What's an alternative to Pocket
What's an alternative to Pocket
I don't have a machine where I can host it, and I don't want to pay
ew no
Evernote, couldn't live without it. It's proprietary but it's great. Not free though (also in terms of $)
>needing anything beyond RSS feeds and bookmarks
what is your usecase?
i just share images with myself on telegram. you can also make a group and not invite anyone
for people who don't ever leave the house, maybe.
Bookmarks, you spergshit.
My dad uses this. His entire desktop is filled with New Text Document (x) txt files filled with links and when he has to find something it takes him like half an hour to dig it up.
What do you mean? Pic related fits in my cargo pants or trenchcoat just fine
Full page screenshots. At least in some use cases.
sadly there isnt.
Moar of that Sup Forums officer, pls.
Get on my level
This is a good thread.
Watching for updates.
They're called "bookmarks".
Calibre can do that sorta' thing locally, although I prefer Pocket, it's just easier.
How about you get on HIS level?
google keep
samsung notes
Wallabag is the alternative, if you look for a similar software. If not you can:
-Save the page as PDF
-Save to txt which is the same as a bookmark, if the site goes offline you'r fucked, same with sending links through pushbullet or telegram
-Full page screenshot
Just host wallabag on a VM and don't be a faggot
I'm afraid it's the only one of it's kind I have in my user folder
I would also recommend keeping those screenshots on MEGA for example.
b-b-but Pocket is owned by Mozilla!
It’s free and open source, right guys??
WIll they update automatically on MEGA?