/hpg/ - Headphone General

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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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>uo denim
First non-shitty OP, I approve.

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

that OP though

Who's ready for the massive influx of redditors because /hpg/ made /r/headphones top post?

god I hope. also we almost hit 100 last general

more like jds labs general

t. Angry Schitt employee

t. Embarrassed JDS Labs employee

you're damn fucking right it is. jds could release a $300 dildo for all I care, as long as I can engrave it with my favorite idol

we know you're here

holy fuck how did we get reddit front page

I've been here since 2014 and the Schiit shilling is definitely new. Since r/headphones is more rceptive to other manufacturers like Audio-gd, iFi or JDS Labs perhaps the shills are moving here for greener pastures?

Suggest some speakers for me. My. Budget up to 4k USD. New or used I don't care. I auditioned harbeth 30.1 a few days ago. Classic British sound alright... more like nobass memes. Anybody know if they sound better in smaller room to reinforce the bass?



Ask in the speakers thread,

I'm looking to buy headphones for my grandpa for christmas. It will be used with his smartphone (android), but he is very new to the concept so they should be as simple as possible, so I'm thinking cabled rather than bluetooth. Also they should include a microphone so that he can make calls with them too.

Android phone
>Type of headphone
Over/around-ear with mic
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
As high as possible I guess
>Sound signature
Doesn't really matter
>Past headphones

stick to shitty headphones, speakers are way out of your league and parroting garbage head-case opinions won't change that


4 dollar angled hm5 pads seems like a steal. Usually I only see them around 10 bucks on this site.
If you need to make your headphone comfier then these help a lot.

Idol trash at work.
Didn't get much sleep, feeling terrible as consequence.

suck it up user, learn the ways of the no sleep life like I do. sleep when you are dead

Nice! I was tired of having to use my imagination in the last thread.

2-2 2109:2812 09 2.10 480MBit/s 0mA 1IF (VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub ) hub
2-2.4 0d8c:1066 00 2.00 480MBit/s 500mA 3IFs (Schiit Audio I'm Fulla Schiit)

Why is current technology still not capable of producing accurate drivers at a reasonable price point? How come in the age where $3 can get you a nail-sized chip containing a few million carefully arranged transistors that can execute discrete calculations 20 million times a second, and $20 will get you a pair of cheap but fully functioning headphones, to acquire a pair with really accurate sound easily costs $1000+?

nozzle on my ie80 broke off but i super glued it back on, anyone else have that happen?

Because accurately converting digital information to human sensory input is expensive. The direct comparison here are displays (think about how much it costs to get something which will be photorealistic or true to life).

>4 dollar angled hm5 pads seems like a steal.
Yeah, 'seems', because those most likely aren't HM5 pads. Note the crucial magic word there: "for", which makes it possible for the sellers to put in pretty much whatever brand names they want in the description without it being lying or misleading labeling.
Not saying those couldn't be decent pads for the money, but don't except to get Brainwavz originals.

Philharmonic audio
Salk sound songtower 3
Magnepan .7 or 1.7
Nola Boxer
seas lumine kit
Used quad esl63

So can someone link the best priced kz6s with a blue tooth adapter Ali search sucks dicks

>(think about how much it costs to get something which will be photorealistic or true to life).
That's actually a really fucking good point, I never thought about it that way.

But then again you could argue that the technology is constantly improving, and it's still in development. 4K is relatively new, the forefront of the industry is already experimenting with 8K, and while LCD is still the most widespread tech it's already managed to mostly migrate from TN and such to IPS, and a variety completely different technologies are being developed right now that promise even better colour reproduction and other memes. (Plus there's memes like OLED which already have some use, despite issues like burn-in.) In maybe 10 years, we could easily have 8 or 16K microled panels covering the full visible colour spectrum photorealistically, for like $500.

I don't think headphones are advancing at a pace even close to this. HD600 came out what, 10? 20? years ago - I don't quite remember - and are still very highly regarded.

The future of headphones most likely lies with DSP and EQ being built in to headphones, as well as binaural recordings to simulate depth. On the DSP front, noise cancelling has gotten massively better and noise cancellers also use DSP to adjust FR. Headphone tech is advancing, just in a sort of roundabout way. Audeze's cipher cable is another example of this sort of thing.

audio technology is not only advancing much slower, but it's also much more complicated.

We've hit some big milestones with audio in the past 10 years with digital signal processing, image waveguides, finite element analysis for driver engineering, computer calculated crossover design etcetc. The thing you should notice about these developments is that they're tied into computer advancement.

In the next 10-15 years I believe passive speakers will be phased out, replaced entirely by full range active loudspeakers using dsp, room correction, and user adjustable waveguides.

$286 buys HD600, closest to harman.

I agree with you on the dsp and EQ stance, but binaural recordings have some fundamental flaws relating to human psychoacoustics, particularly hrtf.

Maybe the headphone will use a laser to scan the inside of your ear and make a custom hrtf profile to fix that. Who knows.

Monoprice desktop DAC AMP
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Closed preferred
>Comfort level
Somewhat comfy as I'll have then on for a while at times.
>Sound signature
V-Shaped, preferably.


I heard they had some issues with rattle or something. Is that true?

Not anything I've heard about recently.

That said, I've been over the canpicker website a few times and it seems there aren't really any better ones in my price range.

I'll look around a bit more, bit they seem like they might be my best bet. Thanks, user.

Stay comfy, user.

canpicker change log:
- add v-moda crossfade wireless
- note hd 800s cable flaw
- add xpt100 cons

To be investigated/added: Senn PXC 550, Philips SHB8850NC, AKG N60NC

Pretty minor update.

Add the HD800 as an upgrade to the DT880, they have very similar sgnature.

Yeah sure, included in the next release.

Yeah, not a lot of v-shape headphones in that range. It's the DT-770 or the M100 and kinda 99 neo. That said I have a buddy with the M100 and he's very happy with it.

Oh and the Edition S, but don't know anyone that actually owns it though.

Oh and the Crossfade Wireless is on sale right now if you want to consider something meant to sound good wired but also has bluetooth.

is topping d30 actually good

better dac than most

Why would they be embarrassed? Their stuff is better than schitt. I can hardly believe people even believe that scumbag company after the fiasco on headfi. Guess good goy will always be good goy

what do you think of sabre 9018

Just ordered this baby, did I fuck up?

It's hard to get more standard entry level than that.

I know that they arent exactly the best headphones on the market, but many people praise them and they will probably sound much better than my dying gaymer headset.

With this crazy sale ongoing:

Yes, you could have done better.

Any 1000XM2 anons out there that managed to get equalizer working on LDAC?

I can't get Viper4Arise to process LDAC audio. The equalizer built into the Sony headphone app works in SBC mode but nothing else.

>closed portable headphone vs open headphone
Yeah different class of headphones user.

I've seen that sale, but I wanted closed back headphones. Honestly if I was living alone I'd grab them in a heartbeat, but something with isolation will work better in my environment.

Yeah, they are.
I don't know what the m40x got them for. Chances are, he had no reason to sacrifice sound and comfort to get closed.

>if I was living alone
Open are going to be heard by others only if your volume is loud and people are in the same room.

Yeah but I can still hear people talk or shout or whatever is happening in the room next to me. With closed it's at least gonna be muffled, and I can replace the ear pad if I want even more silence.

OK that sucks. Enjoy your closed setup, and hoping you can move out sometime soon!

>using m40x for gaming
Enjoy your no soundstage, uncomfortable headclamp and terrible earpads.

I'd cancel the order if I were you.
You should have bought the NVX XPT100 or the Status Audio CB-1 if you were looking for a closed headphone around a similar price.

I bought them when they were 10 bucks. They're just as good as my NVX angled pads. Brainwavz pads tend to be firmer than NVX pads and these 4 dollar chink pads are slightly firmer than my NVX pads as well.
The chink pads may not be exactly the same as the Brainwavz originals but they're just as good for a fourth of the price. Just look at all the feedback pics and you can tell.

I dont play competetive games anymore, unless you count HoMM 3 as one. I imagine a game soundtrack will greatly benefit from it though.

m40x, i say forget the mic

Friendly reminder HD579 is on sale @ amazon US:
Should be an automatic purchase unless you've already got something above it (i.e. HD600).

Just got myself a set of new Bose Quietcomfort 35 wireless headphones for about 70 dollars less than retail. Did I do good or bad?


>Should be an automatic purchase unless you've already got something above it (i.e. HD600).
These pads get yellow quickly, just saying.

>pads get yellow
That's your filthy ears :P
As long as they last (i.e. don't flatten) a few years, they're replaceable parts like in any non-garbagetier headphone.

>no SR850
shit guide desu pham

Guaranteed to be a meme.
3d audio is just a matter of decent headphones with low crosstalk + DSP done elsewhere than the cans.
Anybody telling you otherwise is just trying to rip you off.

I shower every day.

>I heard they had some issues with rattle or something. Is that true?
only if a hair gets stuck in the driver

>to acquire a pair with really accurate sound easily costs $1000+?
sadly at the kilobuck tier their isnt any accurate headphones, ironically its at the midfi price point where accuracy peaks (etys, hd600)

you did good, they rarely go on sale

I read up on this yesterday and:
1. 2.5mm proprietary jacks on the headphone means the V-Moda BoomPro won't work because it's 3.5mm;
2. The Antlion ModMic is currently unavailable on Amazon below $40, which is a ridiculous price for a mic and a magnet.

I reckon I'm going to just grab the ATH-M40x and call it a day.
Monitoring this as it's relevant to my interests.

Excluded in favor of the Superlux 668B. What does the Samson have over it?

SR850 is a rebranded HD681 with velour pads. Yes, you read right, rebranded HD681, not HD668B as a lot of people on Head-Fi believe.


For 33 burgers, it's one of the best value headphones out there. Only con being it's a bit bright in the treble but people buy headphones costing hundreds more that are worse.



At $300 would you get better sound for your money out of an IEM or a closed back headphone(that at the very least has cups that lay flat but better yet folds up)?

Huh, evidence? The entire internet seems to think they're 668b rebrands.

I don't mind adding them in but they weren't included in the first place because they seem kind of redundant vs the superluxes. They do have velour pads which some people might prefer over a detachable cable idk.

I need to replace the ear cushions on my Sony MDR-7506 and I'm wondering what I should go with, any recommendations?

Broke college student here, looking for a DIY kit for a phono pre-amp, any suggestions? Sub $100 and needs to be complete, including wall power. Completely comfortable with soldering

I used the beyer velour pads off the dt025 or something like that on my V6's, loved them

How good are these for listening to music with a phone, mostly at home?

>I bought them when they were 10 bucks. They're just as good as my NVX angled pads. Brainwavz pads tend to be firmer than NVX pads and these 4 dollar chink pads are slightly firmer than my NVX pads as well.
>The chink pads may not be exactly the same as the Brainwavz originals but they're just as good for a fourth of the price. Just look at all the feedback pics and you can tell.

Cool, that's good to know. Thanks.
There's always the thing with (semi-)random 3rd party pads that they can range from virtually indistinguishably from originals to just junk, so it's always great to hear opinions on hidden gems.

Which one is the better money sink, headphones or speakers?

Speakers are better at just about any price point over $200

nvx pads are the shit

Speakers in the long run, but headphones have their uses.

If you have the room, sink more moolah into speakers.

I have DT880 250 ohm headphones, can anyone tell me where are they in regards to the HD 579? Like, are there massive differences between them, or are they somewhat similar? Is one clearly better than the other?

They seem to be one of the best options in the price range. It's fucking hard to find a good closed back. Down the road you could even get better ear pads for a nice little upgrade. People say bigger pads help open them up a bit. I'd cop or go with gr07


If you want to keep its original sound, otherwise look at cheaper thicker pads on the site. There's also some cheap good velours for them as well.

False. It's clear that most of you don't know shit about speakers when you keep recommending that piece of garbage JBL LSR305.

I don't have any real problems driving my m50x, so it probably shouldn't be a problem.

Post your speaker system with a timestamp

I've been using M50x for many years (pic related) and pretty sick of them. Replaced the earpads with bigger ones which made them a lot more comfortable but changed the signature to less of my liking. I recently got a bluetooth addon because that shit interests me and it was a gamechanger, except the one for m50x was pretty shit chinese crap with weak battery.

tl;dr I need a headphone made for bluetooth

bluetooth and fiio a3
>open or closed
>sound signature

cannot stress that I need comfort enough

Not really what this thread specializes in but I just wanted to say if you're going to spend that much money on a bluetooth headphone you should make sure it supports the newer codecs that make bluetooth less shit. I have a pair of bluetooth IEMs that I use as a headset mostly and the bluetooth pretty noticably degrades the sound.
The aptxHD codec is one of them, same with LDAC.
I want to rec these but I haven't heard them so I won't(ill never suggest something I haven't heard) however I will suggest you to look into them amazon.com/Sony-Noise-Cancelling-Headphones-WH1000XM2