Thoughts on Elon Musk's views on public transit?

Thoughts on Elon Musk's views on public transit?

>if you don't share my opinion, that's a pathology
fuck this kike

I'm a poorfag that relies on buses but I don't feel like reading anything. What does that mean for me?

>Tesla CEO Elon Musk went decidedly low-brow in an exchange with transportation experts on Friday, following reports of comments in which Musk called public transport a “pain in the ass” and suggested the subway was a great place to bump into a murderer.

>The fracas began when Wired on Thursday published comments made by Musk at an artificial intelligence conference earlier this month. Musk said that “public transport is painful. It sucks. Why do you want to get on something with a lot of other people, that doesn’t leave where you want it to leave, doesn’t start where you want it to start, doesn’t end where you want it to end?”

>Musk further said that using public transit meant rubbing shoulders with “like a bunch of random strangers, one of who might be a serial killer. . . that’s why people like individualized transport, that goes where you want, when you want.”

>sharing space with strangers
Public transit is trash no matter what country you are in. People are shit, I don't want to share my personal space with some assface or a smelly hobo. Fuck public transit.

He's right about all that. If a personal option is possible and affordable, there would be no need for the piss-filled subway system/homeless shelter

He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, and I'm not american, I'm European and you wouldn't imagine the puke inducing crap you have to see and smell around """""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""" in large crowds and public transport. We need individualized transport NOW more than ever with the current arab infection in Europe.

>a rich guy who NEVER in his ENTIRE LIFE has used public transport gives his opinion about it
Yeah, no.

>living in a non-1st world country
>considering your "public" "transport" to actually be considered public transport
lol. I live in Hong Kong and it is so superior to owning a car that only delivery drivers, taxis, and the very rich bother owning a vehicle, which is why every car on the road is a van, a taxi, or a ferrari. Everyone else takes the MTR and arrives at their destination in half the time as the morons that thought driving there would be faster.

Musk is taking pride and hubris to pathological levels due to years of being surrounded by yes-men and ass lickers

it's all going to culminate into one gigantic Springfield monorail of a project

then the dude's inflated yet fragile ego will shatter into a million pieces and we won't hear from him again

>ohh no you have to walk 100m
Classic American.

Nothing beats public transit in terms of economical and ecological friendliness. But of course Mr. Futurology hates it because he wants to sell his backwards luxury limousines.

he wants to sell his eco-friendly "affordable" electric cars to everyone and not just upper class tech sector people.

and he thinks he can solve all the logistical problems that would incur, through software that (of course) permanently tracks every single vehicle.

hey, maybe he's right. I'm just waiting for San Francisco to test drive it for us.

>and I'm not american, I'm European
Are you lying to us?

Hey man I hate poor people too. I like Elon more now

The roads are jammed and his tunnel idea is retarded (and a waste of resources). You better accept that Mr. Futurology is a hypocrite.

He doesn't care about people being too close to one another when he wants to pack 200 into his rockets to shoot them to Sydney.


In a few months he can join black science man and shill nye the genders guy

The hate and despise of the poor is the defining element of american culture and tradition. It's also the reason why United States of School Shootings is such a shithole with african-tier wealth inequality.

An American would be ready to jump off a cliff it as a result he could make poor people suffer more than they already do.
Look at their healthcare. Americans VOLUNTARILY sign up to being fucked by insurance companies for their entire lifes because it fucks with the poor. For them it's a matter of pride.


>Musk further said that using mars rockets meant rubbing shoulders with “like a bunch of random strangers, one of who might be a serial killer. . . that’s why people like individualized transport, that goes where you want, when you want.”

You might still be trapped with a serial killer on Mars. Everyone should get their own planet.

I'd rather spend additional 20 or 30 minutes, hell even a fucking hour being stuck in traffic in my own car alone than spend 10 minutes being stuffed in a smelly box with other humans who smell just as bad as the piss soaked subway.

>ecological friendliness
Are you also a vegan? You fucking pussy. Fuck your environment.

That's because you live in a third world country. Europe and America public transport is shit because Europeans and Americans are shit. Japanese transit is amazing because Japanese are amazing people, it's simple.

The problem is that Americans are disgusting animals. In Scandinavian countries we don't have problems with public transit smelling or smelly people in public.

>Japanese are amazing people
Fucking weeaboo.

>muh oppressed poor
>wealth inequality
>muh gibscare
There, I made it easy to guess how I know you're not from around here.

Wow, really made me think. Nice one, samefag.

No, the problem is that people are garbage. It doesn't matter if they're american or fucking european. This fact is also exacerbated by the fact that public transit is cheap so any asswipe can buy a ticket and ride it and they can be poor, they can smell as shit and piss. And no matter how ubermensch your scandinavian friends are, even an average guy who's not a hobo would probably also smell at the end of his working day.

>would waste an hour of his life to avoid slight discomfort

Can you even IMAGINE being such a pampered crybaby? LMAO.

This desu.

If he really hates public spaces and other people he should be working on making commutes obsolete by making work obsolete so we can all stay at home.

> and suggested the subway was a great place to bump into a murderer.
You can tell he's from Africa

I'm sorry for trying to live in comfort, but that's just the way I am I guess. So public transit can go suck a dick.

Not really. Poor people can easily own a car. Mostly students or old people use public transit or use a bicycle instead.

Go to Japan, it'll change your life. I've been to every major city in the USA, and vacationed in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Austria. The difference between other countries and Tokyo is like night and day. It's incredible what traditionalism, conservationalism, and xenophobia can do for a country.

If you're so poor you cannot even afford an old steel frame 10 speed bike, you deserve getting raped and pissed on by homeless people on the train.

This is a failure of the tax system and the healthcare system. In actual first world countries people ride the transit system because the homeless people are not a significant portion of the urban population because the ones that actually are down on their luck are taken care of and the crazies incapable of working are either housed properly and/or they are given the medicines to turn them into normal people. Riding the trains in a place like Tokyo is amazing and even in a place closer to America like China, its far better than in the US.

Self-driving shared cars will be more efficient in every way than existing mass public transport systems.

How is his tube thing going to
>take riders precisely where they want to go?

What do you mean by efficient? It'd still take up more space.

Good luck commuting more than a couple of miles, or trying to get anywhere in the rain or snow or heat

Well, I'm glad you have the privilege of doing nothing for an hour or more and finding available parking space every weekday because I certainly don't. I and most other people have places to be and things to do, and if that requires human interaction then so be it.

And if important people like C-level executives can survive taking the subway, then so can you.

There always will be homeless people.

>then so can you.
I'd rather not. I'll be over here enjoying the comfort of my car where no asshole can be next to me.

Yeah it's real fun waiting an hour or till the next day depending how late in an underground bunker that has no cell service and people wanting to rob the shit out of you. Or in Japan's case being shoved in to the point where they have to manually shut doors as your face is resting on the glass window.

Absolutely not, shill.

You drive the last mile on the street again.

>being stuck for an HOUR in traffic


Thanks. Roads and sidewalks are very easy to manage with a bike even during the winter. When it rains, I stay at home or wear water proof clothes. In my city, going with a bike can be much faster than public transportation, even at distances for 5 km and more. Buses enjoy being stuck in traffic, immigrants that thake public transportation just to travel 100 meters. For days where a bike really is inconvenient, a taxi isn't that expensive for getting to work.

Getting to work after riding for 5-10 km is way better than stinking like piss and shit from homeless people and immigrants.

It's 2/5/10 minutes in every major city. And no one said you have to use public transport all the time. Nothing stops you from calling a self-driving Uber/Lyft at night. Americans seem to be only able to think in black-and-white.

you use those two fleshy things at the end of your hips to relocate

>sitting comfortably in your car seat listening to music and sipping coffee
>not comfort
>having to stand/sit next to strangers in a metal box, having to listen to someone talk, have to smell other people, having to see other people, get people accidentally step on your shoes, get people pushing you if it's rush hour
Stop it, get some help.

>prefixing "muh" before a valid concern nullifies it
american discussion everyone

he didn't say public transport was more comfortable

But Musky wants his cult followers to live in tiny metal boxes on Mars 24/7 for the rest of their lives.

Maybe. Self driving cars are useful in cities that have absolutely shit urban planning and extreme urban sprawl. It's a stopgap solution to bigger problem.

We ought to make cities car-free instead of increasing our reliance on them by adopting the self-driving car agenda.

That's what he implied.
Who cares as long as I don't interact with other people?

>It's incredible what traditionalism, conservationalism, and xenophobia can do for a country.
Decades of economic stagnation and a depressed suicidal population?

Are you retarded? Learn to read properly. Although judging from that hysteric, hyperbolic description of public transportation, reading disability is your least worry.

Elon is right, public transport is shit, especially bus. Whoever gets offended by this haven't used public transport significantly.

I ride the bus daily and it's far superior.

- bus lane, so I don't get stuck like a carcuck
- don't have to look for parking space
- no car upkeep
- can use my travel time productively, reading news and answering emails

Learn to read what? People attacking someone just because they want to sit comfortably in their car? Go fuck yourself, cocksucker, hope you get knifed by a fucking hobo and bleed on the floor.

>Self-driving cars
if we ever get them.

Global warming is the greatest tragedy of the commons tale in our time and this moron is proof of it.

You seem to be confused about what life in Japan is like, but keep sitting in your dark bedroom believing everything CNN tells you instead of going out into the world and experiencing life first hand

Bus is the only form of transportation worse than the car, unless the bus lanes are on the highway it is going to be affected by traffic and will be slower than a car.

>hurr durr my ocean levels
>muh tragedy
Go suck on your daddy's balls, fag. Nobody cares about your problems. I'll make sure to never turn my car engine off just to piss fuccbois like you off.


Homeless people in such significant levels that they can make all public spaces smell like piss and shit is not normal anywhere else in the world except the US

>letting a computer drive you at high speeds in a rolling 2 ton heap of plastic and metal
>wanting to drive anywhere near a terminator


Why are you always bring up the US?

US this, US that. Did US invade your sandnigger shithole and fucked your mother between her tits? What is this obsession with it?

this. since I can afford individual transport I haven't used the disgusting public transport.

Japanese aren't amazing, but they do know that letting low-lifes into your country is detrimental to society.

Train is superior, buscuck.

>thread about public transport in the US
>"durr durr why do you bring up the US"
are you literally braindead?

Grass is greener I guess. I fucking hate the daily drive to work. I hate having to think about maintenance, even refueling is a pain in the ass. I hate thinking about parking. I hate spending an hour going to work, knowing that the same distance in a place with better public transportation could be traveled in 10 minutes. Self driving cars won't change this. Maybe a self maintaining car will.

That's because the US is the most popular example of a third world country

Fairly retarded.

If there are thousands of people that want to traverse very similar routes at roughly similar times, public transport is the cheapest and most efficient option. He should be making self-driving electric buses and electric vans.

>ride a train straight through the city to get to a place 20 minutes away

>businessman who relies on selling many cars dislikes modes of transport resulting in fewer units sold
>defends his points with good arguments such as UR AN IDJIT


>get out of my apartment
>walk 5 minutes
>get on the tram
>ride 10 minutes
>walk 5 minutes, I'm at work

I don't understand Americans. I know it's a different culture, but still. Everybody uses public transportation here, literally everybody, kids, elderly, poor, wealthy, everybody. It's cheap, it's faster and more convenient than dealing with a car, especially during the winters and all those problems Americans always bring up just don't exist here. Trams and buses are clean and smell nice, people are chill, rides are always reasonably punctual, like, it just works. And this is Eastern fucking Europe. If we can make it work everybody can.

>*places computer viruses in your car*
>Pajeet ignores vulnerability while making the self-driving software

Are people that excited about killing themselves?

>a tiny bug regarding the cupholder of the car is reported by the media everywhere
>public uproar, society wide debate, congressmen saying that self driving car might not be a good idea and should be banned
Musk and Google and all other self driving cars shills wouldn't let a half assed code go out the door, they'd lose all of their investments

You know you're just rationalising your lack of money to run a car. You know that and I hate your for it. I swear someday I'm going to blow up a public transport enthusiast meeting or a critical mass. I hate your kind this much I'm willing to go to prison for it.

it's not an America thing, it's a population density thing

people in LA do exactly what you do and the public transport there is actually pretty fucking good.

but in the suburbs, you basically triple your commute and in rural areas you simply can't go without a car.

there is a cultural aspect to it but its more localized. for instance, how many Mercedes driving boomers the town has VS how many poor 20somethings. boomers don't want their taxes to go to something that doesn't directly benefit them of course, and they vote in greater numbers. so the public transport system never develops and stays permanently awful, which means people don't use it unless they can't afford anything else, which contributes to people not using it, which contributes to it not getting funded. you know the drill.

No, the thread is literally about public transport in general, but soyboys like you still bring up the US even if the original argument didn't even mention it. It's like you're obsessed, which you obviously are.
>That's because the US is the most popular example of a third world country

idk I didn't read the thread lol
stop being triggered

I'd rather take the bus and have walkable cities than have to spend 10 minutes in a robocar to get to the store

>get out of my wooden house
>scrape ice off my Tesla
>get in, it's cold as fuck
>creep towards my place of work at snail pace in the daily traffic jam
>a hour in a nigger shows up and smashes my window
>having no place to drive away, I sit helpless as he beats me up
>he then drags me out of the car, gets in and sits in traffic while I'm too emotionally scarred to do anything
>decide to walk to work
>show up early at work because I walked faster than the traffic jam moves
>boss is already there, praises me for being early
>reception overhears this, tells everyone else
>coworkers start mobbing me, print out a bunch of "it's OK to be white" flyer and hide them in my desk
>boss finds them, fires me on the spot and calls the police
>get locked up for hate crime in a multicultural prison to learn my lesson
>get raped every night
>get out of prison
>walk home to find my wife getting fucked by the nigger who stole my car
>turns out he pushed random buttons and accidentally activated the return home function of the tesla
>try to storm out, but trip over a niglet my wife spawned while I was in prison
>she calls the police, get locked up for child abuse
>back in prison get murdered because they hate pedos

Such is the life of a car cuck

This is so fucking retarded, fuck de-growthers so fucking much.

With your own car you can carry as much shit as you can fit in the car as opposed to what you can cram in a backpack. With your own car you can come and go as you please, when you please, without sitting around waiting for a shitty bus or train to come pick you up. With your own car you set the temperature of the cabin and aren't forced to smell the methhead next to you, since there isn't one. With your own car you go directly where you want to go, instead of waiting for public transport to slowly wind its way to whatever the nearest stop to your destination is. Plus, I've never gotten caught in the rain while waiting for my own car either.

Buses and light rail have their place, but people that make them seem like the final solution need to be fucking gassed.

Yes goy, climate change is real and is an immediate existential threat, be sure to vote to give your government unlimited power so they can take care of it!

>I hate spending an hour going to work, knowing that the same distance in a place with better public transportation could be traveled in 10 minutes.

Name the scenario in which public transport is 6 times faster than driving for your commute to work. Outside of taking a bullet train between cities I'm not seeing it.

Who the actual fuck uses this word, this is probably the third time in my entire life I've heard it used.

Look, you weeb cockmunching piece of shit. Japan is mostly racially homogeneus while Europe has to deal with mohammed's streetshitting family of roacher and america has to deal with tyrone "gibsmedat" vasques. Choke on your girlfriend's boyfriend's cum.

hope you like having 50 million mexican refugees moving up north because they can't produce enough food on their subtropical shithole
and people think modern day europe migrant crisis is bad

I hold identical views and I'm far from rich.
The only time I've used public transit is when planners have intentionally made private transit highly unsuitable.

Our cities are retarded, they are build backwards to how they should be. The center should be residential, with a ring around them of commercial buildings.

>Nothing beats public transit in terms of economical and ecological friendliness.
Nothing make something economical like massive government subsidies.

Where's my steak, you Irish cunt?

then you still have to commute buddy
have commercial and residential areas mixed and that's it
there's no use on having them concentrated in a single place

Agreed. Even then there might be a serial killer in your solar system.

>so much of a cuck it doesn't even cross his mind to fucking enforce the borders through whatever means are necessary
>instead his solution is to give his government absolute power and tax himself, his country and his sons to death
cuckoldry is a sad thing

>>instead his solution is to give his government absolute power and tax himself, his country and his sons to death
>this is what Americans tell themselves is the way to fight climate change
hahahaha no wonder most of the world see you as dumb and fat

>>enforce the borders through whatever means are necessary
>thinking Private Rodriguez, the quintessential 21st century American would shoot his mexican brothers and sisters