>buying into the VR gimmick
Buying into the VR gimmick
Other urls found in this thread:
>never using VR in your life
sad existence you have there
I have no idea what people expected with vr, but for flight sims its really gaming on another level. Its absolutely fantastic.
The resolution definitely needs to get better, but that will come in the next few years I'm sure.
>it's not real vr like in my chinese cartoons where you plug it directly into your brain it's just two screens strapped to your face which is a just a virtual representation of reality and not real
It has its niche.
>The resolution definitely needs to get better
Or just get rid of the screen door effect.
How hard can it be? Just use microlenses.
VR will never catch on because the industry is too fragmented.
I don't know about the Vive or Oculus, but I got a Samsung Odyssey like a week ago. Shitty Microsoft software aside, the thing is pretty amazing in terms of zero latency high precision head tracking. Resolution is way higher than the Vive, but there's still a screen door effect if you look for it. The ghosting when you turn your head in high contrast screens is also annoying.
Controllers are absolute garbage, unfortunately. All the mixed reality headsets use the same controllers that are tracked by camera on the HMD, which basically means you have this cone of tracking in front of your head. Just resting your hands at your waist like normal and they lose tracking.
Overall, I think the technology is already at the point where they can make some decent games with it if a studio put in the money in building a true VR game from scratch (not just porting non-VR games).
A universal VR development library would be nice, but games are pretty portable between devices. My Microsoft mixed reality headset is compatible with SteamVR games (at least the ones that aren't unplayable due to the retarded controller tracking mechanism), and because it's compatible with SteamVR I'm able to use Revive to play Oculus games as well.
The Odyssey is 1,440 x 1,600 per eye and the screen door effect is there. It's at the point where 2k per eye definitely wouldn't eliminate it. I'm not even sure if 4K per eye would, although it'd definitely be a massive improvement. And the cost of a HMD with dual 4K displays, not to mention the GPU to run those at 90+ FPS, would currently be outrageous for most users. And shit, they're having a hard enough time trying to work out zero latency wireless video at current resolutions, wireless 2x4K video isn't happening anytime soon.
Realistically, you don't really notice the screen door unless you're trying to read text close up and shit. That's generally not an immersion killer in games. It is one of the things preventing VR from actually being useful for productivity, though.
I'm not even convinced higher resolutions will fix it.
It's the gaps BETWEEN the pixels you see, and more pixels doesn't mean smaller gaps.
>It's the gaps BETWEEN the pixels you see, and more pixels doesn't mean smaller gaps
To fit a significantly larger number of pixels in the same amount of space requires the pixels and the distance between pixels to shrink proportionally... In any case, I don't really see any display technology on the horizon that abandons discreet cells, so there's not really a lot of other routes that are economically viable.
I'll get it when porn makes it's choice.
Porn decides which VR platform it's gonna' back and when it does that's the platform I'm going to get.
Like when porn collectively decided we were a bluray bunch now, and essentially ended that little war, I await porn making it's decision about VR.
If porn says Vive is where they're going to develop their new sex-tech, then that's where I'll be. Give it a few years and the Japs will catch up to the 3DP-porn and we'll all be fucking our waifus within half-a-decade.
Until porn gives the greenlight, I'm not touching VR.
Implying I haven't been fucking my waifu in my Vive for a year now.
Waifu Sex Simulator my friend
>VR fails, too cumbersome and expensive
>AR fails; too spec-demanding and gimmicky
>ARGs prevail; loads of fun and literally free to play
all hail ARGs
>I don't really see any display technology on the horizon that abandons discreet cells, so there's not really a lot of other routes that are economically viable.
Like I said: micro lenses.
They already do this with image sensors (to improve low light performance).
I don't see why the same tech won't work for displays.
Vr is great but
Cost too much
PCs are not powerful enough
While motion control and head tracking are acceptable, display Resolution ruin the effect
alternate reality games.
basically a big-ass scavenger hunt that takes place in real life. unlike vr and ar, it's not confined to a screen. it's transmedia storytelling, essentially.
>he doesn't know what an ARG is
holy FUCK you're missing out.
Have you been living under a rock?
Here, just read this.
just googled it...and..meh...looks like boring shit...not interested
i don't even want a VR, i just want a screen/speakers that fit on my head. I think it'd be cool if it could augment the reality on the real screen in front of you, also. Do they make shit like that yet?
This thread reminds me of when Xerox laughed at the idea of a mouse.
>I used the $12 phone holder vr goggles from walmart and had a bad time: the post
your (you)s are more entertaining than this ARG shit...am i just burned out?
But user, VR porn already exists. Lots of it, in fact.
Will techies finally get it through their thick skulls that nobody wants vr? Nobody wanted it in the 80s, nobody wanted it in the 90s and nobody wants it now, despite the fact that it actually kinda works this time and is more or less affordable. I mean, the exclusive vr content is finally here and still, nobody cares.
Like, dudes, real life is not an 80s sci-fi flick.
>VR porn already exists. Lots of it
lots of trash. vr porn is almost entirely the b rated trash that only middle schoolers and goof canadians would watch.
Eh...it's a pretty niche hobby, I guess. It's really fascinating once it actually happens to you.
I played a (relatively shitty) ARG once where someone posted on /r9k/ about how he was starting a company that would revolutionize everything. He hid a bunch of secret codes that led to the locations of USB and disposable cellphones taped to trees in random parks all over the country. If you could get one of the USBs and phones, you would have to take them home and wait for a call for further instruction on how to unlock the encrypted files on the USBs. I didn't get one of the USBs but still it was pretty cool to be a part of it.
I personally think ARGs are a lot of fun. There's a lot of puzzles and secret messages involved. I like how it forces you to work with total strangers to accomplish a common goal. It's nice. Might not be your thing, though, and understandably so.
why are you even on the internet?
is that the thing where they rent out the ground floor of a hotel and bring in a bunch of comicon weebs to walk around and larp with shitty cardboard cutout stands for the different levels of the game?
fuck what is the name for those conventions where people dress up like anime characters? theres a specific name for this activity and i cant figure it out
>is that the thing where they rent out the ground floor of a hotel and bring in a bunch of comicon weebs to walk around and larp with shitty cardboard cutout stands for the different levels of the game?
No. That's a convention.
I know the term convention. what I saw a video of was sorta like larping dnd but more to the tune of larping oregon trails
PSVR Master Race
this, i bought the full bundle for 350$ i played psvr worlds for the first time last night and tried the Last Guardian demo 10/10
I'll pass. When they finally create "star trek holodeck" type VR then that's when I'll take notice. Just think, walk into a room programmed to simulate places/people/things with no head gear/device required to be on you. You could program a "VR" person to exacting detail right down to what they personality is. So you could literately program it to simulate say "Taylor Swift" with her real personality and fuck the shit outta her or do other stuff and it be totally real feeling.
I just need more Hop Step Sing performances already
is PSVR worth it? I could use my brothers PS4, I wanted to get a vive but my room isn't big enough to have a spot just to move around if I got the vive. Any good psvr games?
dude, I play the vive sitting down.
theres room scale and then theres the more confined version.
they say you "need" meters of free space, but if you arnt a fucking idiot then you can make do with what you have.
you do neet to be super aware of your orientation and position though. I didnt realize I had gotten turned around and about put a vive controller though my glass side panel. idk how the glass didnt shatter. Ive also hit the ceiling light shades, shit aint a game.
look into the steam vr addon program that lets you do shit like re position your orientation and move your actual coordinate offsets.