Will this be the fall of wiki, bros?
Wiki is a general term for an editable knowledgebase
And no. They've been doing this for almost their entire existance. Are you new to the web?
just got a windows today
They made over 80M last year I'm sure they'll be fine this year as well
If Wikipedia died, we could have real electronic encyclopedias like Encarta again.
Don't they already have more than enough money to cover their server costs?
Donated to Wikipedia once, big mistake. Wikipedia is trash except for strictly objective topics such as math or engineering
And the holofaux
someone post that screencap of user that was a wiki senior something or another and all of the sjw bullshit they do over there.
the fact that the repeatedly remove circumcision from the category of infant genital mutilation is enough for me to never donate to them and laugh at their slow death.
Wikipedia isn't anywhere near to death, they usually have a few million dollars of surplus every year, usually more than enough to cover hosting a few years more
However they cannot cover retarded engineering projects that are always failures, or the ridiculously high salaries a lot Wikipedia higher ups get along with paid trips to wherever to "promote" Wikipedia
Most of the donations go towards said salaries, and some send to be used in the for profit wiki thing Jim has
Fuck you the holocaust actually happened, my family still has PTSD from it 3 generations later.
That settles it.
No one donate to Jumbo - I want Mind Maze back.
me too
>be hardcore randroid
>call to fame is a free encyclopedia collectively managed and funded
>Will this be the fall of wiki, bros?
Welcome to Sup Forums. I hope you enjoy your stay.
They say the same thing every year.If they aren't gone yet, then it aint gonna happen anytime soon pleb
Found the 14 year old, this happens literally every year, same message every time.
think about the beautiful diverse staffs you racist
The genital mutilation and genital modification pages are merged to avoid controversy. Circumcision is listed two items down from castration. They're not exactly being overly protective of it.
>thursday coffee
Fucking first worlders, the coffee i drink costs $3 a can and it's enough for me for a couple of months.
how can someone be so triggered over other people dicks?
this message has been there for at least a few months already
Fucking retart a thread died because you posted this garbage. Sage.
I swear the Alt-Right love people taking their money though.
I've donated about 20-30 dollars over the course of the last few years. Now that I have a steady source of income, I'll probably throw them 50 or 100 bucks. The utility I've gotten out of their shit is unreal, and it's fucking ad free.
Don't worry I checked the archives it was just a shitposting thread with 2 replies
This is the proper way to say GIB MONY PLOX
I've used wikipedia a lot, spent a ton of time reading about things on it, and it's been a valuable resource to me.
I've donated twice, for a total of $60. I'll never donate again because they won't leave me the fuck alone about it.
Back in the day I could have bought a good software encyclopedia for $30 and never received an email or pop-up about it. Shit, I still have a set of leather-bound Encyclopedia Britannica on my shelves, but it's about 20 years out of date.
Non profit companies ask for money this time of year so people can write donations off as tax breaks.
Move along guys. The donations are for people with jobs.
that seems compatible
>implying getting NEETbux isn't a job
>not even near death, money scheme
yea thats another reason.
in the united states, something like over 70% of male children have their dicks mutilated at birth. females are protected from this. theres several forms of female circumcision, one of which is the equivalent with just removing the clitoral hood.
Males should be offered this same protection. why should mutilating girls be so taboo and yet mutilating males is considered normal and is expected?
sure doesnt seem merged to me
just read those two pages and see the tone difference.
>waaah, they wouldnt let me use brietbart as a source on the feminism page
Literally donated 20 eurobux last year.
Next visit i still got a fucking reminder that i should donate.
It's like they want us to hate them
> why should mutilating girls be so taboo and yet mutilating males is considered normal and is expected?
Because the jewish cabal cuts boys and not girls and we are the nigger cattle.
This guy gets it.
not cutting your childs dick off is antisemetic goy
>funding farms that commit human rights violations.
I hope it dies, it is relied upon far to heavily with little meaningful competition.
You're a moron, this has been going on for years.
what? are you retarded or just new?
they always existed due to donations
they stopped asking for donations in a recent couple years since they got more money than needed previously
That message shows up every few months you retard do you not understand the concept of non-profit?
Hey! I just bought a new windows for school! My stupid parents wouldn't let me get a MacBook so I'm stuck with this garbage. Can anyone help me find the wifi plug on it? I can't connect to my dorm's wifi lol.
Yeah sure let me just donate some cash to the bolshevist-run mediawiki literally villifying my own race with articles such as "whitewashing in hollywood movies" and other inane soy-ladden tripe
Just thinking about the pretentious nerds that moderate it makes me say hell no to that proposal.
You should've disputed your PayPal transaction, and get that money back.
Enough people throw them $5 donations that their hosting and bandwidth costs are covered ten times over. Remember this is a website that feeds a few thumbnails and 2KB of text.
Pretty sure the snapshots are something like 60GB. Which is still ridiculously small, compared to something like a Sup Forums archive.
On the flip side their traffic is pretty big.
>please donate to our leftist propaganda efforts
>but shit like jezebel, salon and buzzfeed are completely acceptable
So does the alt-left
So many social media whores have got rich of their beta orbiters
Am I doing this right
Wikipedia is insanely profitable
Don't give into the Jew donation pleas
This. Wikipedia is a giant pot of arbitrary dog shit run by power tripping brainlets.
just use sci-hub + libgen to get information.
what the fuck is alt-left
wikipedia references are where the shit is
Antifa, wacko feminists, muh russia conspiracy nuts, et al.
for you
why did people fall for isp propaganda of businesses not paying a fair share
if they didn't pay their providers, then they wouldn't have had hosting
the isps just hated you actually using the connection you were paying a flat fee for
they expected you to pay it and only use it once in a while
they didn't want to upgrade their infrastructure to support people actually using their connections
Only if you did it without missing any of your wife's moans from getting railed by the Big Black Refugee Cock.
I would donate another $10 on top of my first if they just implemented a fucking dark theme. How hard is it god damn it.
I donate $3 every year.
Its 3 fucking dollars and sometimes I just pick a random topic to read about and sink in hours on it.
They have a ton of money, they're not at risk for anything. There's no reason to donate, even if you appreciate the service. On top of that they spend tons of money flying diversity consultants around to do talks about women in tech, so if they were low on cash they can just cut back on that.
>unreliable source :^)
>here's a HuffPost source instead
fix the damn install gentoo wiki, the only wiki I give a shit about.
I literally just installed Dark Mode and it's pretty fucking good
>less than 3% of donations go to internet hosting
it's a scam
Fuck that piece of shit political SJW infested website donate your money to something useful instead
I'd argue they would bankrupt themselves before stopping there diversity consultants, keeping appearances comes before actually trying to stay afloat to these people.
Assets aren't just cash, you know that right? It's accounting 101?
They literally don't do anything to promote leftist articles, though they don't do anything to stop then either
Isn't that mainstream leftism?
>If everyone chips in $25, we can keep this going for free. For the price of a meal, we can preserve a website forever.
>For the price of a meal
Not everybody lives in NYC where a taco costs you $8
What the fugg
>salaries: 32M
Do they have 1000 employees or something?
>awards and grants: 11M
So I'm donating in order for them to re-donate my money. Typical but absolute bullshit.
>donation processing costs 1.7 times as much as internet hosting
>Donations and contributions $77,748,287
>Internet hosting $2,069,572
do the math its a scam
They have around 280 people according to their own Wikipedia page so... average salary of around $114k a year...
It's all community hanger-on's and vague non-profit consultants. The main point is they're not hiring academics to review shit, it's all fluff and super tertiary.
>just once
I know a guy who donated and now they wont leave him alone, hounding him for more money.
Yeah, no thanks.
>donations processing expenses: 3.6M
Maybe they should do something to get that number down...
>make a business delivering content to people
>you don't pay anyone to create the content
>you don't pay anyone to moderate the content
>you don't even pay to host the content
>receive tens of millions of dollars
I'm gay and shit like this pisses me off to no fucking end. You don't need a god damn support group from your fucking employer just because you fuck other men in the ass.
Quit making me ashamed to be gay.
The company I work at offers some support line/group thing, why can't it just be that? Why does it have to specifically be support for gays/trannies and not just for anyone?
What do you know, I guessed correctly.
They should go back to doing those personal appeals.
Absolutely not, they do this every-year, look at any article, Wikipedia is swimming in mons.
How can you label anti-fascist with "Muh Russia" "left" democrats?
whats it like having a low iq?
>They literally don't do anything to promote leftist articles
Which has nothing to do with his statement. They waste most of the money they earn on non wiki related activities most of which are hard left garbage.
Check patreon
an arbitrary definition pushed by sensationalist media and autists, who are butthurt over people with a sense of decency.
Because they are paid off by the same people?
>sense of decency
Pick one.
That's just text I'm pretty sure, but still yeah
What's trash is the site's "culture." It's abysmal. Wikipedia is dominated by a nightmarish Kafkaesque bureaucracy saturated with socially-retarded male shut-ins whose knowledge of arcane rules and regulations make them feel entitled to dominate other users who are just trying to contribute in good faith. These losers lust after such power because they themselves lack any sense of control over their real lives.
In all honesty, even the culture of Sup Forums is better than on Wikipedia. At least on Sup Forums, there is a general spirit of camaraderie. We're all on an even playing field. If you make a funny post, people will honor that contribution with funny replies. If you do something stupid, you will get justifiably shat on.
But on Wikipedia, you can put a lot of concerted effort into something, only to have some faggot on a powertrip instantly delete all your work for some insignificant fault, instead of making any attempt to build on or correct your work. This wannabe lawyer will then invariably point you a collection of obscure rules you've violated, and tell you to initiate some lengthy bureaucratic process. This is in spite of the overarching policy to "Ignore all rules" if the rules prevent you from improving the project; in spite of the claim that Wikipedia is not a bureaucracy; in spite of the principle of assuming good faith. Such reflexive tendency by members of the "community" to reject any contribution is triggered by even the smallest edit because, invariably, someone will feel that they have ownership over the article and won't want its "perfection" sullied by those who they feel are "unworthy." Once these insufferable pedants feel sufficiently integrated into the cult, they will begin writing in the first-person plural, saying shit like "We don't take kindly to this" or "We are known to," etc.
It's a shame, because Wikipedia wasn't always like this. It used to be a much more welcoming place, where contributions were actually valued.
lol I already have every english article of anything science, survival, farming, and math etc. downloaded
wikipedia can die for all I care