Net neutrality is dead

Net neutrality is dead.
Long live net neutrality!


please correct the typo

Keep in mind America is a fuckton bigger than Europe and the average population density is a lot smaller than European countries. Providing internet to all of them and letting them have options will cost a fuckton, but I hope someone steps up (like Google fiber) and actually gives ISPs some competition.

Which one?

The post is complete bullshit that aside, ask anybody that lives outside of a major city in France about Orange Telecom.

Last sentence, first word.

Also a source would be nice.

This is so true

Feel so disgusted when I read about Amerifats paying $$$ for their monthly TV package and slow broadband, when we get superfast 100mb+ internet and a range of cable/satellite TV providers all at fraction of the price

Amerifats go on about "muh freedoms" and not wanting the state to interfere in corporations activities, but when you just sit back you will get the corporations creating local monopolies and raising prices

Sometimes I feel alone when it comes to being pro free market.


America's main problem is the lack of divide between corporate politics and actual fucking government. The lobbying donations brown nosing should simply ! not be allowed. The prison and justice systems are pretty crap too. I think it's got something to do with the universal healthcare, or more specifically the lack of it. Even the healthcare is shit and misguided in most all cases.

America makes me sad. Only the media is it's saving grace. I thought you were a proud county, America, why has it come to this?

>We have plenty of competition between ISPs
lol no we don't it's literally a oligopol in pretty much every country

The true problem is the oligarchs of course.
Butchering the Koch borthers and a handful of their closest frenemies would certainly flip the table. Killing 20 of those bastards would be more impactful than 9/11. Goes to illustrate the relative worth of a human life.

Call it oligarchy is you want, but the state the US is in resembles corporatism more.


Happy to pay additional $$ for services. Fuck neutrality!

stopping reading, opinion discarded

Bump xD

I'm pretty sure that Google fiber is more of a public relations move more than an actual earnest attempt at improving US internet.

>In Europe we don't need net neutrality laws
But the EU has much stronger net neutrality laws than the US, and has had it for longer as well.

This is mobile internet.
Literally every mobile provider does this regardless of any net neutrality laws.

>mobile providers don't have to follow the law.

It was impossible under the old Dutch NN laws.
Unfortunately the new EU wide NN laws are much weaker.

Highly unlikely, considering that half of utility poles are owned by ISPs and corporations that oppose OTMR.

>American internet lines run over poles instead of being buried.

That's some ghetto 3rd world shit right there.


But yeah, ISP monopolies sprout up in part due to local legislation and mostly due to the scale of the US. It's not cost effective to lay out fiber across 800 miles of nothing in the midwest to get to another big city. Really our property taxes should be going partially to updating network infrastructure in the US, but it isn't, because the local government doesn't have the right to provide internet service as a utility without infringing on the rights of the monopolies that own the actual land you'd need to put cable down on.

It isn't, Finland's population density is a lot lower than a lot of rural US and most of the country has decent internet

It's because most ISP monopolies in the US were originally phone service providers and they don't have any competition and thus no need to actually update the infrastructure. If you live in the rural US, or even some suburbs, you don't get a choice in internet providers. You either pay more than people living in large cities (up to 10x more per mbps) or don't have internet. A lot of monopolies say they're using the high prices to fund infrastructure changes, but that's been getting said for 10 years here and nothing's changed.

It depends on the NN laws, iirc India recently ruled that zero rating and per service data caps are illegal, a few other countries have done the same before

We were about to get it in our area of Austin and then an ISP sued Google and the city for violating their contract for control of infrastructure access.

Taxes did go into fibre infrastructure projects user, they were gifted to big ISP and their benefits are never felt

So yeah, we actually have NN.
The austrian sob story about "muh evul regulations keeping the little guy down" is bullshit.

Sounds about right. I more meant that municipalities should have their own employees and own the infrastructure themselves, thus being able to update it as they need it.

>It's because most ISP monopolies in the US were originally phone service providers and they don't have any competition and thus no need to actually update the infrastructure.
If the US truly wants competition, they need to unfuck the telcom oligopoly, instead of letting the market in the hands of companies that have gaming the market since the '94 spectrum resource auction.

Phone lines shouldn't be on poles either.

Only high voltage power lines in non-urban areas are acceptable to be on poles.

But the picture you posted is an argument against net neutrality.

Why make corps and gov your enemy when you can just focus on corps.??

Fucking every website is compromised nowadays

Not every ISP has to be nationwide, except a lot of cities took shekels from Verizon and banned local ISPs

That was the point. Net neutrality is dead, Long live a new era of true net neutrality through competition. While there won't be much competition at the moment, this is just a step towards freeing America from corporatism.

>muh Koch brothers

We should all move to Canada Switzerland or Jamaica and still make cheese. And have a big Rave