Can someone recommend the cheapest Android phone that isn't complete garbage? Carrier doesn't matter.
Cheapest android phone
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Nokia 8
now GTFO
Lenovo moto E
I have the Moto g5s plus it's a budget phone but almost levels out with the flagship phones
best phoen under $200 imho
[spoiler] except i just bought a v20 for $190, and they're supposed to bel ike $700, but you know what I meant.[/spoiler]
>not garbage
Choose one pls.
That being said, look at the cheapest possible phones that officially run lineage and install them without gApps, I have a moto E surnia with gapps and runs smooth 99.9% of the time.
Almost two years ago I bought a $50 "HomTom" chinkphone to hold me over between iPhones while traveling, and it was shocking a fully-capable totally-decent smartphone (once you got rid of their pre-installed AIDSware and installed a proper launcher, which was easy enough). If you'd told me it cost $200 I wouldn't have thought it strange at all. Presumably things have improved even more since.
Xiaomi 4X
>andturds always asking what the cheapest thing is
>no apple user asks what the cheapest iPhone is
Lmao andloos confirmed poorfags
>android users have freedom of choice and therefor a lot to choose for their specific use case
>meanwhile crappleusers just eat the shit they've gotten handed over without question and pay premium prices for a hanheld fb machine
Shill team has arrived boys
Hey, I'm about to get one of those cause my Moto g3 is nigh unto an heroing itself
strong counter argument.
My trips don’t lie.
Let’s see if your names in the list.
>Apple literally release a phone called cheap.
>he uses android, therefore must love google
fanboy logic there.
go on aliexpress and sort by price, you might find something decent
I can vouch that xiaomi phones are good
Reposting because I want to save Sup Forums money so they can spend money on decent chairs and electronic shavers instead of spending all their money on phones.
Just bought two LG Stylo 3 PLUS phones yesterday from Costco for only $129.99 each.
I may actually buy more to give as gifts for family members wanting a new phone.
The LG Stylo 3 PLUS ordinarily retails at $225 at Tmobile.
However, Costco is selling these phones for only $129.99, a discount of $95.01, for Costco members.
I'm really satisfied with the purchase and would recommend them to people on Sup Forums who want to get a new phone at budget prices.
I feel like this Costco deal for the LG Stylo 3 PLUS is the best deal for phones this season and the deal expires December 24, 2017.
Also, while at Costco, I noticed how Costco likes to include free accessories when you buy phones directly from Costco.
For example, Costco gives you Costco Cash Cards that could be as high as $300 so its like getting some of your money back when you buy a phone from Costco.
I suggest you guys to check out these phone deals from Costco, yourself. I feel buying phones from Costco has much better bang for your buck compared to buying phones from other places.
This is way too specific for you to be a shill but kys anyways and stop trying to market garbage trash devices to poorfags afraid of /csg/
Enjoy your chink spyware, cuck.
Wow, that was hard.