So my dad has a habit of installing keyloggers and spyware into my machines that somehow never disappear because he's...

So my dad has a habit of installing keyloggers and spyware into my machines that somehow never disappear because he's an asshole, I know this because he literally, no joke frequently comments my porn history and tries to indirectly comment on my browsing history out of nowhere to try and scare me

I was thinking of installing some linux distro or trying qubes OS, but as far as I know he might be able to open my laptop and install some random keylogger / spyware by following instructions off some random black hat hacking forum or google or whatever

So how do I guard my computer from someone else booting it up or getting into it? I figured getting access to the OS is enough to try and find some exploit

So far all I can come up with is a BIOS password

holp Sup Forums

also inb4 get a job and move out faggot

Other urls found in this thread:

>get a job and move out faggot

Wouldnt your father know about this comment

yeah if he actually bothered to check, which he might, but I really don't care since he already knows everything I do


Use Void.

enable bitlocker. do a fresh install first though.

Kek. This has to be bait.
You already commented all good solutions.
Lock your pc with a bios password till you find the keylogger.
Then do

Dont fall for the (((((((((Bitlocker))))))))) meme

You must be 18 years or over to use this website.

How do you access the internet? It might not be your computer he's getting his info from - it could be the router, for example.

Learn how to use a ubuntu live usb as your personal box.
Burn the ubuntu iso in a usb, boot from it and open firefox , you will have all the privacy that your pc can give you, everything will be erased th usb doesn't save anything either.

It's probably this. When I was a kid my parents used to use the router to track/block my browsing habits.

It is much more likely that he is knows your browsing history because you're using his fucking router idiot. Just get a VPN or use tor or something.


these are the right anons

>this fucking thread

>Im getting shit on by my skid dad: the post
bios wont stop him from slaving your drive in another computer.
You need full disk encryption, or some balls. quit being a fag porn soyboy and start lifting. Then beat is fucking ass.

it's not a keylogger it's your network lol, can literally go on your router logs and look up your browsing history


Boot a Linux live CD

Don't install shit, just run it from there every time you need privacy

i actually considered the router thing, but didn't mentioned it, that's why i said in your pc, besides what else could he do within his knowledge to stop his father following his steps.

Soooo to get this clear we have:
>USB OS until figure out everything else
>hard drive encryption
>BIOS password
>research bitlocker

Anyone know of a way to actively check if my dad broke into my PC while it was on sleep mode and I was downstairs? Or just a BIOS password equivalent of putting my PC to sleep, unless there's no way to get past login screens on linux

Thanks I will do research on that
Will research
Not bait, wish it was, that would be hilarious, no way to prove it, but it is what it is I guess
I will research the counter research to the research I guess
>top kek
access the internet via mobile broadband since no infrastructure in my area, there is a tool to use but it only works on phones, in this case it's a PC
I will use this as a temporary solution
don't use a router, I access the 3G network via a mobile broadband adapter, yes I pay (locally) high prices for data but it's cheap in comparison to the rest of the world
I don't use a router, I have used a VPN and TOR and he still comments on my browsing habits on those and even adds the phrase "dark net" and would later go on to say how useless VPNs are which just further proves my suspicions, he does it locally from my device
is there a way to tap into a USB mobile broadband adapter?
can you hack into a USB mobile broadband adapter?
hmm, I will take your advice from the other user as well a temp solution until I can figure it out
not the router thing unless you can tap into a mobile broadband adapter
Will use this as temp solution since everyone's recommending it

plot twist, [spoiler] your dad has the bios password. [/spoiler]

>Anyone know of a way to actively check if my dad broke into my PC while it was on sleep mode and I was downstairs?

install a keylogger?

You might wanna check your computer for things that could have been put inside it or for something in the USB ports, because the way your dad and you make it out it sounds like he is just monitoring everything. You might wanna check out the router as well, if he knows how to get into it he can see anything you do on WiFi or ethernet. If it's mobile broadband, and you are using the broadband to connect to the internet, then he shouldn't be able to access it unless it just connects to the router to provide internet access.

If I were you, I would assume he has full control of everything as a safety precaution.

Do you have any mobile devices at all?

that would actually be hilarious and would make me laugh while I'm alone in my room and weird me out know i....that's actually...I can't believe I didn't think of that
it's a laptop and there's no signs of disassembly since it's one of those models where you can't actually open anything without fucking something up, but I will google hardware monitoring and see if I can find anything in the USB ports since that's the only way to access the device, and yeah it's on mobile broadband and I use broadband to connect to the internet on 3G, no routers involved

i have a phone and a tablet and both are in my opinion compltely fucked, I've followed instructions on wiping the device clean from all the shady clear net forums I could find, flashing, whatever, and somehow he knows what I'm doing on it, and somehow even when I rip out my sim card from my phone there's some sort of signal present, so I assume the device itself is bugged, which isn't impossible since he's handled it to be taken to mobile repair services

he actually paid top dollar once for this software that could get past any mobile device and could replicate itself even if you reformatted it, so I just stick to my laptop since I can wipe it clean and you can't pry it open and stick shit in it

do you think there's a way to bug a mobile broadband adapter? because that's how I access the internet, through this little USB flash drive, it has its own software and what not and I tried researching ways to bug it but I couldn't find anything

You can check system logs in windows somehow, Ive never done it. I was threatened with "Ill know if you were on the computer when you wernt suppose to be because it shows up in system logs" all the time as a kid but I always went on it and was never caught.

I rely on a diy security system when I am away. network cameras and motion sensors. Im about to incorporate some door/window sensors into the mix.

If he's a lil old school just get one of those USB keys that enable 2 step authentication that's backed up with your phone number and name.
I know I saw it on LTT but that is exactly what I would do.

OK, I thought it was a laptop but I wasn't sure.

If the devices are "bugged" a factory reset will remove that. If it's in the bootloader or some crazy shit like that then you just need to tell your dad you are a man and to leave you alone to watch porn.

I doubt he bugged anything, though. Most Dads aren;t that smart about technology unless they work in the field or are enthusiasts. What does your Dad do?

I don't think there is a way to bug a broadband adapter, not a way that isn't obvious anyway.

Maybe setup a webcam recording session to see if he goes in your room a lot?

Qubes or Tails is a good idea, and so is encrypting the drive after you format and re-install your OS. BIOS password couldn't hurt either.

But to be honest, your dad is most likely just checking router logs or snooping on your computer. Anything else is getting a little crazy for a Dad watching his kids computer.

Make sure you password protect everything and make them hard to guess passwords.

Other than that, use a web browser that forgets everything when you close it and run CCleaner/BleachBit once a day for maximum tin foil hat. You could also use Winapp2 and use the settings in both to add overwriting files as well. :)


i think you could maybe just ask your dad what's going on the next time he brings out something from your internet usage...

if the problem continues i would try installing a gnu/linux distro with full disk encryption, strong bios password, strong user password and maaaybe a vpn/tor.

google "full disk encryption on debian 9", it won't let me post the link

will do googling on system logs and self-keylogging / monitoring
phone's fucked can be manipulated, good idea tho
I've done factory reset and flashing and a bunch of other stuff I don't even remember, it all ends up with him commenting on what I'm doing even after I've done that, I've even reset the device in entirely different country and somehow he found out what I was doing, so I assume it's in the devices themselves

nothing to do with IT or anything to do with computers, but I do know he pays top dollar for some custom viruses and such

I've set up recording sessions and nothing shows up

I am in the process of encrypting everything and wiping everything clean

I don't have a router, I don't use a router, but snooping on my PC is a likely scenario, but I think he has some crazy movie level shit

I will change all my passwords and wipe everything I can clean

I've used all of that they seem to be useless
topkek but this time it's even funnier
everytime I confront him he just says whatever and leaves

that's what I'm going to do and see if it works

So I'll try everything you guys suggested in the mean time if anyone has any knowledge on how he could:

>find out what I'm doing if I wipe a device clean in a completely different country
>hack into my mobile broadband network remotely
>hack my mobile broadband adapter itself

or general information on how I can effectively monitor my mobile broadband network and computer itself (thanks for the system log idea btw) that would help like, alot

>will do googling on system logs and self-keylogging / monitoring
I meant in system event viewer or whatever

He could also be using a hardware keylogger. Check the cables.

Try using a password first you retarded fuck

Lock up your room.

Also nice doubletrips

How about you just fucking tell your dad to mind his own business you collosal pussy?
Or just move out, dumbass

if he is looking through the router then just use a vpn/proxy

if it's a keylogger try checking your anti virus software for exceptions. he might have placed one for his logger

report him to the police, then fuck your mom to cuck him.

>daddy checks the keyloggers
Holy fuck op is a faggot

>Should I start a mobile broadband hacking thread?

Or maybe hit up the shady clearnet forums I used to wipe my devices, looks like this is where it's going, now that I look at everything as a whole it's becoming obvious that I'm being monitored from this fucking broadband network thing I'm using

yeah, nothing showed up there

apparently I think this runs deeper than just the device or whatever encryption I put on my laptop or whatever, I believe this has to do with hacking the mobile broadband network itself, so far I've found out there's a ton of exploits and something I've never though of is flashing my device and re-installing the firmware and everything else

I'm going to have to research and understand how mobile broadband networks work and fucking download a bunch of ebooks I really don't want to read but oh well

there's no cables just a mobile broadband adapter which I now, after doing a few google searches believe is already vulnerable

read the thread maybe, but yeah that's how I'd react if I was you
yeah, currently have a temporary solution but I should work on that more
I have literally walked up to him and told him to mind his own business multiple times with different approaches, he's the ultimate troll

read the thread there is no router

I don't think it's a keylogger

he's hacking the mobile broadband network and adapter itself


good idea, she is very horny actually, might make for a good greentext story
I am indeed a slight faggot

>Put bootable OS onto flash drive
>Use it

Are you sure he doesn't simply have a camera in your room? There's also that trick (I can't remember the name or details, I'm not even 100% percent sure it works) where you recreate the image of a nearby monitor by intercepting the waves in a fashion similar to that of a radio (there was this one youtube video where the guy played music by having a simple radio recieve waves from the monitor next to it). The IME exploit might be worth looking into. There's a good chance he isn't touching the computer itself, think outside the box.

>apparently I think this runs deeper than just the device or whatever encryption I put on my laptop or whatever, I believe this has to do with hacking the mobile broadband networ
wtf are you on about? is your dad a skid or a somewhat decent hacker?
back up your jaypegs and mp3s, delete pdfs and exes and other files like that (theres a whole laundry list) and any operating system iso you have. make sure you go into the windows explorer menu and select to "show file extensions for known file types" so you dont fall for the old "hot bitch.jpg.exe". reinstall from a clean iso that is on a nonrewritable media ( cd), get it from school if you have to. Make sure youre firewall is properly configured so he cant exploit you over the lan. (modify wannacry to exploit samba and deliver a keyloger).
Use full disk encryption so he cant just pull your drive and plug it into his computer and bind d:/windows/system32/explorer.exe to ./keylogger
note the D. system files arnt protected by windows if windows isnt running, or another version of windows.. this is a slaved drive we are talking about, file permissions mean fuckall.

asfor your phone, it might be possible he has the restore image backdoored, this way every rewipe comes pre-botnetted. Switch to another rom.

on your browsers use https everywhere and get a vpn that is NOT pptp. pptp is and has been crackable for years.
if you do what I say then you should be safe.

I have a feeling op is just keeping the volume too high.

You're living in his house, live on his food. He can do whatever he wants.
Don't like it? Live on your own. It's as simple as that.

>tfw OP is a budding paranoid schizophrenic and his poppy isn't doing anything malicious

maybe he's just trying to get you to get gud

Maybe I should spend my time figuring out how to fuck his ex-wife and hack into his shit so I can even out the playing field and see just how hialaryess I can be then greentext it what do u guys think

also I'm currently waiting to get to a place where I can download all the ISO files the ROMS the fucking tools I need to wipe the shit and all that because fuck data caps

could be but I don't think there are any cameras that small and has a view of my screen at least
there's a tool you can pay for where all you do is type in the mobile number of whoever you want to tap into and everything they're doing shows up, that's what I mean by it goes beyond just the device I'm using

if I backup mp4'z jaypigs and em pee-pee's can they be infected?

I will try doing my phone and devices but this time with flash rom and some other custom whateverthefuck

hahahahaha that was a good one
yeah, you're right user, I should just hack into his shit and comment on his porn and internet history to even out the game and eat my own cum while I'm trying t get a job
I have a wide array of undiagnosed and untreated mental and physical illnesses which I do not actually believe in for good reason but now that you say it like that that sounds like something a paranoid schizophrenic would say

a vpn would still do the trick though, wouldn't it?

At that point, he may just be using a camera or something to see what you're doing. But like I said, that would be pretty hardcore. I have a feeling he could just be fucking with you too. Is he a big joker or anything? Does he give you shit a lot? Maybe you can pick his brain. Does he just act like he knows shit, or when you walk into the room sometimes is he just like "what were you doing on, billy?"

if you can't figure this out yourself, you are too young to be looking at porn to begin with

go talk to girls before you lose your ability to do so forever

> disconnect from internet including Ethernet cable
> check keyboard cable for strange dongles that might be key loggers
> install Linux from xubuntu live cd
> full disk encryption
> logon password
> bios password
> install ubuntu updates
> install rootkit Hunter or check rootkit

if he's just sniffing the traffic then this is a complete waste by the way

You're also screwing yourself by watching porn. you're literally reprogramming your brain to be a cuck. your dad is based and he's doing you a favor.

>there's a tool you can pay for where all you do is type in the mobile number of whoever you want to tap into and everything they're doing shows up, that's what I mean by it goes beyond just the device I'm using
I doubt it. The cia didnt devop the stingray because they got bored. they made a briefcase cellphone man in the middle attach device for a fucking reason.

>if I backup mp4'z jaypigs and em pee-pee's can they be infected?
No, thats why I said to keep those files. Media is generaly safe. viruses can auto bind to other stuff, so delete and drivers you have and just redownload them later.
exe files, .coms, .msi are all executalbes, just to name a few. if you have bat files, you need to read them before ever running them again. same goes for any sourcecode you have saved.
anything executable needs to be trashed unless youre going to decompile it and figure out what it does which I doubt youre capable of doing. just delete it.

>I will try doing my phone and devices but this time with flash rom and some other custom whateverthefuck
idk about any of that. See if your phone company can give you a clean rom, if not go with whatever replaced cynogen.
I cant stress this enough, assume everything that your computer touches is tainted. If you download a debain iso, assume a virus on your computer opened the iso and attached itself to the linux os before you were able to burn it.
go to school, download the iso there, burn it to a disk that is not rewritable (NO usb, NO sd card unless it has that switch), and then come home and do the install.

mmm depondz
I'd be researching a conspiracy and he would mention that exact same conspiracy, I would fap to hentai porn and he would mention the exact same hentai porn I fapped to, I would make a Sup Forums thread and he would mention the exact same things people answered in the thread, disguised as conversation dialogue

i.e I fap to some zelda hentai manga with gerudo and a few creampie scenes, next day downstairs while I'd be talking to him he'd randomly stop and say something like "man, that makes me think of the times I really wanted to impregnate a brown elf lady with lipstick on in a green suit" which is literally just what the fuck, it's the ultimate troll hahaha

I would respond with giving his ex wife an oil massage at her place but I think that might make him yell and scream lmao
alright mr.wiseguy got any more amazing life advice? you guys really like age, makes me wonder...
that's right, I think he's sniffing the traffic somehow, which is what I'm trying to figure out how I can prevent

and I wouldn't even waste my time on the internet let alone the computer if I was in an actual country that didn't have a literal fucking lack of women, like...we actually don't have enough women
>I doubt it
nobody believes me which is why I'm trying to stray away from getting too in detail but yeah desu what can I say

waiting for internet cafe's to open up so I can go and download a whole load of shit and (hopefully) purge this degeneracy

...if not and I really just end up wasting my time then at least I accomplished something that day

Take a gun and shoot this manipulative old fuck right in the head.
Problem solved.

hahaha ohhh user

Shit user does this apply to POV or am I safe?

>internet cafe's
noone believes you cause its bullshit. Youre probably just fishing for (you)s.
dont go to an internet cafe, those computers are probably in worse condition than the average gtards computer. go to a school like I told you to do. A university or contact the local highschool.

>dad planted the keylogger

Start looking into dad/son porn HEAVILY and start looking at 'ways to kill my mom' would be a hilarious joke to pull

try googling " Is my father gay?" and " how to tell my father that my mom is cheating on him with a black guy?"

1. BIOS password
2. Full disk encryption (bitlocker for windows, LUKS/whatever for linux)

And you're secure.

Make a fresh install to remove keyloggers already there, choose full disk encryption, set a BIOS password.
Additionally, open up the laptop and glue down the cmos battery. Some hot glue will do but it's just an anti-tamper measure to stop someone resetting your CMOS.

>So my dad has a habit of installing keyloggers and spyware into my machines
if they're your machines then why is your dad using them

Don't research bitlocker, use it. Do this:
Stop posting in the thread and encrypt your filesystem already. you can keep using windows if you want, bitlocker is perfectly adequate to protect you against anything up to a state level actor. Unless your dad works for the NSA you're good.