Net neutrality literally did not exist before 2015. Things will be just the way they always were...

Net neutrality literally did not exist before 2015. Things will be just the way they always were. Don't fall for the Jews lying to you saying it existed before hand. Fuck you.

Other urls found in this thread:

xd the jew meme :)

I mean it did. Obama didn't invent it

very badass redditors

Nice dubs, but incorrect.

The US had de-facto NN before 2015.
In 2010, Comcast took the FCC to court over the FCC's rulung that ISPs can't restrict network access based on the type of content. See

In 2014, Verizon sucessfully reversed this ruling, This effectively ended the FCC's ruling that Internet services not be restricted in this way.

So there was only around 1 year where the US had no NN, either de facto or de jure.

"A widely cited example of a violation of net neutrality principles was the Internet service provider Comcast's secret slowing ("throttling") of uploads from peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) applications by using forged packets.[9] Comcast did not stop blocking these protocols, like BitTorrent, until the Federal Communications Commission ordered them to stop.[10] In another minor example, The Madison River Communications company was fined US$15,000 by the FCC, in 2004"

Dumb trumptard

>either de facto or de jure
It was par excellence bon appétit

How much time do you spend on reddit?

>i'm ignorant and i'll use that to make fun of you for using specific language

I get a stiffy thinking about how smug you must have looked when reading my post

those memes about content package are just falseflagers

but... have fun cancelling your cheap netflix hulu amazonprime whatever freemarket options, because they just just keep stuttering and freezing, ruinng the experience, and just contract a TV package from your internet provider.

>I don't like thing because users on another website like thing

Don't breed.

You're clinically retarded but that was a little funny

The reason it existed in the first place was because ISP's started over stepping their boundaries. They were getting more greedy. NN stopped that greed. Now it's gone.

Prepare your anus. Lube it up. Make sure its nice and primed for big corp dick.

fuck you commie piece of shit

>hurr durr anyone who doesnt want to get fucked by goldberg is a commie
You won't get a true market without abolishing the FCC and all of its regulations. Since that isn't going to happen, why the fuck would you get rid of a rare regulation that is in your favor?

Any regulation is bad.


>this is what lolbertarians actually believe


As I said, you're not going to get rid of them all aby time sokn so starting with one that works currently in your favor doesn't make sense. This could actually work out if there weren't local monopolies but ISPs already do everything they can to maintain them so you would need to get rid of them first instead of letting them abuse their monopolies even more.

Net Neutrality was instated in 2015 because ISPs were trying to be cunts.

end your life

Just enough to get 87 downvotes