomination.

A mactoddler has defended this.

There's no point in doing that with the current keyboard design because of the thickness required. Apple wanted the thinnest design possible for the new apple mouse so putting the port on the bottom wasn't an unreasonable decision.

I wouldn't be opposed to a new thinner Magic Keyboard with the port on the bottom, though


>there are chink mice just as thin with a port in front.

>argument invalidated, like most Applefags' arguments.


Imagine how ugly it would look to have a port on the front interrupting the seamless design. Sometimes form should trump convenient function



If you had ever used a wireless mouse you'd know that it runs out mid-usage.

Fuck. That.
Function over form. Any day.

>Is the an engineering reason why the port isn't on the front

they wanted it to look like a see-saw


>Sometimes form should trump convenient function
did you vote trump?

Its literally just for aesthetics, they didnt want the port visible.

that's the side of the mouse

Depressed region on the front of the mouse nobody would ever see would easily allow for a lightning bolt connector without sacrificing any form.

I can't keep it plugged in and not worry about charging

Example: Sidewinder X8
Ignore the fact this thing looks fucking retarded otherwise (and didnt work very well, but was comfy as hell) it has a brilliant charging-clip design that was even magnetic.
All I had to do with this thing to charge it was slide it over the cable and it'll magically click into place.

>convenient function
>can't use while charging

>reading comprehension

Looking at that mouse is giving me cancer. You are paying $79 for carpal tunnel and a shitty mouse experience if you buy this,

too be fair
apple mice have _always_ sucked


Simple answer guys. They wanted to switch from AA to rechargable, but didn't want to bother redoing the curved glass touchpad on top.
"Fuck it, we're taking out the battery cover anyway, if we're redoing the base regardless then just put it down there"
"But sir, how many sales do you think we'll loose because of this?"
"Literally fucking zero. Do it"

>Simple answer guys.

where's your answer for the girls

>Is the an engineering reason why the port isn't on the front so you can charge and use it at the same time like every other mouse in existence with a USB port
It's so that you can't leave the cable connected while using it, which would put wear-and-tear on the charging port.
That's it. That's the actual reason. I'm not saying it's a good reason or a bad reason. But that's the reason.

>apple fanboy denial bologna

>mouse runs out of charge when you're in the middle of something
>don't do a full charge b/c you don't have time
>forget to do a full charge when you're done using the computer
>mouse loses charge again in a few days, jump to step two


that's your fault innit?

it's been said long before

to prevent people from using it while charging


To force you to use it wireless

The reason is that they didn't want to do over the design of the original magic mouse. The magic mouse is too thin to be able to have a port in the front. The plastic reaches the end too, so they'd either have to make the clickable surface less or increase the size of the mouse.

Personally, I think they should have made it wirelessly chargeable from the bottom. You could buy a mousepad, or a dock for it, or even a QI powerpad to rest it overnight to charge. But Apple was way too much into the "we need to make lightning a viable port" business.

It's for aesthetic reasons. Like most stupid things with Apple products.
People defending the fact that it lasts a month have some kind of point but if the battery dies while using the mouse I'd be so mad at the stupid design I'd throw it against the wall and then in the garbage where it belongs. But that's just me.

a month? Maybe for the first month and even that is a fucking stretch. I use one of these pieces of shit at work and have to charge it ~4 days which is the same as my FAR better g403. I dearly wish it was compatible with mac so I could swap them

My Literally Any Other Mouse™ doesn't have this problem.

I can't even tell if this is a troll or a legit retard anymore. After I saw people defending the iPhone 4 fuckup years ago, I can't take any Applefags seriously anymore.

>Merry Christmas
>Here's the shitty Apple wireless mouse you always wanted

It might be that they know their userbase are mouthbreathing retards who would just leave the mouse plugged in all the time, raping the relatively tiny battery so they simply made it impossible. Also, as someone already said, it only needs a few minutes of charge to work several hours so it's not really that big of an issue.

This is pretty much the reason.

It's so you don't use it like a wired mouse, moron. I unironically agree with Apple on this one. They have a vision for the product.

Also you only have to charge it for all of five minutes

Macfags - defending the indefensible since 2003

>Give me one reason why it's unreasonable to set a few minutes aside to charge your mouse
Many tasks are time-sensitive. Losing the ability to use your mouse, suddenly, could be a massive problem. However the worst aspect is that this decision is completely unnecessary. In fact, allow me to counter with a question of my own:

Give me one reason why it's reasonable to set a few minutes aside to charge your mouse, when no other mouse needs to be set aside for this purpose?


because you shouldn't have to?

>raping the relatively tiny battery

You would think that a mouse would just charge the battery and then run directly off of the charger power until disconnected. I can almost understand phones not doing this because they can draw more power than some USB ports can deliver. A mouse should have no problem though.

>wired charging mouse
>can't use as wired mouse
Yes, sound like moron to me.


Hi Poojeets!

Batteries lose capacity with time, especially if it's apple's batteries. They simply don't want you to continue using the mouse when battery dies.


pretty much this

My guess is they didn't want to interrupt that continuous seam around the edge of the mouse. They could have just made the mouse thicker and kept the symmetry it has now without interrupting that seam, but making things thicker is a big no no. Also, I bet they don't want people using it as a wired mouse. A big part of Apple's brand image is being sleek and modern and a wired mouse doesn't fit into that brand at all now a days. Either way the ergonomics of that mouse are fucked. I used to have to use one pretty often when I was in school and I never got used to it. Some of the gestures were really useful but it's just not designed to fit in a human hand.

t. industrial designer

because no matter how badly they design their trash-tier products, retards will still buy them

Don't you remember ipads? Just buy two! Truly Apple never miss an opportunity to scalp their loyal customers a little further.

Merry Christmas to your imbecile sister.

Just buy two like a good goy.

iPads have had multitasking for years, although it took way too long to get it.

>people responded to this bait
The state of Sup Forums

They got me one of these at work, honestly the non ergo design is worse than the charging port. Can just charge it when I go home for the day, but I can see how it could get annoying if you wanted to use it 24/7

that doesn't even look like it would be comfortable to use for extended periods
i prefer a mouse with more of a humped back

Why would you let a consumer product company dictate how you use your mouse?


Holy shit

My HP Wireless Laser Comfort Mouse (that's not even the full name) lasts 18 months on a pair of rechargeable AA batteries, it has 2 programmable buttons, side scroll, it's comfy and it works perfectly up to 5 meters. It cost me €12. Apple wants you to buy two.

1. It's an unergonomic slab that doesn't have room at the front
2. Apple doesn't want you to use its wireless mice in wired mode or else people might realize how stupid wireless desktop mice are
3. Apple cables are the second most fragile thing in existence after the feeling of applefags
The end result of this is the seamless experience of flipping your mouse over and plugging in it in like it's a real mouse on life support. Truly revolutionary.

They put the charging port on the bottom so it's only plugged in when you HAVE to charge it.
That way when your normie friends come over, they'll see a pretty wireless mouse.

Had it been on the front like other mice, a lot of people would just keep it permanently plugged in and Apple doesn't want their product sullied by a wire

Apple may be money grubbing, exploitative assholes. But they know exactly what they're doing every step of the way.

>they'll see a shitty wireless mouse


Best reply I've seen in a while. Thanks for making my day, user.

Appletoddlers have defended this.

My Logitech mouse lasts for over a year on rechargeable AA batteries, suck my dick fagget

put me in the screen cap

Because all they needed to do was put the port on literally any other side of the product. This is Chinese knock-off design territory, and that's coming from someone who genuinely loves almost all of Apple's designs, from the goofy colourful clamshell Macbooks to the space grey iMac pro. That mouse is an indefensible design choice; I'd rather have a wired mouse.