Firefox isn't a botnet they said, Mozilla is a non-profit so they "care" about users they said

Just stop deluding yourselves and switch over to Palemoon/Iridium already.

Other urls found in this thread:

Happy Waterfox user reporting in.
Jiggles them almonds


>firefox 27

I don't even see this in my addon page

>I am everyone

>Literally posting a blog

Latest waterfox still can use legacy ads-ons right?

>"everyone has this forced addon installed"
>"i don't"
l o l

Happily on ESR until this june

>2018 - 15 days
>not using dooble
stay bloated


Nah, you do. You're just here to run damage control.


I'm suspicious of these knockoff firefoxes which are being shilled hard. Possibly full of miners and trackers and shit.

The absolute state of Sup Forums. This is just a Sup Forums by proxy now.

they're all open source, you can audit the code you autist.
>inb4 muh I shouldn't have to do that!
if anyone offers privacy ootb it's probably reversed and best if you don't use it
see:Opera VPN

Never seen such extension.


>spend a year figuring out the code
>spot vulnerability
>"oh lol oops that's just an accidental bug, honest"

>install program on your computer
>don't configure any of the privacy settings
>ignore the "choose what I share" warning when you first install firefox
>surprised when you get botnet'd

Guess what? So is vanilla Firefox.


Also, don't trust Palemoon either, the main dev is corrupt and censors addons he doesn't like.

>"i don't have this forced addon installed"
>"most people on Nightly do"

>organization wants to help women
>Sup Forums throws a tantrum



That's why you don't use Nightly.

>he doesn't understand that discrimination, feminism, SJWism and unqualified people (women in this case) in position of power will ruin everything
Are you twelve?

Mozilla homepage 10 years ago:
>web browser... email client... technology... software development... web standards...

Mozilla homepage today:
>women... feminism... LGBTQXYZ+ .... transgender... Africa... India...

Really makes you think

>if women get smart then one of them might take my job and then i would be sad

>web browser...
solved, use lynx or similar
>email client...
solved, use mutt or similar
still there
>software development...
solved, use electron
>web standards...
irredeemably fucked, there's no point trying to salvage them

>use nightly
>complain about shit

Single digit IQ brainlets should stay on Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

>implying women will ever get smart

There are already more women at University than men. The whole 'equality' thing is bullshit. Lots of female dominated fields exist.
>In Canada, and in the United States, women constitute approximately 80% of the veterinary college student population
Have you ever seen a support group lobbying to get more men into veterinary medicine? Try to make one and watch the shitstorm unfold.

>literally partners with fox interactive
i use chrome i have zero problem supporting diversity in tech but making deals with crony fucks? nahhhhhhhhhhhh

>OP shills, the thread.

If you want a tool, stick to an old stable version, don't download the newest version with "better" UI


So obviously this doesn't exist then right?

>anecdata ftw!

I'd appreciate it if everyone could refer to this new "feature" as malware. Let all your friends know about the new malware Firefox got paid to add to their browser.


Bye FF it was somewhat fine while it lasted and I DO sincerely thank you for saving the internet from IE back in the 90s.

The Mozilla Corporation isn't a non-profit. That's just a meme perpetuated by retards that don't know what they're talking about.

what did they mean by this?

That they are quite capable and it seems blase about lying to anyone that will listen and especially their userbase.

As much as I may not have it currently, it's still a rather irresponsible thing to do for Mozilla

>"we got caught"
It's okay. Your idiotic userbase has already forgiven you. You can keep doing it.

>untick a simple box and problem solved
maybe apple is the right platform for you friend

>use nightly
>don't have this addon
>go to about:config
>lookingglass is disabled
I haven't even disabled it anywhere and I have full telemetry enabled in Nightly (by choice). So I doubt this is enabled by default. I've been running nightly for a year on my current installation with no issues.

Works on my machineā„¢


>i have a preference entry for an addon i never installed
you wouldnt see denial even if it shot you in the foot

>mfw I used to recommend this garbage
firefox was a mistake

It's not an addon if it doesn't appear in the addons page. It's also not relevant when it's disabled on install.

>It's not an addon if it doesn't appear in the addons page
>not relevant when it's disabled on install
jesus christ...

your level of denial might actual be harmful, see a doctor (i am not joking)

I wish someone would come out with a "Retrofox" that went back to an earlier version of FF before they started changing it every few months. WTF.

Hi Sup Forums
I'm developing a Dindufox (GlowinNightly alpha completed) version.

Full Botnet, 24/7 connected with ALL gov spying agencies, ISIS/snackbar compatible, Anti Israel, Antifa AND Nazi protocols at the same time, WebRTC leaks from every device in 10 miles range, embedded multiple honeypot VPNs (with yearly paid plans).

>a ARG is a "botnet"
so tired of nu Sup Forumss retardation.

No way, Sup Forumsentlemans aren't using midori

it already exists:


>Software that claims to be privacy-focused
>Botnet features opt-out rather than opt-in

Honestly I like FF, I just think some of the defaults should be changed.

Paranoid babbling. Kill yourself like you want to.

Explain what you mean by this. What denial? It's literally not enabled on NIGHTLY with ALL telemetry/reports enabled in settings.

is it ok to ask about best browser yet?

with adblock,ghosty,script block, and LSO block that doesn't eat memory and also isn't a botnet?

is this too much to ask?

Gee I wonder who could be behind this change

What are you doing.

>use lynx or similar
Impossible. many sites today do not work without javascript. You can't even post on this indian poo-in-loo imageboard without it.
>use mutt or similar
Ok i'm with ya there
>technology still exists
>web standards are fucked
sadly yes

Replace adblock/ghostery with uBlock Origin. Use uMatrix for script blocking.
>not botnet
IceCat, WaterFox, Iridium.


No clue. Anybody got any ideas?

Looks like I'm going to qutememe.


Itt: Google employees

If you leave Firefox and go to fucking Chrome, you're a huge retard.

>shill themselves for being privacy-focused browser that respect your freedom
>put a hardcoded 3rd party add-ons
>put a fucking ads on your extensions without your consent
If being rational person means being a google shill, then I'm a google shill.
Also don't give me that "m-muh you can disable it on about:config"! They call themselves a privacy-focused browser, they shouldn't do this in the first place. Google can do jackshit like this and fine because they don't call themselves a privacy-focused browser for the fuck sake.


That's cool, Sup Forums loves Indians now.

Oh, yeah, and Jews, too.

Yes, let's all just use a bazillion different ideologically motivated browsers and make ourselves even more irrelevant to stupid webdevs in the face of Chrome, the dominant browser backed by a fucking advertising company.

Firefox is slow as hell anyway. Is there some hot new browser out there that's totally original and free of sleazy advertising and surveillance?

Site is down, but code is here:

There's something I totally don't understand here.
Allegedly this plugin is enabled by default, but requires you go edit some config option manually to make it do stuff.
What's going to be a better sell in this PR campaign? "Please install this web extension which is then active by default" vs "Please dive into the the Firefox config and change things you don't understand".

The former would be a better sell to normies AND have completely avoided this shitstorm.

Wow that's ambitious for just a handful of developers on Sup Forums

Is using Edge with uBlock Origin and Ghostery really such a bad idea with the syncing off?

Please don't be joking. My marketing team would consider you a hero.

>Is using Edge with uBlock Origin

I unironically mostly like Edge. The only thing that's shitting me is that inPrivate won't let you use extensions. I know there's technically a reason for that but when I'm browsing porn is not when I want my ad blocker disabled.

It's almost as if GPL code is important so you can change the code yourself if companies pull this shit.

Where is my addon?
Adblock, greasmonkey all is trash.
I lost even addon bar!!!!

Ghostery is malware. It's a bad idea.

Teaching coding to women in the third world seems pretty fine to me desu.

Mozilla turned into a billon-dollar heavy collection of marketing people and social justice warriors. Good job.

>Sup Forums
>Ever loving curry niggers, let alone even like them

Stop lying to yourself, a huge majority of Sup Forums will always be in constant quarrels with Pajeet niggers like natural enemies


Sup Forums or not, a "non profit organization" should stay the fuck away from such shit.

^ this. PM forked everything and the dude has been working on PM for a decade now. If anyone, he can pull this shit off.

I won't use it as a main browser but I will keep using it for the addons that will never be replaced.

I had this malware installed, I'm not even from America. I don't even know what NBC Universal is.

Dude, I'm dead serious

Thank you

>SHIELD studies let you try out different features and ideas before they are released to all Firefox users. Using your feedback, we can make more informed decisions based on what you actually need.
I don't think there's one FF user outside of Mozilla HQ who thought this would be used for an ARG for a TV show.

It is an advert for a show about a "hacker".
Mozilla and the advertisement partner and probably the show's audience think than changing a config setting is akin to being a "hacker".

will switch as soon as they adopt version 57 (so I can use my custom style)

Only retards think Firefox being a 'non-profit' actually matters.

Google has tons of income sources, they don't have to milk their browser users. Meanwhile Mozilla has only one asset, so natually all their shenanigans will focus on everyone who's using their browser.

Ditch Firefox now!