I wanna make a game that looks like this. Pretty much exactly like this. There will be no fancy combat...

I wanna make a game that looks like this. Pretty much exactly like this. There will be no fancy combat, or fx or anything. Just cute characters, dialogue and some item handling/using.

Should I keep learning unity or is it overkill for a simple 3d project like this? What's a good alternative? Godot?


oh, this changes everything!

Use openGL

>create quad
>apply texture

>push matrix stack

>set translation
>set rotation

>pop matrix stack

>repeat with the next wall

problem is, it takes a few weeks to get openGL, it takes 2 hours to get unity.

no, i mean set rotation then set translation.

No user its too late

OpenGL / a helper library with OpenGL backend (LWJGL, LibGDX etc. for Java). Unity will be a lot easier but is way overkill and learning OpenGL is a much more transferable skill.

OpenGL helps you understand the illusion of graphics programming while Unity allows you to continue your delusion

>takes a few weeks to get openGL

wtf how so?

Depends on your current level of skill and whether or not you want to become a better programmer in addition to completing a game.

If you're new to this and don't enjoy learning things you probably don't need to learn to complete a task, just use unity or unreal engine or whatever accessible set of tools you can find.
If you want to put a bit more time into it and learn useful sets of skills as a result you should do what said and run with OpenGL.

You could also always find some ground inbetween the two options, like XNA/FNA/Monogame or some other "not-quite-spoon-feeding, not-quite-low-level" framework.

C/C++? opengl with SDL
java? opengl with libgdx

All of those are so intimidating upon checking them out. But unity feels clunky and awkward. Damnit, I guess there's no 'one' engine that solves all my problems anyway, right?

How do I figure out wether I'm a fag who wants results fast or wether I should put in the extra work for long term benefits and genuine-skill-development?

You want results. Sup Forums might be like "Hmpf! If you want to impress me user you should have reinvented the wheel! baka!" but the reality is that your project doesn't do anything special on a technical level and therefore there is no reason to not just use an off the shelf game engine.

One of the first rules about software engineering is to always make as much use of preexisting tools and libraries as possible. To create everything bespoke is a waste of time and energy.

Go forth and make comfy simulator 2019!

Answer this question: do you want to make a game or a game engine? In other words, are you content with using already existing solutions to problems or do you want to invent your own solution?

Either answer is fine and won’t necessarily mean that you’re a better or worse programmer, but different people have different preferences and there are pros and cons to both sides.

go with unity. That's the only way for you to actually finish the game. You can't lose if you
don't get what you want you will learn how engines are organized, what is important, what they provide. In the very least they will provide you with a model to build you're own minimal subset.

But it depends on your personality, for me I used to learn opengl from the bottom up and after months got very little "to show" for it, as you might imagine starting from zero takes a very long time to get something awesome going. I think the consensus is that writing your own engine is acceptable when you go 2d, otherwise use what is available

Even then, Love2D is a pretty snazzy framework with a built in physics engine. Also it's 2D so it's going to run on potato machines no matter what.

unity would be the most straight forward way.
to learn opengl (or any low level framework that utilizes opengl) is overkill, you would have to write your own little engine before you can even start working on all the stuff you're talking about.

What's the best way to go about learning OpenGL? Just search up "OpenGL tutorials?"


>what is the best way(TM)
yeah forget about that, what always works is to work through one book, or examples for me it was the book by jason mckesson on his now down website arcsynthesis, but you should be able to google it. I actually worked through it very thoroughly and let me tell you: if you have an average IQ, like me, it will take weeks if you work on your own.

Try to find a commuinty that has people that can help you (irc #opengl, some forum, reddit) etc. The very best is still another human who you can work through it.

openGL is a simple library, if you already have some background in linear algebra it should not be too hard to get into it.

learning the more complex components may take longer.

Skip 3d use Löve with Lua, fast and easy, pretty fast too.

Sorry, I'm retarded, I meant: make 2d with löve
t. phoneposter

this user doesn't know what he is talking about,
probably learned some small part of it where it was needed and extrapolates that knowledge on all of it

How do fucks like you still exist?

Unity will be very good for something like that, but anything will work.
If you don't have any experience then go for Unity, it will be baby easy.

Unity really is a one-fit-all tool. As long as you are not making something really ambitious like space flight simulation, and just want to quickly make simple game, it will work well. And you won't have any problems porting to mobile or web.

I like OpenGL too, but I would use it to make my own game engine, not a game. Always pick proper tool for given job.

>Should I keep learning unity or is it overkill for a simple 3d project like this?

Unity is used even with simple 2D games and is very well supported. Stick with it.

Jesus christ unity is fucking terrible

Well it's hard to say, your pick as no lights nor shadows.

If you don't need either, you could make a simple renderer in OpenGL for that.