Strange and weird Windows bugs and "features"."

Very strange and obscure Windows bugs and features. What is your favourite?


Only works in XP.

Op is not on XP

I like how Windows 10 bluescreens every couple of weeks when it tries to do an update on my 1 year old thinkpad, and has been doing so since I turned Cortana off.

Yeah, I love how Windows 10 breaks google chrome by changing graphics drivers every update. Will be moving my office to Macintosh

Poor notepad. What would you do with UTF-16 in your back and no BOM to help?

Like how Sup Forums always has problems with their OS and my shit just works.

I actually had this. I had to force Windows to stop replacing my and driver with the Windows one, it was over riding it every time it updated and would bsod.



Quake 1 graphics enhancer. You should try it. You need good CPU though.

i know what it is and its trash

If the folder is not indexed, hoe should it find it?
check your indexing settings

Because its all lies and bullshit so they can whine about something

fuck you, this was never an issue until windows 10



It is indexed

So this is the power of win10

the actual fix to this is to reinstall cortana

I had the same problem and it got fixed that way

Never had it removed in the first place

I bet the ! meme in the folder name has something to do with it.


On linux, you have a small list of standard directories where you would find .desktop files.
Indexing is needed for finding files, not running applications.
This is how they are split into categories in menus.

I don't know the exact implementation on windows, but if the applications can be indexed by category, the simplest search implementation would be to filter these categories.

It's obviously not installed since you don't even have the notebook icon or anything else in your start menu when searching. You posted this before and didn't listen then either though, I'm assuming you broke it on purpose for attention or some shit.

>uses start menu to open game that runs from steam
top kek

>game that runs from steam

where the fuck do you buy games not from steam?

Windows up to 7 includes the ancient WinNT boot screen, pic related. You can enable it with the /SOS flag

You're using windows 10 retard, there's your problem.

nah, he just went into shortucts and changed destination to nothing, ending with windows displaying shit but have nothing to open.

Also, ever heard of Gog?

Try doing "aaaa aaa aaa aaaaa", the result is the same. It's about the number of characters and position of spaces, not what the characters are.

>spaces and uppercase in path


This is actually a thing with Windows10 that at some point it has used up all of the finite number of indexes/whatevers that it has allocated for the search results and then after that it stops picking up new installed software because it never reorganizes those already in place. This happens to my Windows 10 installations every time at about 6 months installed. True story (I think).

>OS can't handle spaces and uppercase in path
kek, trash

are you on your moms laptop?

>coworker handle me his laptop
>could you install visio for me?
>windows 7 without SP1
>wtf, how old is this shit?
>open windows update
>WSUS offline
>1 entire day installing updates, this shit reboot at less 15 times
>install visio
>some dll is missing
>look it up
>just update it bro
>windows tell me to reboot because updates
>neat, the installer must have included the updates
>3 hours later, it's stuck in a reboot loop
>step 3 of 3

I hate windows. Why their update system is so obsolete? Why not simple copy how any linux bistro do their updates?

Why are you name fagging as femanon?

Probably he was shitposting and forgot about it.

Fuck off you attention whore nigger, you've been posting that for months that everyone on Sup Forums knows about that ((((((((((((bug))))))))))))))
I've installed a couple hundred instances of windows 10, it has never happened to me, neither did I see anyone else except you faggot complain about that issue.

go to 8ch /girltalk/ if you wanna talk about being a girrl

Fucking switch to being a linfag if this is bothering you so much. We won't miss you

You have to add the folders to your search index or windows will not find them because its not looking where they are.

It's my desktop. And my name is Юлия.

All these winblows 10 pajeets being so assblasted. kek

They are. See (You)

Kek, look who's talking, the namefagging roastie. Leave this board and never come back, maybe go to reddit or /soc/, you'll get your attention better there.
You got filtered.

>my name is Юлия.

opinion discarded

have you tried not being a retard?

>All these winblows 10 pajeets being so assblasted. kek
arent you the one using windows 10?


I thought you somewhat knew your shit.
But this "problem" you have been having for months now, I can't believe you're for real.

so why are you calling me a windows 10 fag?
what made you think that

I have the same problem, so it's not only him. The windows 10 search really is extremely bad

the thing is that this brainlet femanon is having this problem for months and has done nothing to solve it yet complains on every anti windows circlejerk thread

I'm pretty sure in another thread they admitted to having some nonstandard installer which is probably why things don't work.

>nonstandard installer
No, I use the official iso

> en_windows_10_enterprise_2016_ltsb_x64_dvd_9059483.iso
SHA1: 031ED6ACDC47B8F582C781B039F501D83997A1CF

ur a liar
my win10 is fine
And my name is Юлия.


Windows search has been retarded for more than a decade because they fucked up and dropped WinFS. Then they had to resort to a separate process to index files in NTFS instead of it just being done natively by a modern filesystem

"At the June 2004 WWDC, Jobs blew away the MSFT engineers in attendance by demonstrating lightning fast Spotlight searches on Tiger (OSX 10.4). The court-released MSFT emails show how flabbergasted they were, and the imperative of getting the Tiger preview DVDs back to Redmond for reverse engineering."

Windows fucking blows

Tits or gtfo

Hey guys its me again. My name is Юлия. I'm a retarded faggot that doesnt even know how to use windows and here I am posting on a technology forum. My name is Юлия. Isn't that cool guys anyway enough about my computer problems im pretty much just here to remind you all that Im a totally awesome tech girl and pretty much every one here uses windows 10 LOL. Btw did I mentiion my name was Юлия

KYS seriously

Good for you. This is a thread about obscure windows features, not namefagging and thread derailing. Yes I know windows 10 is shit, you're Russian, and your have tits. Go away.

>we could have had search via tags since early 2000
>we still don't have this
Things shouldn't be this terrible.

I know it's a cute name but there's no need to obsess over it.

tits or gtfo

explorer still doesn't have tabs either, even most linux distros ship with a file manager that has tabs now

How do they get away with this? I bet I could switch to Haiku and get a better casual desktop experience.

that's not XP

Please be in Moscow

Ukraine. I come there often though (:

Go click properties on D:, then enable file search.

It is already

What could i do with it?

search only shows files and folders you have indexed

Win 9x bluescreen was the best, had the option to continue working after bluescreen (just to try and save work etc. presumably).

Y-you too

They are indexed:

That's windows 7. Now do it on 10.

Post a picture of yourself or your battlestation.

>search only shows files and folders you have indexed
Also this is bollocks

Ofcourse. The same default settings were applied on 10 as well.

>traps in slavland

Do you happen to have background applications disabled? (In privacy options). Cos that did the trick for me. When I disabled all using the "master" switch, search stopped working. When I left it enabled and disabled all apps separately, search works.

They are enabled.

>windows doesnt index start menu folder
this is fucking retarded

please be in Kaliningrad

Pirate em m8

Windows 10 search is just broken half the time. Seriously, it just does not seem to follow the old indexing rules in a consistent way whatsoever. It's been like this pretty much since release

>expecting neo-\g\ to know something like this

I installed Windows 10 the other day just to finally try it

>switching audio outputs is per application with no way to make it global. You have to exit the program then restart it for it to catch the new audio output
>switching keyboard layouts is also per application with no way to make it global. I use Colemak for writing, but obviously qwerty for games. If I don't change from Coleman to qwerty before opening my game, I have to exit the game fully, then change the layout, then go back in
>search function is literal garbage and doesn't find half the shit you install. I just bought StartIsBack++ as recommended on that thread to fix this. Works like windows 7 now
>have to spend 3 hours configuring group policies and setting so random shit like "typing recognition" is not sent to Microsoft
>have to update my pihole lists with microshit IPs to make sure windows isn't sending shit even though I turned it off
>have to dig around obscure settings panel to remove that stupid notification bar on the right side
>virtual desktops are nice, finally windows has it, but Linux had it literally 10 years ago
>random shit on "My Computer" like a "3D Objects" directory that I have no use for
>tons of garbage Windows Store "apps" installed that you have to remove because they are trash compared to third party alternatives
>Inconsistent design out the ass, who does right clicking the task manager return a black menu, but right clicking literally anywhere else the menu is white? Just one out of many inconsistencies

How do windows users deal with this, and then turn around and call Linux shitty and "hard to configure", I don't get it. I dual-boot windows and Linux so I'm not some fanboy for either. I just don't understand the windows mentality. How could you call Linux hard to use, but then you have to hunt through random config programs like gpedit to change basic shit or have to install random third party shit just to make the start menu work normally? How is this better than Linux

congrats, you just broke the fourth Sup Forums wall

This happens because steam shortcuts are URLs and microsoft decided they didn't want URL shortcuts to show up in search.

You need to create normal windows shortcuts to the URL shortcuts and place them in the start menu.

They are not. Also see:

>screenshotting a bsod

>go out of your way to make things complicated
the mind of an autist trying to rationalize linux

Why didn't you just grab a copy of visio 2010 and never touch the updates?

You were asking for aids

Are you running Windows server 2016?
Because I am and I have the same problem.
LTSB did it fine though.