This kills the redditor

this kills the redditor

Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely based

the fact that people on this site like this guy or are anti-NN simply because the majority of the public is pro-NN really tells you something

>le American public is on my side narriative

>majority of the public

if retarded brainwashed millenials is a majority of the public then we all deserve a meteor.

This guy gives the ISPs power to rip off both ends they connect.

Most people simply don't give a shit anymore, we've fought this same battle a dozen times and every time we "win" we have to face yet another identical legal action a few years down the road over and over and over and over again until we finally lose, which happened today.

Eventually people just stop caring, I know I stopped caring, I don't have the energy to give a shit about Net Neutrality for the umpteenth time it's been threatened, I suspect this was the strategy of anti-NN all along. I don't really understand what the point of even trying to defend NN in the first place when it will be threatened over and over again until the end of time until it inevitably gets overturned. Resources would be better spent figuring out how to more effectively live in a post-NN world than spent trying to defend this policy that was destined to die.

>either skeptics or commies
can i just kms instead?

Please do, livestream it.

>give back to the internet you love so much.

By all means

Only good communist is a dead one anyway

Keep the meteor in North America, please.

> people on this site like this guy
You think so? I think it's just a few that like him, but very verbosely so.

I really hope this kills social media as we know it so we can have a nigger-free internet once again.

no no user, I want an E.L.E. tier meteor.

>it's the only way to be sure.

i was for net neut until google, facebook, twitter, jezzebell, reddit, buzzfeed, salon, and vox became supporters of it. the moment they supported it was the moment i realized if they support it. such as them abusing net neut to BECOME the internet and the rulers of the net. you don't waste as much money as they did in fighting against anti net neutrality if they didn't get something in return. and seeing how facebook, twitter, google have been going around censoring people, sites, extra made me realize it doesn't matter if its the government, isps, or sites themselves. a tyrant will rise up.

so fuck it. i'd rather let comcast fuck me in the ass than google. google and the like fucked themselves over the moment they became internet police. i'd rather let the original ass fucker fuck me in the ass than the new sjw toxic swine fuck me in the ass.

I think I need your address to ask you over and over to give me all your shit minus your debts.

You sound like someone who'll make me rich, I need to get you before your ISPs and banks do.

Assuming you're not a troll, people like you are the biggest cucks of all. I don't have the crying wojak picture on this laptop, so you can just imagine it. That's the face every single one of you people will be making a few months/years down the line when your extremist fringe 'news' resources and trap/futanari/interracial porn sites become intolerably slow.

> i realized if they support it then something has to be bad*

How is reddit going to die when its better funded and more visited than 4cin ? You pajeet, this kills you.

All these entities are also opposed to you having to give the first hobo you see all your shit and then subsequently get fucked in the ass by a catholic priest.

I guess you'll just have to resist, huh.

Hey, whatever it takes to rid the world of reddit/pol .

The reason your comparison is shit is because I can just call the police and get you arrested for harassment, whereas I can't get the police to arrest anti-NN lobbyists and shills unfortunately, there is now way any person could ever stop them from killing NN because they are not breaking a law and have virtually unlimited resources while all we can do is email politicians and do worthless activism.

Based Pajeet Ai.

if you enjoy google and facebook being arbiters of what can go on the internet, see yourself into the sheep pen

>le current year man
fuck oliver. i can't stand that pig. i'd rather let the entire world burn than let that smug, arrogant asshole have a win.

its because of sick fucks like him that want pic related become the norm.

No, now the original ass fucker AND google et al. will fuck you in the ass at the same time.

Based indian man I wish he could breed my wife.
Now I can just pay for the blacked ISP package so I can enjoy my special time in my cuckshed for a special price!

[citation needed]

but you're just pulling shit out of your pozzed ass, so you won't.

I can't even tell if this is serious or not anymore.

>still angry about being btfo
>being this mad that I his internet is being uncucked

>All these entities are also opposed to you having to give the first hobo you see all your shit and then subsequently get fucked in the ass by a catholic priest.
yeah because they want to fuck me in the ass. i'd rather let the priest ravage my ass brutality than an std infested, bald nose ring pierced rainbow colored arm pit hair toxic sjw swine who's non-binary fuck me in the ass.

You are aware that the 56% face refers to all white American citizens?
You are also aware that Pepe is now a reddit meme?

Damn straight. Social media literally turned communication into a form of entertainment. It's destroying society because no one know how to act like a normal person anymore.

Sadly, a decision like this is also going to hurt actual businesses that use the Internet for actual communication. Hopefully, it's only websites that get affected by this shit, not ssh, ftp, smtp, etc.

>left cucks are such failures they can't even sock puppet correctly

white americans don't have any admixture though, we're just as white as euros since we have almost no race mixing
>Recent research on Y-chromosomes and mtDNA detected no African admixture in European-Americans. The sample included 628 European-American Y-chromosomes and mtDNA from 922 European-Americans[69]

>Yes, goy. Get in the cage.

oh i'm sorry i don't want sjw google, facebook, and twitter being the rulers of the internet. fuck them. let them get fucked and have to pay the likes of comcast a few billion a year not to be throttled. let youtube be throttled into the ground by verizon if google doesn't want to pay them 5 billion a year. i'd rather have data caps and be fucked anally, literately, in my ass by cox than let google, facebook, and twitter become the new tyrants by becoming the isp's themselves.

i'd rather have the original ass fuckers i've known all my life screw me over than let some new fuckwits in town that are sjw swine fuck me in the ass with their rainbow colored arm pit hair as they free bleed and toss me in prison for not calling them their preferred pronoun. pure, normal greed is a better ass fuck than sjw toxicity.

Sup Forums pls go and stay go

>so fuck it. i'd rather let comcast fuck me in the ass than google.
your brain on alt-right.

I find it funny how offended you are by the 56% meme that you had to put in all that research to prove that you are as white as a European


>naziboos are leaving the ship before this sunk
How much time until you start to say you were fight against ISPs Jewish overlords

>he wants to be violated by sjws and call it freedom rather than be freed by saviors of western civilization and call it tyranny
Who really is living in the fantasy world here

No worries, we could do it the legal way. You agreed to get ads, profiling, targetted marketing and so on in a LOT of EULA and contracts, I imagine.

Also, are you sure the richfags haven't already secured the "right to harass with advertisements" in your place if it's the USA as I assume? I mean, really, the USA made virtually anything possible that a company might want, basically only minus overt slavery.

Nice English Muhammed, come to Sup Forums often to practice it?

>mfw Sup Forumsyps got conned yet again into liking something they hated 6 months ago

More like this kills the amerilard

Remember when people used to put effort into satire instead of just vomiting strawmen? Holy shit, you literally just posted an image from facebook. How much do they even pay you pajeet retards?

the meme itself makes no sense to begin with, 56% of us are white but the pic always looks like a brazillian.

>supporting google
>supporting pic related
fuck that shit.

Sup Forums is brigading Sup Forums

they are equipped with 5 thousand memes and precisely 0 valid arguments

I don't see what you're getting at, user.

How is it being uncucked? Give me some good reasons instead of memes.

>You are aware that the 56% face refers to all white American citizens?
Uhh, retard, most of us are like, 3-4 generations removed from Europe. Race mixing wasn't accepted until recently, so that blows your theory right out. I can go literally weeks without seeing a brown-skin in public areas where I live.

>your English is bad so nothing wrong doing that
You will get the blame as the libertarians, commies and ancaps, naziboo.

You americans deserve this. fucking remove america from the internet because you people are danegerous. you'd burn down your own houses if it somehow "btfo" a minority group that you have had very little to no interaction with in your life but some shit-head edgy youtuber told you to hate.

>I can go literally weeks without seeing a brown-skin in public areas where I live.
which state?

Except I can 100% avoid facebook and google with net neutrality. I am able to be forcibly blocked from the sites I do use by my ISP if NN is repealed. NN sounds pretty good to me, honestly.

Someone redpill me if we're winning or losing what's happened so far


>i don't want sjw google, facebook, and twitter being the rulers of the internet
Well, you lost that battle. The major ISP's own like half of the liberal media. I wish you had thought this through.

56% refers to the make-up of USA but ever since that kid from Stranger Things and Sup Forums memeing le 56% is used to mock Americans for being race-mixed.

It's a complicated thing, from one side we have kids with ADHD who have short attention span but we also have others who will focus on something as long as you show them it many times (memes work great for that since if you post enough you teach them to like whatever message you're pushing)
Sup Forums is perfect for this shit because it has all sorts of users in the autism spectrum.

>You are aware that the 56% face refers to all white American citizens?

Too bad it's wildly inaccurate, and created by a leftist think-tank to try and drive an artificial narrative.

>also forced memes are always shit

we won

"Don't ever let anybody tell you that regulators are there to help you. They are a bunch of fucking liars."

Net neutrality is officially done for, if you don't live in a major city prepare for maximum cuckage

>i love trannies!
>traps are not gay!
>if you don't fuck a man with a whig you are a racist, xenophobic, transpbobic, homophobic bigot!
>if you don't call me by my preferred pronoun you will be arrested and sent to prison
>facebook does no wrong but if you say traps are gay you will be banned
>how dare you say an increase in rape has accrued in europe since letting muslims flood in and roam free like the buffalo! you ARE A BIGOT AND DESERVE TO BE SENT TO JAIL facebook will now ban you
>oh go ahead and say all the toxic, racist, bigoted things about white people. FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND WE HERE AT GOOGLE SUPPORT YOUR ANTI WHITE PEOPLE CAUSE
>diversity means no white people! we believe in tolerances and acceptance as long as you're not white nor straight
yeah fuck google, facebook, and twitter. if they kept their mouths shut and didn't hop on the sjw bandwagon i would have gladly backed net neut but they fucking burned that bridge by becoming the very oppressors they are "fighting" against.

if i'm gonna get ass fucked i would rather get ass fucked by classic, pure, normal capitalist greed than being fucked in the ass by a non-binary gender queer rainbow armpit std infested free bleeding strong women of color with an afro sjw company like facebook.

This but unironically.

I can't even fucking understand you, how can you even have a say in American politics.

Jesus I'm glad we don't let immigrants vote in this country

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. God's country.

>created by a leftist think-tank
You mean Sup Forums?
Anyway, why even include it in the image if it's so inaccurate and has nothing to do with anything. I don't understand. Are Verizon shills retarded?

Get back to your shithole, you dumb nigger.
But before you go I want you to realize an internet without net neutrality doesn't harm the biggest content providers in the slightest. This is how retarded you are.

not him but I'm from Montana and almost never see someone who isn't white

why would anyone give a shit what that faggot has to say?

You know that Trump is a pro Israel cuck right?

Because being an Islamic caliphate is doing so well for Europe

>hey you fuck you white boi!
huge cheers, very empowering! down with the patriarchy!
>hey you fuck you black boi!

i teach somali immigrants english on the weekends ama

>REEE cup
can't make this shit up

>mfw redditfags are gonna have to pay $5 for access to reddit plus an addition $1 per subreddit

To give your image some context
>German culture does not exist and the nation’s history has been shaped by “immigration and diversity”, according to Federal Integration Commissioner Aydan Özoğuz, who has argued migrants should not be expected to assimilate.

>Aydan Özoğuz
yeah, of course that person would say that.

Ladies and Gentleman, Americans!

ironically it represents our minorities quite well

Dude, you literally quoted Sup Forums.You won't get any upvotes if you condemn chan-culture.

A fucking leftard would never make a single good meme. The 56% face is perfect because all I see is American getting butthurted with it.
A really perfect meme from Sup Forums I reckon after their easter meme is taken by redditor and Sup Forums, wait they're the same fucking thing.

>i love tolerance and respect all opinions!

>Sup Forumstard just starts posting off-topic Sup Forums images
You can't make this shit up lmao

Power removed from sites making a killing from selling data and advertising, censoring speech they deem unacceptable. Why do you think Facebook, Google and reddit, even though they'd make a killing doing deals with isps for priority lanes, oppose it so much?

>ladies and gents

how did you guess I believe in all these things and frequently say them to people

are you some kind of wizard

It's always posted by literal shitskin countries like portugal and brazil, usually accompanied with something like >whiter than you muhammad
It implies our jokes about muslims and them being not white has frustrated them

I wouldn't be defending the repeal and calling anyone else retarded if I were you. It shows an important lack of a frontal lobe.

>post images that showcase why i won't back google, facebook, twitter, and the like because of their sjw supporting toxicity
>explain why i would rather let pure greed assholes like comcast fuck me in the ass than rather pic related sjw swin supporter like google fuck me in the ass
>get told i'm posting off topic images.

what excactly is wrong with this?

It's a Reese's cup you fucking idiot

Not being american = being european?

The american education system, ladies and gentlemen.

Can someone please explain what this net neutrality thing even is without all this politicized bullshit
I am genuinely out of the loop on this one

Give the deep state its symbolic victory

>until we finally lose, which happened today.
It's not over yet, it still has to go through congress and the supreme court. It's probably going to be a year until the net neutrality rules are effectively repealed. The EFF and other groups are already preparing a lawsuit, so we're not done here yet.