The F.C.C. chairman, Ajit Pai, is seeking a sweeping repeal of the Barack Obama-era rules...

>The F.C.C. chairman, Ajit Pai, is seeking a sweeping repeal of the Barack Obama-era rules, paving the way for internet service companies to charge users more to see certain content or to restrict access to some websites. High-speed internet service providers, or I.S.P.s, could charge companies a fee to deliver their content more quickly.

is this actually reality?

Other urls found in this thread:

Net neutrality needs to go.
I'm tired of paying higher and higher monthly bills to subsidize degenerates watching porn or streaming Netflix.
Having a tiered system is a good thing, I'll pay less because I use less.

>i'll pay less

lmao are you stupid? did you even read your own post? it's based on what you use. just because you only go on a handful of sites doesn't mean that you'll pay less. if anything you'll pay more because of the scarcity of the demand. you're subsidizing for the site itself.

this is why nobody respects Sup Forums. you guys are so dumb when it comes to basic logic, which is ironic since technology hinges on understanding logic.

>my personal opinions and preferences are fact


good luck downloaing your animu when comcast throttles all bittorrent traffic to 10kb/s, like it did in 2004 when this whole debate started

>implying that's Sup Forums and not some Sup Forumstard with trump's dick perpetually down his throat


I'm not from Sup Forums I'm from Sup Forums, but I come here to repill soyboys like you.
Just Google what weev has to say and it'll open your eyes.
NN is only there to benefit (((Google)))

Ohhhh noooo your precious torrents you're so entitled to.


>good luck downloaing your animu when comcast throttles all bittorrent traffic to 10kb/s, like it did in 2004 when this whole debate started

Ok were you even alive then? Because that didn't happen

>I'm not from Sup Forums I'm from Sup Forums, but I come here to repill soyboys like you.

what are you attempting to redpill anyone on? can you provide any evidence to substantiate your claim that net neutrality is bad? I get you don't like people watching porn or netflix, but do you have anything that actually contributes to discussion of the matter?

I really wonder what it's like to walk around every day and be this fucking dumb.

That was the golden era.

It, it did. It's a point of public record that comcast throttled bittorrent traffic.

Indians please go

Yes look what weev wrote about it.
There's also this:

Do some research, and don't fall for what Google is spoon feeding you.
Deregulate and let the market decide.

FTC told them to knock it the fuck off. Also, the private ownership of landlines needs to become public and accessible by any ISP that desires

I want net neutrality

I don't want "net neutrality"

Title II allows bandwidth caps btw. People like me are forced to use SHIT AT&T DSL or pay up to $56,600 per month to Mediacom for (((unlimited overages))) (Bandwidth caps)

Beacause that’s worked so well with phone and cable services that have near monopolies.
Please fuck off shill and admit that you will enjoy taking it up the ass from
Carriers who will game the system for maximum profit while blocking problematic services and sites like this one.

You're false-flagging Sup Forums right? Because nobody would actually shill someone this cringe-inducing unironically.

>The market
LMAO this has gotta be the dumbest response I've ever seen. What market? The one where literally one ISP provides speeds faster than dial-up? Yeah, let's let the only company in each area decide. That's gonna make prices fair.

Are you going to livestream your suicide when NN gets killed? Go with it to the afterlife.

Fucking boomers. Go away.

Of you're not happy with your choices, move.

I'm literally doing that but not everyone with a family/kids/job can uproot their life like that

Instead of complaining just build your own isp, idiot.


I don't have to pretend that I don't max out my line 24/7 on illegal and immoral shit because I do. However upwards of 95% of my monthly bill is profit for time warner and so I damn well will use all of my 100/10 line.
I will support net neutrality to preserve my ability to steal video games, music, movies, software, and porn. Get your moral bullshit the fuck back to Sup Forums.

So go tell your precious coal miners to get moving out of dead coal country and not sit around waiting for Trump to bring the coal back for them while actively refusing to do retraining because they think the coal is coming back.

> muh net neutrality
lmao, cell phone networks don't have net neutrality and they don't throttle individual websites
net neutrality, like all of obongo's socialist policies, didn't ever help anyone. all it does is kills jobs and innovation.

If your ISP sold you a 100/10 package and you're paying money for it, then you've got every right to use the capacity that they sold to you.

I love how cucked pol really is

Can't tell if this is ironic or T_D tier shit

>slapping jews on my opposing side
>slapping pepe and maga on my side
>That's my win boy
Is this how Sup Forums argues?

pol's libertarians are outright sycophants when it comes to big businesses

On whatever the fuck I please. However I'm not trying to pay 4x as much because I use more than Facebook.
Not to mention this destroys competition because Netflix could just pay to make sure it always has the most last mile bandwidth.

T_D is owned by a jew. They will never portray jews in negative light.

>They will never portray jews in negative light.
Because that might lead to any negative talk of the god emperor


we posting smug now?

God bless Ajit. I can't wait for him to remove communist neutrality so that you commies will have to start paying up

this desu

Ignore the obvious Sup Forumstards that treat anything in politics is sports. They're stupid. Anyways, there are 39 senators against the repeal, albeit one is a traitor to the notion as he already voted against NN and is trying to win votes for re-election. The only way to minimize the damage frankly is to make it an election issue.

We can still undo legislation that allows private ownership of the cables

In all honesty if this happens then I'd be happy we wouldn't need net neutrality anymore, but the chances of that happening with a Republican congress is very low and by the times the seats switch, the issue might have deflated. Suffice to say, I appreciate that solution more than anything.

If the ISPs try and extort companies like Netflix and Youtube, politicians will be bought to fix it.

>NN gets repealed
>ISPs make you pick and choose which website you can subscribe to
>mfw the Sup Forums comes in a different, cheaper package than the r3ddit package
>mfw r3ddotards can't access Sup Forums anymore
>mfw based Ajit solved a problem that a million janitors couldn't solve

The worst of them will end up bending right over and buying the all inclusive package which gives them both.

Why not try getting a bill of some kind on senate or whoever can make a difference to talk about making it illegal for one company to own ISP cabling

I doubt that. Netflix and Youtube benefit by having enough money to basically prevent competition from having faster lanes than them. Priority kills innovation and all that. Hell, netflix owes its success to NN. This is a matter of I got mine at its finest. Its why you're seeing the sudden drop of support from Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc.

Are you suggesting that the people do it? I don't really have an idea of how to even pursue that.

altkike soyboy christcuck

>mfw user thinks commies have money to afford purchasing expensive internet access

True. If they end up in a situation where they can pay an affordable amount of money to lock competitors out of a significant percentage of the market, they'll be quite happy.

>implying xfinity streaming or at&t uverse on demand wont get speed lanes for free
>hey guys Netflix here, sorry we have to up that monthly fee again
>hulu absorbs sling tv and whatever other bullshit is out there (cw, adult swim, and whatever other greedy station who wants that streaming money)
>ps4 vue (is that what its called?) somehow stays on its own even though no one uses it

oh wait you said it destroys competition, so we agree.

We all know its going to pass. It'll hopefully be delayed long enough in courts for it to not go into effect or hell, it might be overturned. As long as they don't take it to the fucking ninth district courts.

Germany here
just got a letter from my phone ISP
It's one of the biggest phone providers here and they now offer me a "video pass" so that content from certain video sites doesn't count towards my "high spees volume". Netflix and 4 more.
There's also a "social pass" for facebook etc., a "messenger pass" for whatsapp, and a music pass for stuff like spotify.
They cost $5 each.

Does that mean net neutrality in Germany is already kill?

>oh that one website is ass slow, better slow down all other websites so we have a (((neutral))) Internet
>thanks for the shekels, gud goi here's you slow as shit internet, at least it's neutral ;^)

WTF I never had such an issue. What provider?

I really want you to be lying here, man. That makes me want to vomit.

Net neutrality has always been nothing more than a buzzword to appease gibsmedats.

Thank you, user. I was about to change from to Vodafone.
Dodged a bullet here.

>just pull yourself up by the bootstraps lol
Do you know how much that costs? Plus all the unnecessary fees for having a business licence and fees from other AS's.
Where are you going to get the infrastructure from anyways?
Then the fees from your landlord.


Why did you answer him? He asked you to start an ISP. Why did you answer an intentionally retarded post?


That is fucking vomit inducing. Holy shit.

But this is something you don't need, It is not like you can't use anything without a pass just that you don't use you highspeed volume.
Not defending it, but I thought it was that I NEED it to use those apps and shit.

Yeah as I said, they offer me a "pass" so that using those websites doesn't count against my "high speed volume".
Let's say if I use a gigabyte of data, my speed now gets throttle to like 30kbit/s instead of 100Mbit/s.
Now also keep in mind you can reach a gigabyte in like 30 minutes or a hour of youtube.
They could just keep the data caps low and people would automatically buy the pass because otherwise they can only watch 30 minutes of video a month.
Yes you CAN watch it without a pass, but it's severaly crippled compared to the unlimited high speed streaming you get with the pass on only those sites.

>german ads feature black women with an afro to appear cool and modern
German companies are always watching at America and their citizen. Nothing new.

This level of retardation.
I'm actually starting to think this might be a pro-NN false flagging and pretending to be anti-NN to win over people to pro-NN.

On the other hand there are super retarded people out there.
If he is for real he must be liberterian/ancap pleas don't think actual Nazis are this level of retarded.
Nazi = National SOCIALISM!
National Socialists German Workers Party
>Of you're not happy with your choices, move.
You got it here first.
you did not need to do it now, you will need to do it after NN sounds like shit.
So why do you want everything to be more shit then it is now?

This is how nu-pol is.
The libertarian ron paul 2012 retards never left they only got more retarded over time.


>Nazi = National SOCIALISM!

Hitler wrote in mein Kampf that the "socialist" part was to piss off commies. Also, Jews invented communism. Vid related:

This Europian law. Mobile internet providers can choose to not bill (or count data) to certain sites. Billing extra is still illegal

based pajeet pai, fuck redditors

because isps go through so much trouble just to you charge less for the current service they provide you with.
definitely makes sense..

Isps do want to charge their customers less. Rising prices is half of customer complaints. The reason why its a damn if you do, damned if you dont scenario is because customers want netflix, but netflix is fucking up everyone's infrastructures, especially smaller isps.

>downloaing your animu

Not a faggot weeb. Zero fucks given.

>Sup Forums shits on pajeet
>pajeet shit on the whole internet

like pottery

>omg if net neutrality goes away this and that will happen and we're doomed
I live in a country without net neutrality, we're doing fine and I have better internet than the majority of you. But continue your scaremongering tactics.

do you also live in a country where you don't have options to switch ISPs?

Yes I do have that option, what does that have to do with Net Neutrality? If your problem is a monopoly/duopoloy, then fix that.
>we have a problem rooted on A
>well better get started on fixing non-issue B

what seems easier and more realistic to you?

>break up monopoly of multi billion dollar corporations who own Congress and the FCC
>make a law that stops them from raping you TOO much

>a company providing you an optional service the way they want to is raping you
Wew lad. Next time the girl at starbucks doesn't put gold flakes in my coffee I'll tell her she's raping me.

Anyway, despite the way you phrased it to look like
>huge complicated thing
>small easy thing
You can easily break up a monopoly. It already gets done, your colon- country already has anti-monopoly laws. And maybe you didn't read this part of my post, but I'll say it again: it's a separate thing. Having net neutrality won't solve your duopoly problem. You're curing a broken leg with aspirins.

>hey man you don't HAVE to use the Internet
great argument
>already has anti-monopoly laws
so how did we end up with a monopoly (or an oligopoly to be exact)

>>a company providing you an optional service the way they want to is raping you
>Wew lad. Next time the girl at starbucks doesn't put gold flakes in my coffee I'll tell her she's raping me.
Imagine being so much of a company cuck that you think like this.

>great argument
Yes, it is. If you disagree, show me how it's wrong.
>so how did we end up with a monopoly
>hurr we have laws to punish murder, how do we have murder
But seriously, you said it yourself: they're huge companies that own the FCC and government. There's corruption. Fix the corruption.

No counter-points, just insults. Typical reddit communist. Sorry, friend, no downvote buttons on Sup Forums :(
>omg giving me the option to pay 5$ more for capless whatsapp is LITERALLY RAPE

>be american
>cucked by a pajeet
like pottery

lol no
you guys can all keep spamming mobile package images but they've all been like that forever

>Fix the corruption.
holy shit I never thought of that you should run for President man these are the cutting edge policies we need

>having Internet access is like wanting gold in your coffee
Verizon really needs to upgrade their shill department

Just because I don't like to get cucked by companies? They are there to make money, they aren't your friends you know.

Do we have anti oligopoly laws?

>mfw all the trumpledytes finally realize they voted against their own interests

>I never thought of that
I realized that when you tried to fix a duopoly through something completely unrelated.

I didn't say that. L2Strawman.

yes, look up collusion

>ISPs throttle porn and degenerate kike trash media
>people are forced to go outside and get off their phones
>the US begins to return to traditional values
>stupid fucking kids, commies, niggers, and jews BTFO
I didn't vote Republican last year but I sure as hell will in the next election.