Its happening:

Its happening:

Other urls found in this thread:

PR stunt with no effect

ah yes, just who i want in charge

10^23 keks


i doubt they even know

I'm sure they'll protect my freedom of speech

WTF!? I unironically love Vice now.

>flooding metropolitan areas in Gigabit Radio
>Connecting to the regular internet
>dark fiber
>mesh net


How does this have anything to do with free speech? You literally just took a screenshot of an article you didn't like, most likely without reading it.

>Clear agenda and bias from a company who wants to make their own "totally not going to be censored internet"

Read between the lines mongoloid.

Vice is an extremely biased website that spews propaganda and clickbait.

They're the exact opposite of any sort of "neutrality." I wouldn't trust Vice any more than I would trust Comcast or Ajit Pai.

Suddenly a decentralized network sounds good to lefties and the media, what a hypocrites pieces of shit

If a company believes in net neutrality strongly enough to dedicate their resources towards achievibg it, they probably have some political beliefs. Also, stop whining about "bias"; the article you took a screenshot of and then posted on r/CringeAnarchy was written by a single person and has no reason to represent the views of an entire company. Even if it did, they're a private institution that has no obligation to pander to your specific views. Views that, now that we're talking about them might be a little "biased" too if you're willing to try so hard to confirm what you want you want to believe about a private company that, as confirmed by the filename, probably have views opposite to your own. When you complaining about "bias", what you really mean to say is "this organization is not right-wing and that's why I don't like them". Which is fine, as long as you say that clearly instead of disguising it by pretending to be "a fellow regular citizen who happens to be a little bit concerned about political bias". If an organization with which you agree posted a political article equally far from the center, you wouldn't complain, and you know that.

God fucking dammit, I can't believe how many errors I made there. I guess everything I said is now worthless, RIP

Vixe makes some fucking 10/10 documentaries so you polfags autistix whining has no effect

>a thread about technology? not on my Sup Forums
>libcuck libcuck numale sjw cuck soy
>look at this article they're so biased and hate free speech, i wish i could silence these libcucks


This and Vice and Motherboard would do more censorship than ISPs.

Its ok user, you'll do better next time.

I hate Vice and there's zero chance they get anywhere close to anything resembling the internet (they'd probably only hire trans gender disabled minority software and electrical engineers), but if they could succeed, think of how many other companies would try something similar

no way Sup Forums and/or T_D wouldn't try to one up them with their own right-wing internet service, and then there'd be centrist companies etc

it'd be interesting

How does it feel to be the soyboy alter-ego of a Sup Forumstard who gets their news from Infowars?

How it will go down:
>>article 1: we're building our own internet
>>article 2: here's what we did
>> article 3: turns out you can't make your own internet after all

Screen cap this post

Quality thread, everybody.

It's decentralised, how the hell are they going to censor things on it?

>We control the connection to our network
>We control the hardware and software required to access the network

Even if the greater network is decentralized if your point of contact has the ability to censor content then it means nothing.

Oh yeah poor "journalist" sites, lefties and their hypocrisy!

1/10 bait

Why do I even bother?

Unironic libcuck here, and I agree with the Sup Forums fags here. I don't trust a company like Vice to not censor the fuck out of the net.
>inb4 lmao poor natsees can't log on to stormfuck dot com
If you can't see the problem with corporate censorship when it happens to the alt-right meanies, then you're beyond retardation buddo

I don't know. Maybe you're having sex with someone who works for Vice. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

Vice is fucking trash, archive that at least

>if you're only having sex with your partner, you're boring
literally who
who fucking says this
I'm a millennial, WHO FUCKING SAYS THIS?

The censor retard on always sunny.

women aren't real, it's one big conspiracy.

>internet with built-in political correctness
surely will come in handy :^)

Did someone piss in your coffee, Janny? What the fuck?

Mods are castrating this thread. Whatever, moving on.

Motherboard and VICE are pro-censcorship and anti-free speech, and are also shady as hell. Even if they offered an alternative Internet, I sure as fuck wouldn't use it. If I get to pick who fucks me in the ass, it sure as hell won't be Motherboard / Vice.

Are you saying that the snek discourse really works?

Mods remove anything that attacks their weak soy feeefees, i wonder why hiro din't kicked them

What will they call it? Hipsternet? Weedweb?

The Femternet


if you think that then you're a fucking retard
conned by flashy video post production

Vice hasn't been good for 20 years

Yeah like the internet.

And if a bunch of fucking jews decide it to be in their fucking kike interest, they will deplatform people with their algorithms based on racial and political agendas. What were you saying about neutrality?

Poltards flase flagging

I see the deleted posts on the archive and they aren't even political

Poltards are trying to brainwash people again deleting their own posts in an attempt to pit people against the spooky evil censoring libtard janny

That's how they recruit people

I don't know who this was intended for but I'm sure it wasn't me.

>doing anything competant other than whiney opinion pieces

this. plus we already have Sup Forumsternet in the works

vice reporters who go report on war zones or crime far far away from the west are pretty good, everything else is trash

Sup Forums everyone

sure they cover good subjects but you won't learn shit about it in their documentaries, more frustating than anything to be honest

>implying vice has literally anyone who knows about technology


I agree with her.
Imagine we can all be breeders


And I will run my IPFS nodes on it.

Good frickin lord it's the female Elliot Rodger.

Fuck yes, I would pay for a Sup Forums internet service. That would be fucking amazing.

look up wrongthink

Motherboard is full of turbo SJWs. They're the same people who wanna burn books and send people to intern camps for wrongthink. Who are they trying to fool?

My post in this thread misteriously disappeared. Wow, thanks mods!

This might work around a college or two, but mesh networks will never be an option for the average consumer. The average person has no idea or concept of what net neutrality is, much less why they should care about it, much less why they should make a mesh network, much less what a mesh network is.

And with the average joe not participating, neither will anyone else due to location. This will remain in large cities and colleges only. Shame.

That kind of thinking is limited to the current time. Wait until we have wifi that can pick up signals from miles away. Then there's nothing the government can do. The larger the range, the higher chance that someone else out there is enough of a nerd to run another node.

Here you can check to see if your identity was used to support the end of NN.
File a complaint here.

>motherboard and VICE

oh god no. and simply making 2 internet’s is no solution


inb4 monitored gulags
inb4 dox because of "hate speech"

This, fucking cunts

>internetwork network

>article 1: we're building our own internet
>there's no article 2 because they did nothing

I can't imagine being as stupid as you.

How does anyone still fall for this click-bait fake news? VICE is the breitbart of tech.

no thanks

>more contamination of the radio-frequency spectrum
>just for crap that you can do with wired connections
What a wonderful idea, I would call it The Throttlenet

>we're against internet censorship!
>we're going to make our own internet with blackjack and hookers because net neutrality will probably go away!
>we're totally not going to censor anyone who doesn't align with our views!

>and with our network we have auto moderation for racists and hate speech as such are not allowed on our network.