Mods accidentally deleted the screenfetch general while cleaning up the 1...

mods accidentally deleted the screenfetch general while cleaning up the 1,000 kuso threads made by idiots so here's a new one. did you know i have a script to make the OP images? it's true. what have you automated on your desktop lately?


I cant stress how much I want you to die and stop posting

it's not nice to be rude to girls

owo can you show off that cool save to folder thing macos can do please?

You're not a real girl and you never will be.



she's actually a girl, I know her IRL

Must suck to want to be a girl so badly and yet be unable to ever be one.


Is this some kind of meme? Ilya poster talking in forst person. Or does he actually believe anyonw falls for it?

have you created some kind of automated bad post generator or is the automata, you

No, its just that everhone hates you and everyone wants you dead.

(Reply with "ahhg" if you arent a bot)


Is Ilya poster some kind of auto generated reply, a meme, or an actual person who refreshes the catalog to desesperately look for ghreads to post his desktop on?

Imagine being this dumb

Imagine being singlehandedly responsible for desktop threads being banned after 10 years of existing on Sup Forums without any issues.

Imagine being this dumb




You guys fucking suck, especially you ilya poster I hope you die you fucking ugly faggot

she's the automod lol, admins use a bot to remove certain content and she posts in desktop threads as an easter egg

this is an 18+ web sight

you are honestly my favorite poster


You sill mever be a girl, the closest you can get is to be a tranny with an inverted dick

imagine getting this triggered over Sup Forums

imagine being so mad over a cute post on Sup Forums that you can't even type straight

I always look for your desktop in these threads



you dont even attempt to hide the same fagging.

How can I make that cute girl appear in my terminal?

I miss the futa poster, he always had the hottest futa wallpapers.

more like the grossest futa wallpapers


>He doesn't like futas

hey man what's going on


Invite me to #cutegang >.

sorry dudie im not cool enough to be there cant hook you up

maybe there actually isn't a #cutegang




Is that iTunes?


Post wallpaper pls

It looks great but I heard it's a resource killer. Maybe I'll try duplicating their UI with python. Could you show me a screenshot of the UI for choosing a song in that mini mode? It would be quite appreciated.

>I heard it's a resource killer
not on macOS

Okay well I don't have a Mac. Don't want to start a war, just want a screenshot. Or I guess I can just Google for it.
