Hey Sup Forums Ajit Pai here, before we vote to kill the internet Id like to say it feels pretty fucking good pissing on all of you lemmings with a big smile on my face! At the end of the Trump administration I will then step down from the FCC and go to Verizon for my new promotion!
Hey Sup Forums Ajit Pai here...
Other urls found in this thread:
That's fine, as long as the libs are triggered you can shit in my mouth for all I care.
My shit is gonna be pretty spicy from all the Curry I eat, just giving you a heads up!
Anyone who supports net neutrality also supports spam email. #unblockport25
check the catalog shill
Why is it always an indian Sup Forums?
>the absolute state of poor white people and the adolescent soyboy sons of liberals going through a rebellious phase
Thank you for you hard work,
the rest of the world.
The FCC won't let me be or let me be me so let me see, they try to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me.
Dirty sand nigger from the Indian untouchable class
Because we have under the table deals with slummy nations so we can gut America from the inside out.
I still don't use toilets to shit in, My family migrated to Canada and we make it our mission to make white peoples lives a living hell.
Ok u bleached nigger.
Go back to ur 313 shithole.
>Kill the internet
nice try communist, back to plebbit with that FUD
Trump will save us at least
neck yourself faggot
Oh man, what a bunch of people and entities totally worth looking up to in regards to tech.
>when r/the_donald posters who got here 2 years ago pretend they speak for Sup Forums
Don't fall for the reddit and facebook soros shills goyim
Pretty sure /r/the_donald is pro-jew
>white trash is pro jew
What world do you live in?
The stack of bacon in that pic, pretty much outted the reddit fag who posted this.
that's a remarkable piece of propaganda
on one side, someone might favor all that gay shit
on the other side, someone might favor all that bull shit
really gets the almonds flowing
That's what you get Sup Forums for calling us pajeets all day.
Now we POO'D your internet into nothingness!
>it feels pretty fucking good pissing
You mean shitting right?
Based truthsayer scaring the Soroshills to not replying. Can't wait for based ISPs to shit all over the Orwellian SV monopolies.
Anti NN? On Sup Forums? The shills sure are out in force.
>his name is P. Ajit
You can't make this shit up.
Why the fuck would jews be for net neutrality? That doesn't make any sense.
You know what I like about Trump? It feels like I've landed into the Idiocracy world where someone like Dwayne Johnson could get elected to president.
>Net neutrality wasn't enforced until 2015
>Patently false
What you mean to say is they weren't classified as Telecommunication services (aka under Title 2). At least if you're going to shit post, have some quality.
he wont even wait for a year after this passes the fucking twat
You weren't here in 2012.
It's time to go back.
they are right ring dumbasses who eat everything up that trump says even if its as stupid as fairness doctrine for the internet
They put the Sup Forums logo on their epic maymay flag
I'd vote for the rock, he's more charismatic and at least won't be glued to his phone tweeting like the annoying orange.
Oh don't get me wrong, I would vote for him before Donald Trump. I'm just saying the plausibility of the Rock getting elected as increased drastically.
Even if it does I'll be glad to never have to interact with you retards again
>You must at least be 18 or older to post here.
It's a real laugh that people post pictures like these unironically on Sup Forums.
I'm underage if I don't think the sky is falling?
I too shall engage in a strawman shitpost.
No you're underaged if you suck corporate dick.
I've never met someone who understood the policy and the technology who was against NN. Every time someone starts talking against it they bring up some sort of fallacy or technologically incorrect argument/analogy.
Perfect example is something like: Netflix should have to pay for their bandwidth!
Which immediately makes me think, OK, this person doesn't understand how the Internet is physically structured. I'd have to educate them about the entire topology of the net before I could then get to the public policy aspect. There's no way I'll hold their attention long enough to do a remedial networking class to get them up to speed.
That's the ones who even bother putting forward an argument. Most just smugly shitpost Facebook memes at you. They're not even worth a reply and most are disingenuous trolls anyway
>suck corporate dick
I'll suck your dick if you're right, you reactionary baby.
>They're not even worth a reply and most are disingenuous trolls anyway
>I'll suck your dick if you're right, you reactionary baby.
Ah the ad hominems continue. I too shall continue mine.
I thought your criteria to fucking anything was you had to be at least 2nd cousins. Sorry babe, but we're not related.
Its all about the policies tho, you dont have to explain dhit about how the internet works, just that the amount of packages can be measured
>ad hominems
I thought I was arguing with strawmans
Ad Hominems;
>you reactionary baby.
>if I don't think the sky is falling?
At one point did I say you were only engaging in just one kind of logical fallacy?
Still no arguments. Well I'll see you later, I have school in the morning. :^)
Why do you think I'm white?
This is fucking great, I seriously hope this is ironic. I've never laughed out loud at a post in awhile.
> thinking zuckerburg wants net neutrality
when in parts of Africa and southeast asia, there's facebook-only internet providers.
What do you think your logical fallacies are? :)))))
Still waiting for yours, kid
I'm so fucking sick of seeing his face. Just hurry up and kill the internet already so I don't have to look at it anymore.
why are all pajeets happy, again?
Title 2 is the most retarded way possible to bring about net neutrality
>Einstein already proved that energy = mass
>Sending packets = sending energy = sending mass
>ISPs are a physical goods delivery service
>Comparing SOPA and PIPA to Net Neutrality
Don't think you understand what net neutrality is kek
You're doing gods work Pai, THANK YOU
why is he so smug and condescending
like a dad taking away our toys but apologizing at the same time
You're complaining about people not understanding the technology and you posted the retarded paid special access highway meme with added bold underlined text that isn't true...
pol is so fucking stupid its unreal
How is this related to net neutrality in any way?
How much time do I have left to download all my anime and music as a non american? Will burgers get weeded out of torrents?
7 more years, if we're lucky, 13
>As long as someone is mad you can fuck my ass
Wow you're a fucking fag lmao
It's like he's trying to piss us off on purpose
Why does this need to be a left vs right issue, that's the part that drives me nuts about all this bullshit. You shouldn't need to be put on a "side" because you're concerned about your rights as a consumer.
why are indians so uncool?
Today he shit on reddit instead of in the streets
Lefties are the only ones dumb enough to fall for the pleddit FUD
>That's fine, as long as the libs are triggered you can shit in my mouth for all I care.
gets me every time
Falling for (((organic))) and (((grassroots))) plebbit campaign
well of course it's a left vs right issue
big business wants more power and the righties obviously take the side of big business
everyone else takes the side of the individual and there you have it
Sorry, I don't speak in Sup Forums memes. I legitimately don't understand what you're attempting to convey.
Something about gay aliens infesting our water supply no doubt.
What he's saying is, there's no way (((bots))) didn't do this
literally this
As a european, does getting rid of net neutrality means i'll see less retarded nigger content on instagram and the net and more asian cosplay cuties?
so what though?
what does some bot spam somewhere else have to do with a conversation occurring on Sup Forums?
Congrats Pajeet, people of color truly are the future of this country, Diversity is our greatest strength.
Yes. Also less propaganda from both murrifat leftard and rightard.
So it's basically the defence mechanism of "if it triggers Reddit I'm okay with it, even when it hurts me just as much".
Most of the time it's just a memepost
people on Sup Forums don't really think that way
that's more of a down-south redneck kind of thought process
the only people who say Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums are redditors who come here. redditors also like net neutrality. coincidence? i think not