/ourguy/ has spoken

/ourguy/ has spoken
Net Neutrality is the wrong way to go.

Fuck off and kill yourself with this Plebbit '/ourguy/' retarded shit.

>I trust this giant media conglomerate more than this other giant media conglomerate

Install gentoo, Luke

>trusting the internet in the hands of international conglomerates
Facebook goyim

It's already been voted on. /ourgay/ is too late.

This looks like plain contrarianism to me, he has good arguments but ultimately with net neutrality gone cesorship, witch hunts on pirating and high internet prices are going to fuck people over.

Net Neutrality was like that, the internet should be decentralized

>Unkempt hair
>Dead eyes
>That neckbeard
No idea who this fucker is but he has the looks of someone who has given up on life.
Not sure if I label him as a possible pedo with a loli waifu or a middle aged guy who lets his wife fuck men in front of him, he kinda fits both, look wise.
Also why do you need this nigger to be /ourguy/? Are you the same teenager who talked about Louis being a father figure to you? kek.

Just finished watching the video. Luke says that this will increase the spread of decentralized networks. I don't believe this will happen. Comcast has already come out and said they will outright block the Bittorrent protocol when Net Neutrality is repealed. This threat from Comcast tells me that reason of repealing Net Neutrality is not a bandwidth issue at all.

>trying this hard to fit in

Netflix shills on suicide watch

He's not watching porn... uhuh...

I mean on one side there is facebook,google,twitter and netflix. So yeah.
Watch the entire video first he makes some good points

He is a professor at a university all old professors look like kissless virgins with crazy hair.

>>net neutrality
>Google, Amazon, and Netflix's customers have to pay for the share of traffic that they (massively) disproportionately use
>the top 10-15 sites have their profit margins ruined which gives a better chance for them to be disrupted and potentially replaced

>>no net neutrality
>people who don't use a shitload of bandwidth have to subsidize the price bandwidth for the people that watch 200 hours of netflix every month
>the internet titans have their monopolies protected

why do you hate the prospect of a FREE AND OPEN INTERNET so much?

>Comcast has already come out and said they will outright block the Bittorrent protocol when Net Neutrality is repealed
When did this happen?

Rest in peace, in peace?

>>no net neutrality
>companies will have to compress their data or searching a better method to stream media because ISPs are going to throttle the shit out of them

>your entire city has to share the cost of the 4 shitters mining bitcoin

Are you new in the internet meems?

it'll be a combination of both but yeah


>save net neutrality
>keep the internet free and open

Rip in RIP

And now no one can say shit because there's no more internet neutrality or whatever the fuck people from hamburgernistan had.
I'm happy for all this shit flinging though I hope americans get banned from everything including Sup Forums.

Do you know what internet neutrality is?

His points are honestly retarded and I don't get how he doesn't get it himself while stating them.

Something you obese americans don't have.
Bend over and take that ISP cock, fampai :^)


>just waiting and watching from the sidelines

>and this is why

Just imagine the quality of posts. Even Sup Forums will be high quality board.

>pay no attention to the widespread censorship of these corporations I like

>opposite day

>reeeeeeeeee shut up and get off my internet racists
>racists pls help
>reeeeeeeeeee this is your fault racists

A guy that doesnt like techonology and that doesnt have access to the internet most of the time is not someone anyone should look up to for technology lmfao

I don't know what to say besides "you're wrong"

watch video in OP

Who gives a fuck if you like it or not, tha point is that you have to know about technology


>fit in
Fuck outta here faggot.
And take your stale memes with you.

Facebook Zero.

Doesn't work, idiot.

Says who? Mark Zuckerberg?

For a tech guy he has a very simple view of the internet.