The Chan iPhone app

Anyone using it? Pretty comfy and minimalist. Just needs pol flags and better themes.

Just grow up and get an android user
Stop using a toy

screenshots you shill

>Stop using a toy
typed the obese smelly man in his late 20 furiously as he switched focus of his goytoy to the latest videogame.

Phoneposters should be banned.

So you are an anti semite too
iOS users everyone

Needs to fucking fix webms

But they are. The app is unusable without a Sup Forums pass which you cannot use it on the app

>Blocked ISP

>Is a kike lover
Android users everyone.


Reminder that the russian author has been caught shilling here before.

He also said he can’t open source the app for “reasons”. I’m not using his app.


Shilling your paid app is not allowed on here, user


Sorry you can't afford the app poverty droid aids faggot

Is there an alternative for iOS?

only one I know of without jailbreak

Why would it be unusable? I'm using it every morning to help me get out of bed. Stop telling jewish lies.

Where do I pirate it?
Fortune but it's not updated anymore

nobody likes kikes here you're just ridiculously easily baited
if you can be baited by a script you're not smart enough to be here

>Broken on iPad
>No theme customization
>No easy way to order boards
>Retarded navigation decisions (Seriously, why can't I refresh from the catalog?)
>Closed Source
This pisses me off so much I might just try to make a open-source Clover clone for iOS just so that I can avoid using this bullshit. Using Safari is better than this shit.

It's honestly hard to believe normies with their iphones are browsing my Sup Forums right now