Desktop icons suddently refresh

>desktop icons suddently refresh

>having desktop icons visible

> computer HDD activity light starts blinking when not near computer

>desktop icons refresh every time i unplug or re-insert my internet USB adapter

is this a crypto miner?

>search up ways to activate windows on anonymous private search engine on a not yet activated windows, even willing to buy windows os key, for hours, suddenly screen locks into windows activation system menu popup and won't alt-tab or alt-cntrl-del or reboot or accept your debit card and asks you to buy a copy in a store

>black cmd window comes and goes in a flash

>hot single shemales in your area

>HDD stops spinning the moment I enter the room
happened multiple times

>cmd window opens for a split second

>ransomware ransoms the ransomware that was just ransoming my hdd

hate these fuckin middlemen

>desktop icons

>pick up laptop at the wrong side

>using windows

>nephew swaps the thermal paste with butter

The icon cache in Windows decides to fubar itself.

>SMART status: critial

>forget that I put something on my laptop's keyboard and forcefully close display

>in my delidded i7
>temps fell 5ºC

>forget sudo for something
>still works

>PC wakes up from standby at 4AM

>plug laptop into the projector
>everyone sees my trap wallpaper for a second

>can't work for an hour because windows installs some updates

I’m dealing with this right now, I have to make it to Christmas

>Run setup.exe when trying to install office, nothing happens.
>Setup suddenly works

>laptop overheats when playing games

>2nd NAS drive out of 4 has failed

>mom boils the spaghetti on the GPU to "save energy"

>light bulb explodes when you enter your room

>ssd health at 10%

>Over 100,000 failed SSH logins since the last logon some months ago

>HDD breaks but you can't send it back because it has your "stuff" on it

>install 64bit OS
>still can't use more than 32bit colors because my display is shit

>grandma used laptop as a blanket warmer

>HDD makes some weird clicking noises

Praise LED lightbulbs. Never again.

>not enough free space on C: because I fell for the SSD meme

disable hibernation
run disk cleanup
suddenly, you're not a fucking retard anymore

>BIOS update status: FAILED!

Thanks, now looks like this

>buy quadcore arm sbc
>has 100mbps nic limit


you know its bad to keep your SSD that full right?

you know its bad to use your device, right?

I'm not worried yet

>Having desktop icons
>Having a desktop

>accidentally drop external HDD more than 1m

Not really. That problem only really affected early SSDs. I've had my 250GB 840 EVO SSD 99% full since its purchase and it's still at 100% drive health. And hasn't suffered from any speed issues.

>buy meme because Sup Forums told me it would be good
>It's worse than things that I used before but gives me the cred to post here

>Yfw it drops to 10% health without warning
>You have no face
>You cried it off

probably has automatic provisioning enabled

All new samsung EVOs have a few GB of "hidden" space for automatic wear leveling anyway

>ASUS ledcontrolservice asks to make changes to computer 3 times every time i boot up
god damn rootkit keylogger bitcoin mining trojan horses malware ransom adware shit i tell ya what

>crappy wifi adapter drives makes windows tablet BSOD at least once every week

>twenty year old file starts fucking up and when i open it grey artifacts appear on screen
>look it up
>"digital dusting"

what the fuck, can you really not have files for this long?

>accidentally defragment the SSDs

>intel management engine is enabled

>device connect/disconnect sound for no reason

>windows update stuck for days on searching for updates

>tfw I overclocked my HDD

>display driver stopped responding and has been recovered

>overclock my display
>can now see ultra violet


>audio loops for some seconds like it does when a PC crashes but then continues

>play around in chink tablet BIOS, disable some things to see what would happen
>won't boot up afterwards, BIOS settings stored in a non-volatile chip

>update display drivers
>fucked resolution

>get excited for [THING] days before i get it
>excitement gone when i realize the downsides
>is never touched again

>explorer.exe randomly crashes

>hear strange music but there's nothing that plays music running

Y'all have some infected computers

>fix relatives computer
>become responsible for every new "problem" they get

>3 4



>X button

>desktop icons

Does the same as OK

I feel that rage.