Medium or max power saving on android ?

medium or max power saving on android ?

that picture hurts

She wants sex like any girl, what the fuck is your problem? And she wouldn't and shouldn't give it to (You), op, you're ugly and beta.

right looks better what the fuck is left?

t. wizard

These are buttholes, right?

both boys and girls shouldn't be whores

i need to go back to /fit/ give me ur nerd advice or i will beat u

Tight pussy


that feel when you will never be the first person to insert your cock into her love entrance

or the last.


listen nerds i been waiting long enough for an answer and im losing my patience here im taking 15g of creatine as we speak you better start thinking for your best interest

I deflowered my first gf. It's nothing special.

I married my virgin gf in June 2016. If you haven't fucked a virgin, honestly kill yourself. It's so much better to be truly first and her's and she yours. Consider that your gf has had sex with some rajeet before, congratulations.

Medium you fucking fag. Unless you only want to make phone calls? And I'm not a virgin nerd I'm a married man, have some respect for Sup Forums

Neither, CPU consumes less power than display and network. You won't get even an hour more SOT but you'll get shitty experience. Anyway,
>his battery doesn't last a day no matter what he does
Your phone is defective, get a new one.

stop plz
im about to cry

>3d pigs

Don't worry. She's yours now. You're all good. Just keep her interested. Take care of your looks. My wife loves me for being a Chad in the high school we both went to, she will keep loving me till the end of days. She's interested. We had a kid in 2017. Is your gf /interested/ of you?

Low screen brightness, aggressive Doze and get a life so you don't use your phone that much...

I want normalfags who still care about 3DPD to get the fuck off my website, even the failed normalfags who whine about what a loser they are on a website for losers by losers

you know what im going for maximum, maximum power saving.

Sure you did bud

Nothing special. A little blood, her wincing, being totally scared afterwards, super clingy if you ever break up.

Give me a girl that has had two long term guys and one one night stand.

A fucked up bagel

One on the left is a drug addict too. How revealing.

right, not left.

i dont have a gf

solid advice bro i forgot about it since i adjust to daylight brightness

and dude its the thought of putting my dick where someone else's dick have been before
it grosses me out

What the fuck? Kys fucking incel.

You're ugly. For any girl to like you, fix your looks, get an undercut haircut and style it, have confidence, don't be an Incel weirdo who cries when he gets a 'D' in school and vibrates when a girl is next to him. Honestly these people should just jump off a fucking cliff

i check all those boxes thank u

Is this to suggest NYC is a young virgin and Montreal an old whore?

Everybody wants sex, faggot. It's about having self control and not living for instant gratification.

you are an animal and you belong in a cage

The vagina cleans itself daily through the production of mucous and discharge. You should be more grossed out by the fact that you're sticking a part of your body with an opening (your urethra) inside a slimy container filled to the brim with bacteria and other microorganisms.

That's okay, I can't have sex either way.

I did deflower my gf. She also took my virginity. We love each other very much, and growing to know each other sexually is very rewarding. I can see the appeal of wanting an experienced partner, but learning the joys of sex with someone who loves you is fucking amazing.

still is gross
it's like a used toothbrush
even if it has been thoroughly cleaned the thought that someone else have used it before would still gross you out

I hope your gf dies in front of you at the hands of a burglar. Life has its ways of balancing things.

Dude, get over yourself. There are water molecules in your body right now that came from Plato's ball sweat. Existence is a constant flow of matter and energy and you're just a temporary standing wave that exists for a short time.

You're literally made of atoms that someone else used for their own body at one time. But yeah, sex is gross.

I think you have autism.

Yes let’s go back to moral law please. If a woman has premarital sex she’s worthless.

Oh wait that’s retarded.

if you love her so much why don't you marry her?

Underrated post.

>using bad comparisons to justify his cuckoldry
just stop

I come here to avoid normie problems and you guys can't shut up about it.

I know I'm a kissless virgin but please stop rubbing it in every day and talk more about computer please.

Consider that your wife has probably fucked a pajeet, a mexicant, and had some BBC behind your back because she realized after marrying you that it meant never knowing what it's like to be with someone else. First time she felt guilty and almost told you about it... But by the second time it became a thrill for her. Now she's fucked 6 guys and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.

Would you buy a used car for the same price as a new one?

>holding on to sexist, outdated beliefs
>makes shit up to keep women subservient like a ch**stian

sais the guy who probably masturbates twice a day.

>implying anyone would fuck a pajeet
Hell even currywhores won't fuck pajeet unless it's an arranged marriage or something.


Would you objectify women by comparing them to cars? Do you also identify as a car? What a stupid fucking analogy.

>would you objectify women


An analogy isn't comparing the objects, it's comparing the context. He's not calling women cars you fucking idiot

No. Masturbation is bad for your mental health and lowers testosterone.

I fucked your useless whores and married a virgin.
Marrying a whore is like buying a taxi after it's been driven for years, while paying for it like you bought it new from a car salon.

im half Indian and I have fucked at least 10 white women lol

Dude if you identify as a car just come out and say it already lol you want to fuck a nice new car I’m not here to judge my dude

how is that retarded?

do you really expect to have a stable relationship or even a family with someone who's mind has be physically altered by abusing \delta FoSB expression from sex, and possibly drugs and other maladjusted activities?

Don't ruin the joke, faggot

>do you really expect to have a stable relationship or even a family

Yep. I totally expect that. I actually wouldn’t want a virgin necessarily because how can you be confident in your feelings for another if you haven’t experienced the super easy pitfalls of a relationship for yourself? How can you know the sex is good if you haven’t had sex with anyone else?

I've that I use my phone more having a life than my friends that don't have a life. Calls to make plans, gps to get places, Bluetooth audio in my car for music while driving, taking my Chromecast dongle to a girl's house to cast Netflix for Netflix and chill (aka sticking my dick in her after we start a really bad movie or show), etc

I thought that pic was Furmark.

So you go to the dealership to purchase a woman? That’s the context right?

Or is the context that you’re treating people like commodities? What’s the price of a life then?

Nah it’s a stupid analogy.


Left is the superior bagel as well.

>relationships are all about sex and physical pleasure
I guess my hand and I are due to be married soon
>confident in your feelings
Look, I’ll save you the trouble of having to type out, “you’re a virgin,” because I am but I’m not sure how one would be unconfident in the feelings, unless you mean lust be love, which is why you wait to have sex until after marriage. If you feel no love, don’t have sex and don’t marry

>being too autistic for analogies

Come back with a better baked good for this

You literally have no idea how analogies work dude

>makes a shit argument then claims the other side doesn’t understand it when they call it out for being shit
You sound like a chr**tian my dude.

I will only marry a virgin. Why would you want to live on a planet that someone else has lived on before?

This is an example of a shitty analogy. The used car one is another example.

Left is luscious left-wing democrat party bagel

Right is rotten right-wing republican party mushroom

You sound like someone who regrets being raised believing that promiscuity is a good thing and now tries to justify being a cuckold to everyone on a Laoation shoe weaving forum

You don't choose what planet you live on tho that doesn't work. Just accept you don't understand analogies. Most people don't.

I just fucked a chubby 35-year-old and it was fine desu

We don't choose who we love, either


I’m actually single, living in a mostly white city and fucking tons of white chicks as a mixed race pajeet so if you really do believe the whole cuck thing then I feel bad for you because you’re the only one losing out here

Pic related, I’m in ur gene pools, dirtyin up ur women

You also don’t go to a dealership to purchase a woman. They’re both shit analogies lol

>implying I am going to pass on my genes
You can have the world for all I care, doesn’t make it healthy to fuck everyone or have no self control

Good on you, user.


Nope. That’s an outdated belief.

prove it

Case closed

you know what they say
everything was better in the good ol days

Well.. we’re talking about social preferences here so it’s really hard to prove it. What I will say is that when we’re free to experiment we can be more sure of our desires and opinions, and be more sure that we’re making the right choices. When our choices are artificially restricted by outdated, Chr**tian beliefs, we are all less equal and less free.

master keys and shitty locks, user

>social preferences

You're missing the point. He's saying that used things are worse and aren't worth as much, and that the former applies to women. If you don't argue against the main point, then you're just cherry picking.

All jaded 30+ unmarried hags report to this guy. He agrees that all of your problems stem from the patriarchy.

You look good, user, but your picture gives you a weird fish eye look. Try not to be too mean to the girls. Their parents are really worried about them.

This was meant for.