What do you think of Chromebooks?

What do you think of Chromebooks?

I don't

overpriced internet machines


Piece of sheet

practical linux machines with gimped keyboards

had one until the plug broke which then somehow lead the wwhole thing to break.

being an EE student i popped it open and was surprised by how flimsy the whole power section was where the power supply is brought to the rest of the board.
That was one of the older Samsung models which i liked actually

We keep one in our store just to show customers why they should spend an extra $200 for a real computer

I don't read regular books why would I read a chromebook?

How many times does this thread get made?


I want one but there are no better chromebooks sold in my country, only the $200 ones and they're shit.

>Using a kekbook

fyi they all suck build your own pc

Got one for class. Some lag. Enabled Dev mode and installed Kali Linux. Don't rely on Linux to always work. The DE usually fails to work after the first few successes. 4/10

Cheap, portable, weird-keyboard botnetmemebooks

Remember all those times people joked about idiots buying "400 dollars facebook machines"? That's exactly what chromebooks are. And even worse since there are 1000 dollars ones too.

No storage

More expensive yet much shittier chinkpads

You can get a thinkpad for the same price or a brand new Acer consumer Win10 laptop for $100 more with actual hardware. 7th gen i3, FHD, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, upgradable, etc

I'm sure it would be fine if you literally only used Chrome with

basically thinner thinkpads with no reparability and just as expensive. also more difficult to install a proper OS