Why aren't there more women in tech?

Why aren't there more women in tech?

Why aren't there more women in construction?

why aren't there more women picking up my garbage?

They don't like it as much as men do.

Because construction is a dangerous low-paying job for the dregs of society than programming?

Why aren't there more women doing HVAC?

Because they aren't allowed to borrow their boyfriend's computer.

Why aren't there more women in landscaping?

Why aren't there more women in my basement?

>Why aren't there more women in tech?
1) Women are good with people, men are good with things. (Biological evidence to support that, plus the anthropological evolution theories)
2) IQ. Men are way more volatile on the IQ curve bell. Most stupid people are men, most smart people are men. Women are way more concentrated on the average. (This is a genetic evolution fact)
3) Because of above conditions, techs is a place with a lot more men than women. So they may not feel at ease with smart men that often have some social difficulties.

Because they can make more by simply taking off clothes


there are if you count programming socks

Why aren't there more women in automotive repair?

Because the men in tech hate women and will push them out.


>they aren't allowed to borrow their boyfriend's computer.
why aren't there more male nurses? the obvious answer is that hospitals are bias against male nurses and it is clearly because they are sexist pigs.

Just kidding its because if more women wanted to be in tech there would be more women. KYS.

Most of the landscapers I know are women.

So why are there so many men?

Well this is not only about "wanting", they often do not have the intellectual innate capabilities necessary to be performing in tech. It's a 115+ IQ area.

Because most stupid people are men. (IQ curve bell)
Because men tend to be less fearful of dangerous stuff. (Darwin theory of evolution and sexual selection)
Because men are physically stronger (60% more muscle)

seriously this
if there's ever a reason to have a woman around, they usually know what paint looks good and where to have bushes

Sounds bout right, but my conscience asks for a source

All valid points, except I would argue that software development is more about the people than it is the tech. Perhaps men can churn out better code and a better architecture, but women are far better at tying together a useful product by understanding the user's requirements and communicating to developers.

Best option is probably a mix

There's a lob of jobs in tech that do not require a 115+ iq. Sure they may not be as glamorous as coding a key component of a major project at google or something, but even the lower paying tech jobs are a huge majority male.

For which point?

why aren't there more men working in day cares?

Because raped babies are bad PR.

why aren't there more male nurses or librarians?

You mean white women?

There's plenty of Pajeet and Asian women that work in tech.

Raped users by shitty programs is bad PR too.

>women are far better at tying together a useful product by understanding the user's requirements and communicating to developers.
>understanding the user's requirements and communicating to developers.
Have you ever actually worked with women?

There are a lot of women in tech they just all happen to be Asian or Indian. Where the white women in tech at?

That's why you do not know of good programs written by women.

you're watching the wrong gay porn, pal


I think they're just, straight up not interested, for whatever reason. Women like tech, but they don't really care how it works, they just care that it does.

Kind of like cars, and wristwatches - they like them, but they don't really care what's going on underneath.

I think tech is just one of those things.