Why is transportation technology in burgerland so bad?

Why is transportation technology in burgerland so bad?

Regulations are bad.

t. foreigner who's country is small enough to be squished by an average American's shoe

get out

We are in a time of mourning and you pull this shit? What the fuck is wrong with you dude. Innocent people were injured and all you can think of to do is make fun of us? You are one sick son of a bitch.

because suburbs have been subsidized by the government for the better part of a century, leading to hellish sprawl and terrible urban planning

>Implying you wouldn't do the same if it were another country

No I certainly would not! I am not a sociopath


Privatization. We are selling off and avoiding free public infrastructure.

We Crony-ca now senpai.

what are we mourning today?

> (OP)
>because suburbs have been subsidized by the government

Because of the car industry

Several things but it seems like this one was sabotage by antifa pouring concrete on to the rails to protest fracking.

Imagine the weight those things have to hold up. It's quite the feat of engineering really

The death of millions

small if false

that saved billions

>needs to be done by the gubberment

Because past administrations have just let everything get old and not really maintained or replaced much of it.

Americans are too smart for public transportation.

Insolvent highway system, development grants that favors suburbanized areas rather than rapid transit, regulation requiring stuff like tons of parking spaces