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Can't install roms due to some firmware modem problem on Moto X Style running Nougat

Only libtard faggots use Android/Linox

>Hates liberals
>Consumes communist news

> Russia = Communism
Tell me more about your childhood during the cold war, grandpa


default/10. What's the point in showing that.


Is this the new desktop thread?

In what city is the green light blue and all three lights go on at the same time, what the fuck OP.
2/10 wallpaper

Is that apple son ? Did you know they are overprice every product and only brainwashed libtards buying that thing ?




¿Wallpaper please? :)



Screen 1

Screen 2

Opera is also botnet.

Your square is a little oversized

> Your square is a little oversized
Which one? The one with the app names and battery bar?


Is there a way to change the on-screen buttons? Pixel has much nicer looking ones, as does Samsung. I don't have them turned on myself but I always start thinking of that when I see them messing up people's setups


The recent apps button, bottom right

Maybe it's the circle that looks small






I like memes


Galaxy S8?

Hello my white friend

Nah, Galaxy S7. I'm holding off for the Snapdragon 845 before I make an upgrade.

Why won't Apple make ios customizable?

because most people don't actually care about it.

Customizing the GUI is for faggots who care about aesthetics over function.


Not fully finished

Literally these


Very ugly

if you want a bigger resolution, reverse image search

thank you

wtf nigger that's not even the same wallpaper.

Never said we have to care about aesthetics OVER function. Having both is better, no? If I had the choice over two different cars, both having the same performance, but one looked better than the other, I'd pick the one that looks better. It makes no sense to pick the uglier one.

You truly are a fucking retard. He even gave you the picture to reverse image search.


>two cars with the same performance
>one requires repairing/tuning every 3 months
>the other requires barely any maintenance
>sometimes the shop will even tell you that your car no longer supported and you have you buy a new one
>while the other car is supported for 5 years
the curse of android

Don't know what you're talking about user. Last time I had to tinker with my S4 was when installing a new ROM. Over two years ago. And I've been using it for nearly 4 years.



also kys dumb phoneposter
kill yourself with that pixelated shit
kill yourself with that compressed shit
also kys dumb phoneposter
also kys dumb phoneposter
icons ok, rest is shit
100% bland
kys dumb phoneposter
kys dumb phoneposter
>memez XD
kys dumb phoneposter
nice but still kys dumb phoneposter
just kys

>installing a new ROM
but that's it
your manufacturer doesn't care anymore

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

So? What's the fun in owning a car and not modifying it and making it yours? Add a cold-air intake, custom straight-pipe exhaust system, tune the ECU, do an engine swap. Same principle for a phone. More often then not, I enjoy my modified GUI more than the factory GUI *and* it runs faster.

I'm not very creative


How are you enjoying your newly acquired smartphone?

I know you're just shitposting but you're missing the point. The picture of the "car" at the top is stupid, and I would rather drive the Tesla, though, it does make actual points. The fact that you can fix it yourself is something I'd look for in buying literally anything. Do you need someone to wipe your own ass? I don't, and I also don't need someone fixing my own car, nor my own phone.

>he doesn't have a butler to wipe his ass
>he doesn't create jobs in the economy by having dedicated people with skills to do certain things

poorfags out


Lol its pretty nice, finally have the pay to afford one lmao

>Having a grown man finger your butt hole.
What are you, a little baby?
Typical apple fags.

Go over to /csg/ and find some rope


> Facebook
> Messenger
> Instagram
> Snapchat
> Twitter
Kys normie

could I have a home screen that is just a grid of blank buttons and I have to input different combos to open certain apps?

only good ones in here. Wait till lagdroid fags use iphone for the first time

what the fuck kind of resolution is that, why is aplel so fucking stupid

How about this one, user?

I feel sick

Jesus god why

are you mad because i have real life friends
why does that matter at all? other than it displaying a nice round number

icon pack?

It matters because when watching 720p content it will have to be upscaled, even by a miniscule amount, meaning you lose quality. And it's not exactly 16:9. So your content is just ever so slightly displayed incorrectly. Had it been 2k, you could watch 2k content and it would be native, or 720p content and you wouldn't lose quality as it's a direct 4x upscale. Not a big deal but why not go with something that's standard? It's always Apple that has to implement something different

okay, well I don’t really watch any sort of content on my phone that would make me care about resolution that much- do you? everything is crisp and it’s a perfect size for everything except multitasking apps and watching full movies on. just pointing out the real-world examples of stuff pajeets argue over

Video, might be the most important part of a video, yes. I mean I watch YouTube on my G4 at 2K if available, and it's fucking magnificent when the creator knows how to work a camera well. I also just can't handle such a small screen, especially typing on one, my finger is the size of 2 or 3 keys, and I don't have particular large hands, either.



>two clocks


I want to fuck your twink ass?

Wow cool! that looks JUST LIKE THE 80's!

two clocks

Best one coming through

Evie+Numix is the most Comfy Setup


I like yours

Everybody else nice 2clocks. I'm not into the arch/i3 aesthetic but if you do that's nice.



>I can't have interesting clocks on my homescreen

You sure showed me.
Anyway, if you wanna use iOS I don't give a shit. Be an adult.

Thank you, God.

Negroid of mine


Guaranteed replies
