Is the new iPad pro a waste of money or is it actually useful for Uni? I'd use it mainly for taking notes amongst other general 2nd-year-microbiology-student things.
IPad Pro 10.7(?)
Just get a notebook. Taking notes would be a pain on a touchscreen device. The iPad is pretty much only good for multimedia purposes.
You've never used the pen on the Pro, have you?
In terms of latency it's comparable and often surpasses expensive Wacom Clintiqs, which makes it top tier to write on.
The nib also feels decent on it.
Several of my CS colleagues got one for the maths classes within the past few months and all of them are satisfied with them.
It's really a question of how you use it.
Get a Surface. Better to write on and not a mobile OS
iOS is a piece of shit! Don't waste your money with this crap.
>can't even detect tilt properly
Ipad is a fucking joke, just like Apple.
I only asked about an iPad because compared to the number of laptops I've had over the years, the MacBook Pro im using rn has both outlived and outperformed them all. Would the same apply for an iPad as a secondary device?
>MacBook Pro
>outlived and outperformed
Good joke.
so a drawfags complaint will have any influence over someone explicitly interested in taking notes how?
Use mine for school, pretty happy with mine OP.
Wow someone had an error with theirs that made its performance shit. Good counter argument there user...
2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Ranjeet.
>macshit doesn't throttle
Spotted the technology illiterate mactoddler.
>Thinking everybody is Indian on the internet.
Easy with the memes Paco.
i bought a 512gb ipad pro 12.9" back in June and it's been great at college
Get a Rocketbook meme and just have it scan your notes into specific folders for school. It's like $30 and is a physical notebook you can just wipe down to clean. Coolest meme of 2017.
I bet the keyboard warrior is just waiting for me to respond so he can make up problems that don't exist then criticise me on them.
Loogle and Microshit shills out in full force
>pen on a tablet vs a keyboard
Dude what? Just learn to type on the keyboard without looking and it's the fastest way to take notes ever.
Also, enjoy your messy handwriting against all different fonts to read.
There are certain classes that don't translate well to taking notes on a keyboard.
If you are getting a non useless degree
You need a computer
"What's a computer?"
You take significantly worse notes with a keyboard, and you retain the information much worse than through hand writing.
Ditch the laptops and get some 25 cent notebooks
Got one and it's pretty comfy for multimedia but I'm still way more productive on a laptop. Using it with a Logitech Slim Combo case. Case and keyboard is alright and backlit unlike the Apple POS. That said, I've already the keyboard replaced once as the iPad would not charge when the keyboard was connected.