>anti net neutrality people falling for muh Obama era policy meme and saying how it has only existed for 2 years
You guys do remember 2014 right? I can't he the only one. Remember how Verizon sued the FCC because they told them "hey you can't throttle shit you don't like lmao" and won? We had NN before this and every time it was abused (pretty frequently, actually.) They were shot down by the FCC until Verizon fucked everything up forcing the the FCC to change the internet to a title 2 utility in order to keep NN around. I don't believe a lot of the doomsday scenarios but if we say that isps have never tried to throttle stuff they don't like, and NN has only existed for 2 years we are kidding ourselves.
Anti net neutrality people falling for muh Obama era policy meme and saying how it has only existed for 2 years
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Don't bother. The teenage trump fans were in high school in 2014 and had their plate full with their crushes not paying attention to them, bullies making them cry and tough, tough homework.
No time to brush up on such recent history when there's another hilarious tweet of Trump owning liberals! LOL!
God I hate Sup Forums so much
Sad but true. It's so obvious that these people are teenagers enjoying babby's first online political shitfest. No one who was here 3-4 years ago could possibly be pro-Ajit unless they are a complete retard.
I mean who the fuck could stand by this guy youtube.com
Who are you quoting?
But you don't understand! Liberals hate him! Reddit hates him! Google hates him, so he must be to good guy!
Is this the new Y2K or Mayan Calendar? Will everyone look back and laugh or just try to bury how serious everyone got?
Sup Forums is retarded, news at 11
No one thinks that effects will be immediate. Nothing will change in the short term. But bit by bit ISPs will be allowed to get away with shittier and shittier policies, winning all lawsuits against them because the new rules cover their asses. In 10, 20 years the Internet will be an unrecognizable monstrosity and the last vestiges of the independent, non-corporate web will be unreachable for the vast majority of people.
Not everyone on Sup Forums likes Trump. For example the people over at /sg/ hate him
Not pro-Ajit, just anti-NN.
Not because of "muh big gubmint powuh" either.
I'm pro-NN because I'm pro workers' rights.
Internet is a service, not a human right, you whiny entitled brats. Why do you think it's called an ISP? What did you think the S stood for? "Security?"
In this world full of ingratiating advertising and excessive quantities of free stuff, consumers are far too used to seeing the services they enjoy as their rights, to the point that they're rude to the providers of such services, and expect to be able to dictate every detail of the terms by which they enjoy such services with no input from the providers. It's disgusting: consumers expect, that if they cry and bitch and wave their dollar around enough, people will give them whatever they want.
I don't care how much you pay for your Internet, it's still a service, and you can't own a service you don't perform, because that amounts to owning a person, and slavery is illegal, even if it's compensated and the slave consents. Your Internet does not belong to you, it principally belongs to your ISP and always will, and they're only sharing it with you because you pay them to do so. Internet is THEIR service, provided to you BY THEM, and therefore THEY should have absolute control over the terms under which they provide it, with the caveat that you should be free to terminate the contract and receive a small refund for lost time if you ever decide said terms no longer suit you.
ALL businesses and service providers of ANY kind, except perhaps hospitals, should demand the right to refuse service for any reason with no advance notice, so long as they also refuse or return payment. Choking service to some customers is just a less extreme version of refusing service, so why should ISPs need a better reason than promoting associated websites when they could (or at least SHOULD be able to) just as well go all in and cut you off completely for no reason at all.
Keep sucking corporate cock, cuck.
Honestly, while I didn't, I could understand supporting Trump during the election because he isn't actually all that different from Hillary, and it was funny seeing all the pundits and establishment politicians lose their fucking minds going "no sir, Trump sir you cannot do this it's not allowed in THE SYSTEM". But this level of slavish devotion towards a sitting fucking president is just annoying and creepy. There are still people here on Sup Forums bitching about some open source project forking from another over some drama and creating a code of conduct and that is "SJWs invading open source" despite freedom to fork for whatever fucking reason you want being a pillar of open source and codes of conduct for developers being being decades old at this point. Trump not having done jackshit about the patriot act, the NSA, getting on board the anti-encryption trains conservatives seem to be on these days and now net neutrality doesn't bother them though.
Internet is a service, yes, idiot. So is electricity, or running water. You pay for those. Doesn't mean they aren't regulated utilities, or that they can charge you more for water or electricity depending on what you're going to use it for.
it's over american bro, i'll miss you eurocucks and 3rd world shitters..
I AM corporate, you insect. "Big business" is a myth. There are two kinds of people: those who work, and fat lazy slobs who drag everyone else down. If you're complaining about "corporate," you must not work for it, and since there's nothing out there to work for that couldn't be considered that, you must not work, which means fuck you, you fucking bum.
Y-you do realize that the people who own the ISPs and want NN to die are the fat lazy slobs... Right?
Spread those buttcheeks further.
That's a weird language you've written your post in. All the words are the same except for "retarded", which is English for "intelligent"
>Doesn't mean they aren't regulated utilities, or that they can charge you more for water or electricity depending on what you're going to use it for.
Well it should. They should be able to charge you however they tell you they're going to charge you, """"""regulations"""""" be damned, and if you don't like it, you can get your water and electricity from someone whose terms you find more palatable. And if there's no one out there like that, then that speaks to the need to disestablish all corporate monopolies, and regulating terms of service is just a band aid on a big gushing wound.
>And if there's no one out there like that, then that speaks to the need to disestablish all corporate monopolies
oh okay
so you're like ACTUALLY insane huh
user, don't tell me things like that, you'll turn me on.
By the way, how does it feel to know a gay soyboy (who willingly admits to being this because he is proud of it) works harder than you do?
Lazy freeloading scum.
Stop fucking LARPing. Nothing will change AT ALL.
> you can get your water and electricity from someone whose terms you find more palatable
... That's not really how it works, nor is it with cable providers now. You can't goto someone else. There is no someone else.
Governments fuckup for letting a few companies monopolize but now the only way to handle the situation is to keep it as a utility as in the current gen, it is.
If absolutely nothing will change then why are these companies spending so much money to repeal it? Spending millions lobbying to get rid of NN to do nothing?
The changes won't be as drastic as people are fear mongering but to say nothing will change is silly.
>reddit-tier talking points
I suppose my core disagreement is with the premise that it really is the only or best way to handle the situation.
Monopolies need to be eradicated.
Or at least stripped of their status as monopolies.
Any government which is unwilling to acknowledge this must be replaced Lockean-style. Our "free market" is no longer free and its freedom must be restored.
In a way, the development of monopolies is how free market systems naturally age and degrade, and a periodic brief burst of violence or temporary regulation must be employed to rejuvenate them. In this sense, capitalism is not so different from Marxism.
People have complained about "SJW"s before the 2016 election and many people don't care about american issues because they aren't americlaps.
Reminder that Dimwit Turnip is an SJW.
>another idiot that doesn't know what LARPing is but insists on using it until all the other clueless retards assume that this is the correct usage
>cuck and botnet will finally have some new company in the land of misused "meme" words for little kids
So, have we been fucked by King Poo yet?
if liberals hate it then I'm in
>talking about misused words for little kids
>misuses a commonly misused word for little kids
>while talking disdainfully about the subject of such words
>thus rendering his incorrect usage of the word "ironic" ironic by the correct usage of the word "ironic"
ow my brain
The only way to do is to apply antitrust laws because in the US, because the last mile is not owned municipally, ISPs form a natural monopoly
Just imagine hating leddit so much you are actively campaigning for removing internet freedom just to not agree with them.
Fucking hell
Uhh, that was poorly worded because of how the FCC frames that. With "removing internet freedom" I of course mean being anti-Net-Neutrality.
>disestablish all corporate monopolies
I understand now. You're not really a corporate cuck, but a rabid butthurt anti-corruption, anti-government corporation collusion
small "R" republican who just want to see everything burn. It's too bad then that you're also a retard, because guess fucking what, bucko, scale and efficiency goes hand in hand and unfortunately for you, we don't live in a time of growing backwater frontier towns anymore and society need this extra edge in operational efficiency to function, no matter who want to use this greater capacity for what end. The fact however is that the larger an operation, the easier they could become a monopoly and the more incentives they have of becoming one, so if we can't just crash the entire plane with no survivors like a fucking retard (ie. You), what do we have left? HMMMMM, if only we had a body that represents all the legal citizens of a certain geographic area and has coercive power to enforce rules that protect the interests of those it represents. Oh right, it's called the GOVERNMENT, which can write and enact REGULATIONS!
Come on, user, I know you're mad, but you've got to think of the world you leave for your future self, if not your potential children.
>With "removing kebab" I of course mean being anti Turk smell.
/thread and fpbp
I've been on the internet so long I remember upgrading to a 56k modem. We didn't have net neutrality back then and the world didn't end. This is unfortunate because the internet has become too easy to use. It would be really great if the barrier to entry sharply increased. This goes double for phone posters. Unfortunately history shows this is a great big nothing burger. I hope the meshnet Sup Forumsenternet thing catches on.
Except we did. Did you even read the thread?
You are so generous user
Source: this thread
Seems legit.
It made no sense to discuss this back in the dial up days. The NN debate began because ISPs had the power and actively tried to kill VoIP because it ate into the shares of the more expensive services that they sold, like international calls
If this was a movement to increase ISP competition I would be on board. If this was a movement to nationalize the internet I would be on board. This is some Orwellian named nothing burger at best and a google subsidy at worst.
Well, that's teenager, larping as grandma, what's your point?
Google has an ISP, why do you think they won't benefit from this?
>If this was a movement to increase competition
Yeah, dude, every pro consumer regulation passed tends to be anticompetition by nature. Society at some point had to stop carmakers from lowering costs by removing safety measures.
>you can get your water and electricity from someone whose terms you find more palatable
Are you insane or just incredibly stupid? You think setting up water collection and distribution infrastructure is like opening up a lemonade stand?
Net neutrality was put in to place under the Obama administration. All the tl;dr in the world doesn't change which years Obama was in office.
Except the links I posted literally prove you wrong. Title II is Obama, which was only put into place because Verizon sued the FCC for their existing NN rules
NN came to be so that the FCC wouldn't have to waste time dealing with this crap on a case by case basis.
The vote just repealed something put in to place under Obama. Enjoy your nothing burger.
But liberals hate ajit so this is victory duh
Yeah, after Verizon got rid of the pre-2014 NN rules. So we have none now. Pre-2014 NN is kill and post-2015 is kill as well.
Epic larp. You forget that the internet is decentralized and everyone outside your oligarchy still has net neutrality.
>They should be able to charge you however they tell you they're going to charge you
You mean like insuline? fun fact: Insulin is super cheap to produce, but because it is deemed to have high value, (because it literally save life), they consider it should have high price. So the pharmaceutical company in the US make huge fucking margin on insuline, literally condemning to death people who can't afford the product. This is something that only happens in the US, everywhere else, insulin is super cheap.
This is why utility service need to be regulated.
These are the people who voted for this to happen. This is your voting population America
This fights not over courts etc. We can't let them get away with this!
So you realize that none of this is "falling for", but a corporate interest shove?
Ajit Pai's chairman said it wasn't for "one business".
It's for all business.
You guys fucked up, trying to target Pai. You should've attacked the service providers. Cut the head off the snake, not the tail.
Fuck, that sounds like an Atari Teenage riot song
Maybe information is truly like meds
The Cancer is unbelievable...
Pretty much every voting population in every country is like this.
We've become a society of retards.
Kojima was right.
Oh yes user, true as fuck
I'm really sad right now about this.
It's gonna be fun watching the people stuck in the Cletus Savannah get fucked by this move they supported while urban libruls will be mostly safe because they already have competition between ISPs
Maybe poo in the loo, is really just a body double of who is really supposed to come?
I live in a high military presence, urban area and we still don't have a major competition. It's Cox or Verizon, and their speed is slower than the nearest rural county.
end me
>feeling sad for google
Fucking cuck
>stop complaining whenever companies try to fuck you in the ass, you entitled consumer!!!
Holy shit you couldn’t be more of a corporate stooge if you tried lmao
I don't know if you suport the repeal it not but don't hold your horses for more competition from now on. NN repeal is not going to help.
Net neutrality is something ISPs don't like, and it's a good idea.
However, reddit and google like it therefore it's better to not have it just to watch them cry about it. At 5kB/s
>holy fuck dad that's the darkest place on the internet
i dont feel sad for google. i feel sad for me
Thats mostly why this whole, muh competition, is just a total meme.
This NN things is a completely external issue to the pricing of internet.
We need to solve the competition issue before we let the corporations fuck our asses with deregulation.
>Verizon sied FCC ... And won
I'm not a burger, but I thought verizon is ISP, no?
Nice ad hominem. Perhaps you could come up with actual arguments?
This whole republican governing based on "it pisses off people I don't like so by default it's a good thing even if it really isn't" is going to backfire on you so fucking much.
Yup, they were basically saying that the FCC couldn't legally enforce NN because it wasn't title II
Stop bringing this nonsense to Sup Forums already, it brings nothing new here it's just the same shit every thread.
Literally cutting their nose to spite their face
>You guys do remember 2014 right
Yep and I remember 1994. Fuck phone internet.
>republicans are for common sense and hard work
>every choice they've made is for giving people more free choice
>faggots like you continue to say we'll feel sorry eventually
There's no policy theyve made right now that is bad for me or for many people who arent living in NY or SV, the liberal shitholds of america.
>thinks that NN will hurt google le deep pocket payman as much as the poorer smaller competition
without nn google has the cash to pay isps not to throttle them, but smaller competition doesn't, which is bad for newcomers and starting companies
how delusional can one be?
What's the next stage for this? Does Congress get to vote?
or google can pay local small isps and prop them up instead, you know, how a free market works. The only thing youre talking about with competition is with other web services.
Stay out of politics g
Trump is our guy but his hands are tied
>feeling happy forma verizon
It may have the bad effect of creating a monopoly. Many smaller companies cannot compete with google at such a large scale. Much like what we see with Walmart and rural markets.
Except it's really easy to compete with google cause they are only a website, after all. Just like yahoo, bing, pornhub, or any webpage on the world wide web. The entry to barrier is very small. One day, a service could uproot Google with just better services in general, and Google can't stop it cause the internet is a virtual webspace. This isn't something like blocking someone's lines in the physical world.
Im happy for the ability for people to do whatever they want with their businesses.