Sup Forums completely and utterly BTFO
Sup Forums completely and utterly BTFO
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Is this real? If it's satire I don't get it.
This can't be fucking real. The internet was a mistake
wtf i love ajiti pai now
a real life redditor but he's hated by all the redditors
Open bob and vegan for full 10mpbs internet plan ples we starve
t. Verizon
The absolute state of America as of late 2017
This will be the face that kills the web.
jesus fucking christ
if nothing else this administration understands internet culture better than any administration before, even if it doesn't understand the internet itself
Me too
First Sup Forums sides with a Jew (Trump), then with a Pajeet (this fucking faggot). Anyone want to take a guess whats next?
this is what normies think internet is for
This is all that the internet will be. Welcome to webmall 2.0, kiddo.
>The absolute state of America as of late 2017
This pajeet will fuck you all, lol at the US, land of the free to be assfucked.
Your internet will be a glorified mall, and Sup Forums will be gone within two months, citing money problems but in reality it will be the ISPs threatening to block the site unless 'unlawful' content is removed.
What a cuck country.
Normie here. I dont think the internet is for this kind of faggotry.
If I had to guess, you'll post something real stupid soon.
He is making fun of us all.
"Ironically" being a retard is still being a retard.
its one thing to fuck shit up its another to laugh in the face of everyone youre doing it to
Lmao, this is amazing.
Based pajeet
This is fucking America. Why has no-one shot this utter faggot yet?
I could punch his face all day and wouldn't get tired of it.
Because they don't give guns to crazy people and reddit (you) whores.
i can't shake the cringe out
Why is it that the people who support this shit are letting the big companies fuck them over, then they call everybody else cucks?
>B-B-But REDDIT likes net neutrality! Therefore it must be a bad thing! C-Cuck!!
Quality shitpost there.
Because the one who supports NN doesn't have guns.
I'm pretty sure that this is the very same mentality that got Donald Trump & the Goof Troop into office.
>Because the one who supports NN doesn't have guns.
This only high test big guys have guns. Not the anti-NN soyboy pussies.
I thought this guy lives in America. Why hasn't he been shot at this point?
He perfectly understands, telecom megacorps are just paying him to fuck it up on purpose.
This is why yuropoors countries can't make any progress and constantly have to play catchup to America. You regards have vast difficulty discriminating between memes and reality
He left out the part where you pay more for it. Which is the whole point....
but its not a meme
>It's an amerishart who voted on goy #1 shits on his freedom so the large circumcised BBC of jewish corporations can be shoved deeper inside their assholes while believing they are BTFO the other retarded amerisharts who voted on goy #2 episode.
dog bless :DDD
Americans don't actually use guns to hold their leaders accountable, that's just the meme rationale they use to explain why they won't do anything about mass shootings
He really belongs here with us.
we mostly use them for fun in schools and special events
The shilling is real. Verizon is shitting up my board again, fucking christ. Nothing but bots, trolls and shills on Sup Forums.
>my board
go back to redit fagot also fuck this spam filter thinking this post is spam fuck you.
I cannot tell, all pajeets look the same. Is this the fcc chair now or not?
The prevalence of mass shooting in the US is really a meme though. Like we have the nearly the exact same rate of mass shooting per capita as Australia, the country that flat out banned guns.
This is a body double, right?
Sponsored by Verizon.
>he fell for the Australia has less "gun deaths" meme
They do have less "gun deaths", but the rate of gun related violent crime and homicide was basically completely unaffected the ban. All it did was reduce the rate of suicide by gun.
this tbqh
It is spam. Go back to Sup Forums.
Aww, you're trying to convince me you're right in all of two sentences. No matter, you won't be using the Internet in two years.
Thank you! Thank you based Pai!
This can't be real, it fucking can't
Thanks Pajeet! Watching the american presence on the internet slowly disappear over the next few years will be the COMFIEST thing.
So, legally, could he be in any trouble because he wasn’t executing his duties in a manner consistent with his oath of office? The whole debacle has been pretty shady.
>I'm glad people like you are dying out
Not him, but you do realize that that argument mindset makes no sense since people have kids and teach them to be like them, right?
Also, the only people allowed to use the internet in two years will be gun owners :^)
go be with the rest of your kind, homo.
Has one man ever had such a punchable face before in the history of mankind?
i like this guy because he pisses off redditors so much. not sure how i feel about the actual net neutrality law, but why should i trust google, facebook, twitter, or reddit when theyre the most anti free speech companies on the web? why is soros giving them so much money to promote net neutrality?
It's these people
Thank you based ajeet.
press F to pay your respects for our fellow americans who will be soon leaving.
This is satire, right?
Republicans are trying to be "hip" by saying restricting the internet is "hip" and "good for you"
Holy shitting kek! Burgers are a laugh object!
How do you feel being this humiliated?
>This only high test big guys have guns.
Guns were invented to give soyboys a chance against the high test big guys.
If you need a gun to defend yourself and your family, you are literally a soyboy.
No, republicans are trying to look at their donator list and saying "ISPs are my third biggest donator"
do you know what an American politician does 99% of the time? They're collecting money. ISPs give money to politicians who are stupid enough to believe ISP bullshit.
what part of what i said is wrong? keep in mind im not talking about your ideal net neutrality utopia that only exists in your head and not on paper, i am talking about the law.
Actually, weapons are invented to kill people more efficiently.
Before that it was to hunt some food though.
Well we might as well make fun of americucks now, within a few months they'll all be gone off the internet.
>and saying "ISPs are my third biggest donator"
Don't be silly, we all know banks and hedge-funds are always the top 10.
thanks drumpfcucks
>ISPs are against net neutrality
>Major companies who don't want to pay extra for bandwidth (google/netflix/twitch/etc) like net neutrality
There's jews on both sides user, stop pretending you're on the good side.
>Gee, I don't know much about the "murder all white people" act, but those libcucks sure seem to hate it! Besides, google, facebook, twitter, and reddit are against it! That means it's a good thing, right?
How about you actually read the act and make your decision based on that? I guess that's probably to hard for an american though, unsurprising.
>Actually, weapons are invented to kill people more efficiently.
Which wouldn't be necessary if you sent only your strongest men to resolve a conflict. Weapons gave one tribe a way to utilize their weaker males to overcome the stronger males of another tribe, thus setting off an arms race in which weapons were constantly improved to enable progressively weaker males to fight.
>Before that it was to hunt some food though.
Animals hunt food without weapons. Weapons were created to hunt food because it wasn't possible to support a large group of people just on what a handful of high test big guys could wrangle with their bare hands. With weapons, the smaller guys who couldn't run as fast or wrestle an animal to the ground could now help in the hunt.
Just face it, weapons have always been and always will be the tools of low test soyboys.
yes, im so sure youve read obamas giant book of net neutrality (tm), copyright Soros 2016
how long until he's is deported and/or murdered
Holy shit you're retarded.
Send 100 strong man against 10 with guns.
Another example:
Kill 100 people with 1 strong man and compare time to 1 man with a gun?
Jesus... I'm glad burgers will be scarce on the net.
But he's the new face of america.
He's will be part of what makes america great.
I'm a Canadian, and you bet I fucking did. Uneducated americans like you disappearing from the internet are why I'm so, so glad NN got repealed. All the mouth-breather minimum wage fags like yourself won't be able to afford the Sup Forums package and we get the best of both worlds: The actual, educated americans, and the non-fucking idiot rest of the world.
>mfw america with their "Think of the children" mentality separates "mature" websites in "Adult" packages
>mfw Sup Forums is classified as an an R-rated website
Shady nothing, it's blatant as fuck and they know it. They're laughing at you while they do it.
>you bet I fucking did
lol youre not convincing anyone trudeau. there isnt a person on this planet who reads those giant books of regulations except whoever bough and paid for them aka obama's campaign donors
>Sup Forums makes fun of indians for years
>gets POO'D on
so this is the power of a superpower by 2020...
>t. american
You can't make this shit up. The actual state of america everyone.
Doubling down on being retarded when being confronted with actual educated people is truly the american way.
>desperately trying to gain pro-NN support by flaunting some stupid meme
Hahaha, I don't give a fuck if you support NN or not. I'm just reveling in your collective stupidity.
>stop talking about me you're making me uncomfortable
Americans have literally given up trying to defend their borderline third world country. We'll stop talking about you when you stop making these shit threads.
Except no one who is against NN feels like the streetshitter is taking a shit on them. If anything, it's the laughing stock of pro-NN morons from plebbit, fuckbook and twatter that come here who have their heads bathed in fecal matter straight from ganges. The type of person who is exactly like you.
The video is not for the ISP donors. The video is for the gullible 'publicans.