Tfw i lost everything I own last week and now everything is mooning

>tfw i lost everything I own last week and now everything is mooning

I want to kms. I lost my life savings (9k USD) one week ago. I'm not even memeing anymore, I genuinely might suicide. I'm ruined. I'm about to be on the street.

What do Sup Forums? Its over for me

nice blog post
maybe try another board


wrong board, not technology

>my life savings (9k USD)

hahahahahahaha fucking poorfags

no wonder Sup Forums is so butthurt over having to pay a little more for internet now that net neutrality is gone

I mean crypto, by the way. I lost it all. I have been wage slaving for years to save up and now its all gone

Crypto is Sup Forums related though

wrong board

It's not funny, its my life we are talking about.

It was all I had in the world. Might not be a lot to you, but it was everything to me

It's objectively not a lot unless you're a third-worlder, many people don't have any savings so that you've got none at a relatively young age isn't a big thing. 9k isn't a life-altering amount and is certainly not worth ending your life over.

It was everything I had. I worked years to just save that amount and lived basic.
I have never been so suicidal in my life

How could you even lose it?
Did you just stack your cash under your bed and left your room unlocked?

I tried to trade and the price crashed and then shot back up

I should have just held

Too late now I guess

>I worked years to just save that amount and lived basic.
How much do you earn and where do you live?
It's the equivalent of having to drive a shitbox for a while instead of a nice used car, in the grand scheme of things it's not going to make much of a difference to your life.

Kill yourself commie faggot. Fucking no wonder why people are so butthurt about NN. You guys are poor fucks and it serves you right.

I don't earn much but no, by living basic i mean the internet is the only luxury i have

like i said, im considering sudoku, no joke

Fuck off to Tumblr or wherever else gives a fuck about your blog

lmao'ing my ass off

What's your story? Did you drop them somewhere?

>life savings
>9k USD
That's like 2 months of work

The most savings I've ever had in my life was $1000, and that was 3 years ago, and since then I have none. I'm basically broke by the end of the month. So, suck it up.

fuck cryptocurrency. i wanted to buy myself a used 1070 for christmas but guess thats not happening.

I'm a poorfag on welfare and the internet is my only luxury, it's not such a bad life is it?
What would would your life look like if instead of saving that money you had spent it all living at whatever your current cost of living is now in addition to what you managed to save each year? It would hardly make a difference.

Its not funny

Maybe for you and your particular circumstances yeah

more like 18 months of work.

this isn't Sup Forums related you faggot
