Daily reminder

Finns aren't European, as confirmed by genetic studies.

>We further separated Europeans into individuals of Finnish and non-Finnish ancestry given the enrichment of this bottlenecked population; the term European hereafter refers to non-Finnish European individuals.

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no shit

Eurasian Pride Worldwide

It dont say that nowhere I can't find it


But with this same logic Icelanders wouldn't be Europeans either since they are an enriched bottlenecked population.

It doesn't, the whole study wasn't even about it. They merely used that single sentence, something that has been done several times before in genetic studies. Its just that our shitty newspapers wrote about it because some fuck-wit useless professor had to whore some attention and all these cretins actually straight accepted the shit the newspapers put out because they're too goddamned stupid to actually read that research paper and understand what it says.

Dassssss rite

What's your issue with what the prof said?


mongols :d


How will this affect Finn-Swede relations?

fucking idiots, it also says that finns are not related to asians, which means that stupid mongol meme can die.

>the term European hereafter refers to non-Finnish European individuals.

Indeed genetic bottlenecking is why eastern Finns don't have other haplogroups than N1c unlike other Finnic people but Icelanders are just as genetically bottlenecked despite it not being visible in their haplogroups because of chance.

What relations?

You can keep treating us like trash like you're used to

Kick out the finns from norrbotten, they're not even europeans.

>I1 huntergatherer thinking he's Finnic

when will da white mayn pay dem reparations?

N1c is the only real Finnic haplomeme, I1 filth are just indigenous people that got buttfucked by Finnic metalworkers of the Tarand grave culture.

the bottleneck populations were located in eastern finland (northern karelia) and north.

I'm not even really western Finnish I'm mixed but have very little ancestry from Savo where the inbreeding is the strongest. I probably am I1 or R1a tho.

The R1a in most Finnic populations is due to Slavic admixture, excluding Mesolithic Karelians.

That wouldn't change the fact that there was a genetic bottleneck when Savo was settled. A few dozen became a million that also spread north to Oulu and Lapland. This dozen's genetic legacy is why this thread exists.

>A few dozen
Nah, our founder population numbered about 100,000.

Where the fuck did you get that number from? It had to be a very small number to cause the inbreeding effect.


That doesn't prove anything since this thread exists solely because Savonians are so fucking inbred that the Finnish sample in this genetic study had to excluded completely because of them. It has absolutely nothing to do with Mongolians, being a unique paleoeuropean snowflake or anything else it's 100% Savo inbreeding.

Proof? Again, being homogenous doesn't equate to inbreeding.

>Suomalaisten geeniperimä eroaa muista siksi, että Suomi on historiassaan ollut osittainen isolaatti, muusta maailmasta eristäytynyt alue. Tässä isolaatissa väestön geeniperimä on alkanut muuttua suuntaan, johon se ei ole kehittynyt missään muualla. Laakso mainitsee esimerkkeinä muista maailman isolaattiväestöistä grönlantilaiset, islantilaiset sekä sardinialaiset.

>Suomessa erityinen isolaattialue on ollut Itä-Suomi, Laakso tarkentaa, ja toisaalta pohjoinen, jonne väki on valunut idästä. Tutkimuksessa suomalaisotos oli eri puolilta maata, mutta itäsuomalaisuus näkyy tuloksissa.

You're simply retarded if you keep denying the Savo inbreeding which is clearly visible to geneticists like prof Laakso.

Geneettinen eristyneisyys ei viittaa sisäsiittoisuuteen välttämättä, kts.

Koko Savo oli lappalaisten asuttamaa aluetta noin 1500v sitten ja osittain vielä 400vs. Eristäytyneisyys ei tullut muualtakaan eikä tuskin sisäsiittoisilta savonlappalaisilta joten ihan pakkohan sen oli tulla ns. serkkuherkuttelusta.

>finns in charge of understanding science

inb4 finns are germanic

OP will post this thread again later today or tomorrow and I'll again have to point out this is only about inbreeding in Savo. Such is life.

I don't even consider us """European""" but you don't really understand what you're quoting here.

Proof? Western, Southern and Eastern Finns alike are genetically very distinct from other Europeans. Note that 80% of Finns live below or on the southernmost tip of Savonia.

Nope western Finns are less distinct and form a genetic bridge between eastern Finland and Estonia while Estonians form a bridge between western Finns and Latvians and so on. Eastern Finns are at their own genetic pole and not between any other populations not even Saami.

tfw you realize Europe is a social construct

>that pic
Finnish Nordicist damage control LMAO

Well yeah the quote is pretty retarded but that doesn't change the haploshits.

There's that 90% R1b african tribe, it's that way because of inbreeding. Same with East Finns.

They are not unique population either. East Finns = West Finns + extra Saami admixture + inbreeding. And the inbreeding's why they're in their own corner in PCA's and not always between West Finns and Saamis. It's like how Orkney Islanders are a mix of Celts and Norwegians, but inbreeding makes it look like they're not.

When did it stop

Does this sound european language to you.

Mailorder brides from Russia and Thailand are pretty popular in modern day rural eastern Finland so that will provide a new infusion of genes to the pool.