He's the hero the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it...

He's the hero the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

I'm unironically grateful for Ajit Pai
Thanks for standing firm against Reddit
Reddit's bigotry and hatred
And the masses Reddit brainwashed

how did his face get messed up like that

It's called "smiling", user

Net neutrality is a hate group.

i'd rather pay cheap internet accessing only youtube and Sup Forums
its actually a benefit for plebbitors and soyboys since they cant access phishing sites

Don t worry goys

T. P.ajit

Except for those US states where there's only one ISP. Those guys are gonna get butt raped without lube.


>He's the hero
Stopped reading right there. Back to /r/the_donald for you!

Tards, all of them. And you too.

Holy shit I was so close

said the Sup Forumstard, completely oblivious to the irony.

99% of the country couldn't tell you what a peering agreement is.

>fuck experts let's put everything to a popular vote
No thanks Cletus. Getting real tied of the anti-intellectual shit you're selling.

Again Sup Forums, please remind us how repealing net neutrality is a good thing.

In before muh butt-touched liberals, because honestly, conservatives are pissed too

>contrarian retards who are against something just because it's popular

imagine because this much of a faggot

ah yes lets the average population who googles yahoo to search the internet, surely a good source of information

i love when the Sup Forums retards come here to stir shit up, begin to hint at the "deep state" that secretly wants to trakc their waifu game consupmtion.

listen you fags i get that you think it's edgy to be a trump supporter because all the cool kids at school that bullied you miss obama but this is really taking it too far.

it's what happens when trolling goes too far

i don't think these people will ever grow up

how are people surprised at all that this got approved, specially the americans? the US is the center of capitalism, a country FULL of crazy money hungry people literally killing each other. my only surprise is that it took them long enough to implement this shit.

>he had to search for nigger

I like how you put "deep state" in quotes like they didn't already admit they existed and were after Trump. The fucking PRESIDENT TRUMP (say it again and again until it sinks in) has called out the deep state.

fucking kill yourself you poo in the loo

BASED poo.

Back to plebbit you go little cunty

>attempt to purge political dissident form the internet
>wtf why won't you help us save the internet with more regulation
never change shitlib, never change

>Against Reddit
>Actually comes from Reddit /r/the_donald
Someone's in denial.

Sup Forums pls go