Your FIRST computer

Post your first computer. The first computer you had that was entirely yours.

This isn't mine (no photos exist) but it's a similar model. It had a 75mhz Pentium CPU,

16MB of RAM,

and a 1GB HDD.

It ran Windows 95, but by the time I discovered Linux I was using a laptop my dad passed down to me, some Toshiba model I can't recall.

If your first computer ran Windows XP or later you legally can't be on this board! Leave now!

Other urls found in this thread:

>If your first computer ran Windows XP or later you legally can't be on this board! Leave now!
my 'first' computer had w95 and a pentium mmx. quantex qp-5/233

however, my first computer that was entirely mine was an hp dv6000 running windows 7 ulitmate.

ibm 386 33mhz
best pizza box ever

First computer I can actually remember was a shitty nec that had windows 98.

My uncles first computer was similar to that. I would have to fix it often when I was like 10 years old.

Macintosh Performa 630CD

500mhz Pentium III
Windows 98

First computer was a Latitude D600.

>32 bit pentium M @ 1.5 ghz
>2 or 1gb RAM, cant remember
>30gb IDE hard drive
>CD-ROM drive

Fuck you op it ran windows xp and im 20
It also ran tons of linux distros since i distro hopped a lot, longest distro that stayed installed was lubuntu. It got disassembled but I still have the HDD in an enclosure and I converted the monitor to be a secondary on my PC

First PC was one of these Gateway2000s. 233MHz PII, some amount of RAM, a 20GB HDD, eventually upgraded to a Soundblaster and a 3dfx VooDoo 2. Came with Windows 95, upgraded to 98SE.

Compaq Evo D510 CMT. P4 1.8ghz, 512MB, 40GB IDE HDD. Stole it from school and installed Mac OS X Tiger on it.

first computer i had for myself was a shit Packard Bell 820 with a Cyrix MII-300 74MHz, 32MB RAM, 5GB IDE HDD
still have it to this day but it needs a new hard disk and a new PSU

Compaq presario 233 MHz

Give it back, Jaquanshar

Pic somewhat related, mine was the little brother with a 286 CPU


OP said computer, not toy.

>xDDD applel sux guise im so cool

Commodore Amiga A2000. What a beauty.

a siemens that looked like pic related
all i know its that it had a pentium 3 with 1gb hdd running win95
playing Virtua Cop 2 on it
why the hell did they put key locks on them ?

My family had a much older pc when I had like 7 years, but my first was actually pretty decent

dual core AM2+ processor
2 GB ram
Nvidia GT 6600
160GB harddrive

This was around 2005 I think? Had like 15-16 years.

I am a young lad
Sempron 3000+ 1.8GHz
GeForce 6600
Honestly it was a nice little computer, too bad now the mobo's dead

I don't have a pic of it, but it was basically this setup with Windows 3.1

I really want those minimalistic horizontal cases to come back
They looked so nice


first computer I used was an iMac g3, and first computer I owned was a Power Mac g4 hand-me-down some years later.
Good times.

my very first computer i can barely remember because it only lasted a few months before it broke. it was this ugly piece of shit. it was so fucking fast compared to the old md8008 xl that ran windows xp. but that computer wasnt mine yet.

I got it 2nd hand when i was 14. Back in 2011-2 it was quite usable for web browsing and homework.

Something similar to pic related. Can't find the exact one though.

Would have been this thing, the first one I built, I still have it too.

>AMD 450mhz K6-3+ @ 550mhz, delid and vcore at 1.35
>3dfx Voodoo 5500 AGP 64mb
>512mb PC133
>3com 10/100
>10gb Win98 boot drive
>5x 73gb 15k RPM SCSI in RAID 5
>Some sort of Adaptec Dell SCSI card

Thing ran like hell when I was a kid and I built it working in a computer shop in my freshman year of high school

my first computer was a commodore 64 with a casette tape drive
this is no joke
I had many computers after it, but dos was where I started

del *.*

It was an IBM... I forget if it was the AT or the XT, though... SO MANY hours spent on that thing... We ended up giving it to some friends who didn't have a computer.

>5x 73gb 15k RPM SCSI in RAID 5
How much fucking noise?
I've still got my first too, a Pentium MMX 225MHz with 96MB of RAM, a Diamond Monster 3DFX which needs a Matrox Mistique 220 passed through it for rendering the desktop, and an ISA Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold to top it all off.

Pravets 16 master race!

I think it was:

AMD 3200+
1gb RAM
GeForce 7600gt

My first was a 48k Speccy. Used it from 85 until around 1994. Fuck the Amstrad Speccys they were rubbish.
Why would it be a joke? Everyone used tapes in the 80s, especially with C64s since the disk drives were so expensive.


You don't know how old it was when he got it

true, explain the background then user

What about it?

If you bought it in 84/85 you are a rich fag
if you bought it late 90s early 2000s you are a hobo

choose one

What does that have to do with the background? And tell the guy who posted it; it wasn't my first computer.

If you bought in 85 you're an idiot, because the Amiga 1000 was far superior for less than half the price.

Similar build, back in 2004, it wasn't my first one, but a first one that belonged to just me.
Pentium 4 3.2 GHz
512mb ram
160gb HDD
Thing was a monster back then

Got my first in 03, p4 2.8 with 9700 pro, 512 mb ram and 120 gig HD.

but it just worked.

don't have it anymore

First "computer" I've used is a custom built one.

Pentium III 500 Mhz
768 MB Ram
nVidia GeForce4 MX
Originally ran Windows 98 SE, then 2000, then XP.

Pentium III 866MHz Coppermine
Radeon 64MB SDR VIVO
can't remember the sound card
Dell M781s 17inch
Logitech speakers
standard quietkey keyboard and microsoft ball mouse.

Originally shipped wirh Windows 98. Upgraded to Windows 2000 Pro. Finally left it with dual booting wirh some linux distro and Windows XP. At some point I had XOSL on a separate partition to boot to oh so many linux distros I installed. I think at some point I had 12.
Damn, Half Life and Quake III looked so damned gorgeous on that monitor with that video card.
At some point I grew tired of the beige so I spray painted it all in black at the time the industry had left the beige boxes in favor of the black ones.
I finally sold it because I needed the money, I can't help it looking every noe and thrn for images of this model.

AST Advantage! 611s

Cyrix 5x86GP 100MHz
850MB Seagate harddrive
10Mbit thinwire coax ethernet card
Windows 95

Found in dumpster behind local government office, used it as my IRC terminal for years after upgrading it to 8MB ram.
Still took forever to boot it up so i just never turned it off unless i absolutely had to.

Holy shit. Mine was the exact same as yours OP. It was the first one that was 100% mine. Used it until 2001 when I got my hands on a 400MHz Celeron eMachines piece of shit.

c64+tape drive, later 1541 fdd. first x86 pc was amd286 16mhz, 1MB SIP(!) Ram, 40MB seagate hdd, 1.44 fdd, a philips EGA monitor. that was a long time ago :)

I had one of these (zx-81 clone)

I know you won't believe me but it was a Thinkpad T series.

486 DX (or DX 2 ?)
120 MB Hard Disk Drive
Windows 3.11 for Workgroups
It booted to commandline in maybe 30 seconds
Fucking lack of CD-Rom drive so I couldn't install Sim City 2000.
Played Prince of Persia 2 fine though.

pentium 800 mhz

365 mb ram

geforce 4

i didnt upgrade and went console, now pc gaming since 4 years ago. what a releaf.


Can't remember the looks of it, but it had this CPU:

Then 62MB RAM later upgraded to 192MB. Originally 8GB HDD, I think later we added a 20GB one next to it.


White box 486SX/25. 4MB of RAM and a 130MB Conner hard drive. For the next few years, dumped every extra penny I had into it. Ended up with an 83MHz Pentium Overdrive, 16MB, four 1.2GB WD hard drives, and a Matrox Millennium. Then moved to a P133 from Gateway.

Olivetti had some great industrial designers back then.

A lot.....later on I added rubber grommets which helped a bit....they were Seagate barracuda drives and were actually pretty quiet

Mine was 486SX20 overclocked to 25mhz (crystal swap), 130mb seagate, 4mb ram, 1mb trident tvga8900.

No cooler or even heatsink on cpu back then.

Worked two weeks over summer to buy 2400 internal modem and another week for shitty soundblaster clone.

Mah FPU-deficient homeboy.

Sinclair type thing we bought at a grocery store in 1983-4ish. 40 columns, 4k ram, tape drive was insanely expensive but we finally got one. Before that any work/programming was lost on power off. After that we got a fucking glorious Tandy/Radio Shack color computer.

That Matrox was fucking god mode in the day. Still the best image quality I've ever seen.

AST Premium 386SX 16 Mc
Installed 387, has a 20GB hard drive (with boot overlay ofc), runs any of Windows 3.1, NT 3.51, or Windows 9x, whatever i need to test on for embedded software testing now.
Stopped being a general purpose box AGES ago

My first computer
>66MHz (probably some kind of 80486 cpu)
>Turbo button
>RAM (no clue)
>HDD (no clue)
>Video card (no clue)
>OS (somekind of DOS I guess, no GUI afair)
>FDD (not sure if 5½" or 3½")
>No CD-Rom drive
>Brand (can't remember, computer gone long time ago)

Yeah, it was a great card. I got Mechwarrior bundled with it, so it was a win-win.

First computer I used was some desktop with windows 3.11 or amiga 500, first I actually own completely is this ryzen thingy i'm using right now

I had a PB just like that, only it was a 486 :(

>If your first computer ran Windows XP or later you legally can't be on this board! Leave now!
My 'first' computer ran Vista, the first computer I actually bought on ran windows 7

I've been legally browsing this website for close to a year and a half

What the hell are you me? that's the same computer I had first too. Oh god remember when computers laid flat and you would put the monitor on top of it? Good times.

gave it to my mom after i upgraded
school had macs so their jew magic worked on me and i got one. wish i didnt have such shit taste as a kid.

Is that not a thing anymore? Half the computer labs in my uni are set up like that

Well you can still turn them on their side, but a lot of computers back then were specificly built in that orientation.

>specifically built
It's literally just a matter of cases. And like my uni lab shows, horizontal cases are still a thing, albeit rarer. Unless they have some really particular properties I'm not aware of?

200 MHz AMD K6 (with MMX!)
I can't remember how much RAM I had. Probably 16 MB
Matrox Mystiqe GPU
SoundBlaster AWE 64 soundcard (I remember I really wanted that, because it made midi files sound so much better)
And a 512MB harddrive, which was uncomfortably small even at the time.
Running Windows 95.

Same thing here in the early '80s, but it was a 2e rather than a Mac. I loved that thing until around 1989, when my friends' PCs started really pulling away from my Apple in capabilities. Didn't know anyone that had an Amiga, and only one who had an Atari.

>t. mactoddler

I can count on one hand the number of times I've touched a Mac.

it was this

pulled it out of my 8th grade school's trash back in 'le day and was too poor to afford books, so taught myself qbasic from the .hlp files lol

>TFW your schools always had you use macs
The other students who didn't have a PC at home didn't understand why I didn't like it.

>The first computer you had that was entirely yours.

It was an eMachines desktop tower with a 733MHz celeron, and it came with 64MB RAM. My brother helped me add extra RAM later on. I used it for about a year and a half before the onboard sound stopped working, and then my brother built me a new computer with an Athlon XP

I actually still have the motherboard and CPU from my first computer, and it still works. I'm thinking of setting it up again just for nostalgia

das it mane

>tfw upgrading this to a Pentium

My first self bought pc was a sandy bridge laptop

But I started way earlier with my family commodore vic-20

I don't remember if it was a particular model or what, but it was a 286 or 386. It didn't have a hard drive, just a 5.25" floppy drive.

Holy shit it was expensive back then. No idea how my poorfag parents could afford one.

All I'm saying is that a lot of cases on prebuilts back in the 90s were horizontal

>Creative Labs SoundBlaster sound card
Literally what I have in my PC right now. Time flies

>they can look up their first PC
>because it was a pre-built

First one I ever owned was a classy white-gone-beige piece of crap Dell with an original Pentium II and idunnohowmuchbutIthink500MB RAM.
It was enough to play Doom and Bomberman, so I was happy.

The first one I ever built myself was this hunk here with an AMD FX-8000 series, 16GB of RAM and a Radeon 7850

No it wasn't. My dad helped me build it.

This is disgusting. Why is there so much wasted space? Does this case only have 5.25 bays and no 3.5 ones?

I bought a cooler master HAF X because I was into gaymer memes at the time and also "a bigger case will give more space to maneuvre", but at least I'm using most of that space

Well yeah, I was given my first computer when I was like 9. At 11 I found some old servers in the garage from my dad's work and took the best parts from all of them. I built a computer with a P4, 3GiB RAM, and an 80GB HDD in one of those hinged Optiplex cases with the green plastic inside

first PC was a pentium II 233mhz. don't remember much else about it, probably ran windows 98 on it.

I recall the CPU had this really funky socket, similiar to a PCI card. never seen such a thing again. something like pic related

It's an XIGMATEC and it has like ten 3.5" bays... I don't know why.
I got it back then because I had no real clue yet how to build PCs and I just saw it was massive and wanted it.

I used it again afterwards for my NAS before I moved everything into a server rack.

HP Pavilion T3207 (2005/2006)

my first family pc was ops image, a Packard Bell Executive 75, but with 4mb ram and an 850mb hd.

My first fully mine pc was a mitsubishi all in one with a p166.

Amiga 500 user, with memory expansion (purchased later). How about that

Wish I have it, but it's not around anymore. back in 1990 a X286, clone pc I guess, monochrome monitor, ran D.O.S and a few games

I'll see your amiga 500 and raise you an acorn electron