Yo everyone. So I've had so many issues with windows 10 that I'm thinking of 'downgrading' to 8.1. I'm mainly doing gaming and some light browsing. I'm sorry if I seem like a normie but I'm simply clueless
Windows 8.1 or windows 10?
8.1 isn't better. What are your """"""""issues""""""""?
Are you a brainlet?
LTSB is far better than 8.1.
Weird stutters in games very frequently. Also having windows processes hog ram and cpu etc. It's just been weird, but maybe I should just reinstall it?
I've used ltsb. And I had double the issues I had with normal windows 10 home
8.1 is the best version of windows
Okay, why is that?
Said no one ever. Everything above seven has been trash, some less trash than others.
I use both and 8.1 is less annoying.
That's a user error not LTSB.
Old games still run on it. Also there no telemetry.
>Said no one ever
umm i literally just said that
7 is outdated ugly trash and 10 is a train wreck (not even talking about telemetry meme, who cares)
windows 10, 8 sucks ass.
8.1 is more lightweight that 10, can control updates individually, has more support, no need to be scared of some update breaking your pc, etc.
8.1 is just 7 without Aero
Install Gentoo
>old games run on it
windows 8 was the first where they stopped working
>no telemetry
incorrect, they patched that in with updates (including security updates)
>incorrect, they patched that in with updates (including security updates)
Is there like a Win 8.1 Sup Forums guide on which updates to avoid, like this one for Win 7?
I still use 8.1 on my home machine as a daily driver, I like it. All it needs is classic shell and a few minor tweaks and it's basically a faster 7. I have 10 LTSB on a work machine and it's ok but the 'new' settings menu and other things about the interface annoy the fuck out of me.
That's because LTSB patches have longer "testing" than normal releases, therefore the bug fixes are delayed too. Only reason it's shilled here is because the better update method. Everything else is a hoax, because the the same shitty botnet is still there even if you think it's just on the "basic" level (which is a lie).
>just werks
8.1 is perfect if you remove some updates or find a guide online with a list of ones that are already clear. Also you can put stuff in your hosts file and it actually works, unlike windows 10
honestly OP, windows 10 is a whole new game where Microsoft is testing an "always on" desktop like they wanted their Xbox one to be. No one should have their file manager and taskbar connected to the internet, its stupid. Cortana is bascially a keylogger and the OS has so many ads in it.
8.1 is the last OS from Microsoft worth using unless you use 10 on a vm with no internet. It sucks.
>nothing to hide nothing to fear
Except if you are a terrorist :^)
Good goy-uh I mean Kafar
should have gotten LTSB
who is this semen demon
if you get classicshell 8.1 is just a better version of 7. go with either that or 10 enterprise
Windows 10 really fucked my laptop up with the constant disk usage at 90%+ so I decided to go the Linux route instead.
I haven't had an issue with it since but if you want your main system for gaming, Windows 8.1 is the answer.
Sauce on this?
Source? I want to see if she gets that good sex
PEBKAC error detected
>8 comes out
>suddenly people are praising even vista
>8.1 comes out
>suddenly people are praising 8
>10 comes out
>suddenly people are praising 8.1
just like any BSD or linux, it depends on your hardware too
>no need to be scared of some update breaking your pc
This seems to have happened to me. I get black screens randomly after a few hours after some big update last week. Shit is annoying.
>8.1 is just 7 without Aero
and without the monstrosity that was .net 3.5
>Windows 10 LTSB
just install classic shell and it's basically an upgraded version of 7 without all the spyware from 10
op sauce on image i need it to know
win 7 is the only choice, win 8 is where the great cuckening started, avoid it
windows 10 AME inside a VM on debian ... i share the same windows VM image state across all my machines... its pretty much fast as native and i use it for audio production ... not games
>8 comes out
>suddenly people are praising even vista
>8.1 comes out
>suddenly people are praising 8
This literally never happened. Vista is still a resource hog, and no one has ever praised 8
>unironically using Windows 10 AME
>a fucking hack where script kiddies didn't even knew how to correctly debloat and remove telemetry from 10, despite all the tools available online
Do you like dicks too, user?
> the great cuckening
i just want a comfy OS to waste my hopefully few remaining days on world of warcraft with and it needs to run as fast as possible and support g-sync so don't even suggest some gnu+linux wine shit that doesn't even have DX11 and runs at not even half the framerate that is simply not an option
win7 is fine
>no cortana
>no system processes hogging disk like in w10
>no forced updates
>system menus that are coherent
its gud
aaand you can always use ancile script so it wont be botnet