Blog post here but seriously need help

Blog post here but seriously need help.
My cs professor is insane.

He insists on this insanely complex standard to write code with where ever parentheses and bracket must be tabbed to a specific section based on where it is on the code, comments must be placed after any initialization explaining what type it is and other just insane details that are the most overkill you have ever seen.

He's basically being non existent this semester, canceling class about once a week, refusing to respond to emails, the only grading one assignment before today.

I pull up my grades today so a long string of 50% staring back at me and a D in the class for my final grade.
I immediately emailed him in protest as my assignments were all properly done. He responds with a spiteful email to the entire class saying how lost points are mainly due to errors in our standard, and that how despite telling us many times how serious he takes this mistakes we're still made.

Here's the thing, I'm not trying to complain that it's unfair that I didn't follow course policy. In the syllabus he clearly states that if the programming standard is not met, the project will be send back to the student and he will be asked to revise the program to the correct standard and two points will be taken off.
I never received a single email about any of these assignments. He completely has gone back on his word and just failed many people for this.
Is this something I can complain to my Dean about? How do you deal with an insane professor?


I'd complain to the dean. Also at my university we have course evaluations at the end of every semester. Does yours have these?

Go to the department head.
Then go to >>/adv/

Yes but it doesn't matter.
This is his last year here. He retires next year and I think he has cancer or something because he always talks about how close to dying he is.

>send him some files containing stuff you say his your code
>actually bind it with fud rat
>install rensenware ransomware
>spread it throughout his household network
>infect any vulnerable or new laptop he gets
>sit back and win

plant drugs in his car

>send him link that logs ip but say it is a screenshot of a question
>fire your laz0r

does your professor have autism? A few points off would be reasonable for formatting, the same way an english professor might take of points for spelling or lack of citation. full letter grades seem a bit much. if you set up your text editor / IDE, it could take care of your tabs and what not, though...


Congratulations on your D and welcomt to your career as a techie (if you know someone).

My advice? Retake the course.

>run thc_hydra on the teacher login system
>brute force the simple password
>get in and change grades last few minutes before grades are submitted
>congrats user, you get an A

u think this is bad?

wait till you get to the real world kid

Yeah send him about the problem and CC the dean and head of department. It never fails to get them to quit their shit. He's in serious trouble if he isn't following his own rubric.

My TAs graded all my assignments and they don't care about formatting. As long as you met the requirements for the rubric and your programmer compiled and functioned they'd give you full points. Usually the only thing the rubics had was general advice and methods they'd like you to use for the project like where they wanted you to put your functions or data strctures. I've never seen shit like OP is describing.

*an email

Just finished with a professor in my DB Security class. We had an assignment where we had to writ a java system to updated employee information but using the JAAS framework for authentication.

He had several things in his rubric that was an instant 0 if the requirements we not set. Plus up to 2 letter grades dropped for poor commenting. Several people in class got a 0 because they didn't think he was serious about it.

The syllabus you were provided explicitly states a procedure for grading, which was not followed at all. This is valid grounds for talking to the dean and disputing your grade in the class.

All the other things (refusing to respond to emails, canceling class) will help your case and are worth mentioning but the biggest thing that will matter to the school is the explicit misinformation he provided at the start of the semester.

I'm a professor.

First off, your professor is right. Those coding standards are basic programming hygiene. The comments are a normal part of programming hygiene and it's just as important as knowing syntax and APIs. It's a pita to learn but it's the difference between a newbie screwing around and a professional programmer who can work on a serious project with others.

That said, it sounds like your professor is fucking up. I've had semesters like that too, and if he really is dying of cancer then I can't blame him. If things went as you are saying, then get all your ducks in a row. Have a copy of the syllabus. Have the dates each assignment was returned, and copies of your submissions and their grades.

Then go to the department chair. Be friendly, polite, and nonconfrontational. Say you don't want to get your professor in trouble, that you just want the opportunity to correct and turn in your assignments for credit per the syllabus. Do not lie about anything; if the dept chair catches you in a lie you won't get shit, and he may not even reveal that it's because he knows you weren't telling the truth about something. If the semester is over, you'll need an official grade change. You may or may not need to formally appeal; that's up to the chair. He might offer to just mediate between you and the professor, in which case so long as you get points per the syllabus that's fine.

Don't be a dick. Don't act entitled. Don't lie. And if you do get the chance to resubmit, work your assignments off and have it back when you say you will, looking fucking perfect.

Professors are human. When I was a grad student finishing my dissertation I had deadlines killing me, pulled all nighters, and STILL my teaching suffered. I didn't get assignments returned in a timely fashion. It happens. However many assignments you do, he's grading N times as many. He should be treating you like a human being, but treat him like a human back and you'll be surprised.

t. insane professor

>This is valid grounds for talking to the dean and disputing your grade in the class.

If it comes to that, yes, but do NOT start with the dean. That will trigger a formal process and a personal confrontation, which you do not want. The department will circle the wagons and cook up reasons to defend him, especially if he is senior faculty. Even if you win, other profs who don't know the whole story might hold it against you later. Go to the department chair and be polite and reasonable and give him the opportunity to make things right informally first. No threats.

If the answer is no, then yeah the Dean is an option but you can't unring that bell.

Is there any other kind?