Still no rivals
>the bass on them is equivalent to $60 big headphones
Still no rivals
>the bass on them is equivalent to $60 big headphones
Other urls found in this thread:
You're trolling.. right?
Nobody could possibly be that ignorant.
Samsung Earbuds that came with the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S7 are pretty much the same exact thing and fit better
muh BASS
*smacks lips*
>muh niggerbass
lows are crucial *tips fedora*
everyone who has ever said this has shit taste in music, anime and game OSTs dont count as music btw
[citation needed]
Society u fuckin nerd lmao
they should listen to Pink Floyd 1st album if they want bass without lil wayne in it or some dub reggae
In complete sincerity they're my favourite headphones. So comfortable, sound great, perfect ergonomics. Not exactly overpriced, but I go through a pair about every 2 months so it gets expensive. I recently switched to Headroom MS-16 chinkphones, which aren't as comfortable, maybe even a bit less durable, but sound great (less bass but probably a bit better overall) and most importantly are ~$10 a pop instead of ~$35.
I don't understand what's stopping the Chinese from making an exact clone of the EarPods and selling them for less, but all superficial clones are TRASH.
...also anyone saying the EarPods aren't great are memeing. Before they came out I was buying Yuin's at ~$80 a pop because all earbuds used to be garbage (notably Apple's earbuds), but the EarPods were a REVELATION for the price; un-ironically a case of Apple blowing apart a segment.
i think its the only decent hardware apple made
*ATEs ur path*
an user suggested I get those for the 11/11 sale
I did
they're fucking amazing
louder than shitpods from apple
more comfortable
the only fault I can find is that they weigh a lot and there's no cable clip, so they can sometimes fall out of your ear or the cable can get stuck on clothes
They fall out of my ears if I turn my head more than half a degree
IEMs became known as the portable "audiophile" option back when earbuds were all shit. But since then earbuds have come a **LONG** way, while IEMs are stuck with severe compromises due to how they work.
Maybe there's a pair of super-expensive open-back custom-moulded IEMs out there that'd convince me otherwise, but I've tried most of the meme'y IEMs around and they sound like IEMs from +10 years ago, which is to say not as good as the EarPods (Apple actually still makes IEMs - "Apple In-Ear Headphones" or something - but nobody has bothered since the EarPods came out). Plus IEMs will never be as comfortable, will always suffer from microphonics, and I've never heard IEMs that sound as natural and balanced as good earbuds or on-ears. All they really have going is 'dat nigga' bass.
Yeah, they sound great, but overall I still slightly prefer the EarPod sounds since they have better bass (even experimenting with different foams on the Headrooms).
I actually prefer the cable to the EarPods, although I like the EarPod controller better. Still, the headrooms are phenomenal for the price (if they were $50 and came in a Sennheiser box people would be going ape over what a bargain they were).
*prefer the cable from the Headrooms
*falls out of the ear*
are my ears just fucked up completely or why do these things fall out every time
I unironically liked these a lot for the like three months both sides were working
Different stroked. They never fall out of mine unintentionally, even when exercising or otherwise being active.
These are probably my favorite earphones, but they can never beat the trusty over-the-ear cans. They don't even compare to cheap $15 ones.
>and I've never heard IEMs that sound as natural and balanced as good earbuds or on-ears. All they really have going is 'dat nigga' bass.
Good thing you didn't mention a single pair of IEMs you tried in your post. I assume you checked out Etymotics ER4 and not just a bunch of $20 crap.
Get your ears checked OP. You may have a disorder.
Foams are pretty essential though, you lose like 75% bass without them.
>mfw im still using RE0s from around 7 or more years ago and theyre tons better than the Apple Earpods
Not our fault you have fucked up ears.
The earpods don't need them, at least if they fit well.
>at least if they fit well.
lmao sure bud keep making excuses
Apart from the bigger thing.
Isn't having a strong bass more damaging to your ears?
apple earphones leak audio so badly
literally everyone can ear what you are listening to
Are you guys using the shit old apple earphones? Genuine pods are the best oem I've found you can get.
Who cares?
The flip-size is that you can hear the outside world fine when they're in. I like them for walking around and while driving / riding a motorcycle for this reason.
> while driving
Why do people do this.
Tell me why i fucked up anons
Because chink IEMs are the same standard for a lot less money. I used to buy Sennheisers but never had any last more than 6 months.
yes, it's incredibly unhealthy for your eardrums to vibrate at lower frequencies.
which is why it is important to always listen to something, if your drums stand still for extended periods of time it basically kills you
>poorfags, the thread
Pic repeated is what I use.
IMO it's much more important which device you are listening from. Both of my Android phones sound much much better than Windows desktop PC on any headphones.
Preferring bass over tremble, I see you really enjoy nigger nusic
the only good bass is fast accurate bass
the kind you either get with planars or some studio monitoring dynamic headphones
most normie audio gear has either NO bass or the boomy muddy kind that only appeals to top 40 listeners who have no idea what good sound is
The ultimate clueless normie.
there's no way unless your onboard sound card on that PC has abysmal shielding
I'm not an expert in sound, just saying what I notice. Then again, neither are you.
My 9$ Sony headphones are higher quality than these. Literal happy meal toys.
yeah but what you're saying is just factually wrong
other than the sound emitting device itself there are 4 things that can typically affect sound
>quality of the rip
nowadays the DAC and cable pretty much only affect the sound when they don't work properly
the quality of the rip is very important of course. are you listening to spotify premium on your phone and shitty lossy piratebay torrented MP3s on your PC? that would make a massive difference.
in your case the built-in amps shouldn't make much of a difference either
You need to run it like 800+ hours to get the bass.
give me a high sound quality rip of any song i just wanna see if i can hear the difference
>only cares about bass
how pleb can you be, I hope that is not all those buds have going for them
The quality is shit on those
obvious b8 is obvious
Reminder to report all commercial spam and astroturfing.
If you have any 320kbps mp3 files on your PC, that's high quality rip.
if you have a CD laying around somewhere you can also extract it with Exact Audio Copy and use it as reference
otherwise I could toss you some FLAC files from my personal collection
these things are just as good as a pair of JVX marshmallows
itt virgins post thir chink trash
Earbuds are fucking uncomfortable as shit. Apple earbuds aren't anything special and they sure as shit aren't preferable or more comfortable than the like $10-20 generic Sony or Bose IEMs you can buy at like any Walmart or whatever.
>my bass so big ,it $60 dollar
holy shit...
I prefer them without the included earpads, in my opinion they make the sound less detailed. I still prefer IEMs to these but that's just me.
They're alright. Have been using them for a few months since I got them for free. Most earbuds I've tried break within 2 months so I'm pretty happy.
>but I've tried most of the meme'y IEMs around and they sound like IEMs from +10 years ago, which is to say not as good as the EarPods
I dare you to buy the BGVP SGZ-DN1 and say that again, retard
I got a pair of those for free from my father when he got an iPhone. Not only are they sound like shit for their price, they are build like shit. Even those $10 IEMs that /CSG/ discusses sound miles better.
There's ZERO bass without the foams. Get some doughnuts maybe.
>ear pods so shit the break every 2 months
>every other brand of earbuds can never fit quite right in my ears, they always keep falling out
>buy iPhone 5s some years back, comes with EarPods
>try listening to some music with new phone
Granted, they can never compete with actual quality headphones, but fuck, these are the best small buds I've ever used. I'd go as far as to say these are the only buds I would actually buy twice.
Those are pretty good. I used to have those until I broke them. Only downside is no inline controls, which is a pain in the arse when you're riding a bicycle.
Imagine being this much of a retard. Or a shill. Or both.
Apple In Ear (not the ones in the picture) are literally the best sub 300 USD headphones ever.
>tried them again literally 5 minutes ago since putting them away months ago
>see this thread now
they are fucking great for everything except maybe techno
they don't fit my ears tho, they fall out so easily...anyone having the same problem?
Wonder if Apple had to pay for this. Probably not since they clearly prefer everyone use wireless AirPods and Beats™©, and are killing off the iPod.
*your ears start to hurt after 10 minutes*
If they fit your ears, they are great, but it's not for everyone. Know a few people who say they don't really fit or hurt after a while. You can usually get a pair for 20 bucks or so and for that price point they are the best you can get by a long shot, especially if in-ears are no option.
>never used EarPods
Earpod users know.
>t. nigger
Fucking Kys. You've never used EarPods. EarPod user here. Jump off a cliff
Lern2reed, I was responding to a user not using foams on the Headroom MS16s.
I don't give a shit about bass. All I ever wanted were decent quality NON-SEALING earbuds that weren't disgusting chink garbage of the same level of in-flight handed out earphones. EarPods are great, AirPods are basically perfect. I don't listen to music much but they more than suffice, I do however spend a lot of time on the phone, averaging 1 hour every day. Try taking a phone call with silicon tip earbuds, not only will they fall out of your ear canal when you move your jaw around enough but until that happens, if you have a voice like mine, you'll be hearing your own voice's bass booming in your skull and its fucking intolerable.
Apple earbuds are shit I've got a fuck tons of pairs from all my Apple devices and I'm currently stuck with them since I broke my proper headphones but they are trash and barely better than any other shitty earbuds. There's only so much anyway can do in that form factor. Also they don't fit in my ear and constantly fall out.
Fucking earbuds.
Do the AirPods sounds better/different from the EarPods?
>>the bass on them is equivalent to $60 big headphones
So equivalent to really shitty headphones?
EarPods are arguably the most popular earbuds on the street. So they probably did this because the actors had these earbuds with them or some shit.
Almost the same, not worse but not noticeably better and they have more bass.
God I'd love AirPods but I'm too afraid I'll lose them / one. Earbuds should be cheap enough not to have to worry about breaking/losing them.
I'm surprised so many people like them, here of all places. I have a bunch of pairs lying around that came with my phones, but I hate them. Like some others, they don't stay in my ear, and the sound isn't great imo.
Kys mongoloid incel earlet
I want treble, you complain. I want bass, you complain. Fucking kys already
so these are the ones I want? I am very intrigued because the one thing I had about my 8 dollar panasonics from amazon is that they isolate the sound too much. If these let in more sound then that's good.
Well, they don't class as cheap. If you lose them then, that's just your fault for misplacing them.
My headphones.
Seriously you fucking poorfag use real headphones. Earbuds are for when you're in a desperate need of portability and sound quality to a lesser extent.
>music doesn't count as music
what a perfectly valid and reliable source
...oh wait
You should take a walk once in a while, you know?
Yes. There is really no overestimation on how awful Apple's headphones are.
>music doesn't count as music
I like how you try to classify that shit as music worth listening to, outside of actually playing the game or watching your fag shit while mommy makes tendies.