Ok Sup Forumstards, who did that?
> talking about Sup Forums at school
Ok Sup Forumstards, who did that?
> talking about Sup Forums at school
>on Sup Forums
i'm french, why do i hate other french on this site so much
Vi considered harmful.
Abdul plz go
This is mostly a reddit problem
I always leave Dank Memes (Pepe's, Trollface, etc...) under the keyboards at the computer lab
En tout cas il a raison. Mais ENSEIRB > ENSIMAG donc osef.
On se rassure comme on peut, hein.
Déjà que personne ne connait l'imag... :-(
because france is a shithole that's turning into a third world country on purpose.
t. have one french friend who doesn't stop talking about how much he hates france and it's cucked inhabitants
if french people didnt want to live in a shithole then they should have shat out more babies
or just fled to a first world country like my friend
>a group of people turn their country into a shithole
>they move to your country instead
>continue practices that turned their country into a shithole
>le we need more ppl
Why? So you can suck more dicks?
so you can eat, drumphkin
Looks like people were eating fine 100 years ago with less people Cuckboi
What on earth are you talking about? Fertility rates were much higher in the west 100 years ago, my republican friend
fuck right off with your harmful memes no one gives a shit