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International #638
/slav/ - /cлaв/
Alcohol consumption by country
Sup Forums goes out for ice cream
When did you realize that you are a privileged white person that doesn't represent the average citizen of your country?
Why don't more Latin American Mestizos identify more with the tribe their ancestors came from?
Canadian TV
Does this depict your country accurately?
Norway has $819 billion dollar sovereign wealth fund
Why do hues have an impoverished country?
Guess where in the U.S this is
If the US never declared independence, would the Brits treat us like India/Kenya or Canada/Australia?
All these Confederate European reenactors
Why don't you go back and fight, you coward
What is their endgame?
Your country
If you're cunt were to ever balkanize, what could it (semi-feasibly) look like?
Your country's achievements should be worth 50% less if you are an island nation tbqh
Invite an American inside your home
"Mom, dad i'm back from Medellín. Let me introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend, Andrea"
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
America absolutely dominates every single country on the planet in the Olympics...
20 degrees at midnight
Thank god the "SHART IN MART" meme is dead
Do you love portugal?
Country Rate Thread
Why other places couldn't be united like Japan?
ITT: post music from your country and RATE the song above
Sup Forums refugee camp
Would you rather live in a rich non-white country like Japan or a poor almost totally white country like Moldova?
What's the whitest part of your country (region or city)?
'Mom, dad, I'm back from Guadalajara. Let me introduce you to my gorgeous fiancée, Espalda Mojada.''
Your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you think of the Turkish language?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /weebshits/
Are real Hawaiian girls pretty?
What will happen to the US if Hillary wins?
/slav/ /cлaв/
You have 10 seconds to act as German as possible
Slovenian is a West Slavic language
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Post your state's flag and insult your compatriot anons
Hating your language so much that you prefer to read movies
''mom dad I'm back from osaka, let me introduce you to my gorgeous fiancée Sakaki Miyamoto''
If you like Finland so much then why don't you never visit here?
How do you say "white power" in your language?
How does the rest of the Hispanic world view Mexico? Do the same stereotypes that Gringos think of apply when, say...
Seriously, the bullying against American members of this community is getting way out of hand...
"There's simply no place in the 21st century for fear mongering...
/deutsch/ Stammtisch am Abend - Willkommen BOXXER Ausgabe
Go to
Why is America referred to as "米国" in Japanese? Surely Thailand or Vietnam is a better "rice country"
What did you think about Italy?
The world would be a better place without racism and nationalism
Americans still believe in god
How much does it snow where you live?
How much does this map reflect the reality of your country?
Your cunt
Average salary for conscripted South Korean soldier is 176 USD. And women don't serve any form of military service...
Franco italian friendship
How are black qts treated in your cunt?
Post Pseudo-Nations and Regionalism
What does your national dish say about your country Sup Forums?
ITT We read a foreign language and others rate our pronunciation
Please stand up for the Russian anthem
Ask a tunisian anything
1. Your country
You will never fuck an american girl
ITT : you try your hardest to shitpost
Ah yes, this so called american culture
Are there any sound arguments against the legalization of prostitution...
You wake up in Oulu
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
I go move europe
Do americans have a reason to be patriotic?
1- cunt
Is Cyprus a Middle Eastern country?
Who wins in a war?
Why do they hate eachother so much?
1. you're country
Where you live in your country?
Why are people so rude on here?
There are countries who still uses the 1 euro cent
Ask a Russian anything
Going to my wagie job
/ita/ - il filo
How is he viewed in your cunt?
Ask someone from Cheshire anything
Really makes you think
Sverigetråden - Raskrigsupplagan
Mfw a scandinavian notices me
What happens here?
What you think of the spanish language?
ITT reasons why you hate Muslims
How do shitskins afford living in Paris when it's so yerribly expensive...
Post yours
If France and Spain switched colonies, would Latin America have been better off?
Do you like London?
Does Spain's economy really rely on tourists...
You will never live in a small town of like 500 people where everyone knows you
Now that Lebanon is a muslim majority country, it should be given to the Free Syrian Army
Tell me about the culture and customs of North Africa
Can only post in this thread if your country won at least one world war
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Which European country is most open to black and white race mixing?
What happens here?
Were Japanese the true Egyptians?
Sup /int. Is there any anons in Amsterdam who doens't mind to drink some beer with two Russian anons?
Just one simple question:
Is it true that Germans sharts in lidl ?
What drugs does Sup Forums use?
/deutsch/ - Fischbrötchenausgabe
1. cunt
Slav boys
Is it common to see people under five feet (150cm) in your country?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Hurrdurr Norway is a banana republic
Post great white countries
What does breakfast look like in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Union when?
Why is this allowed ?
It really makes you think
/turanic/ general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Any Italian here? I want to kick your asses
Which country has the best cuisine and why is it Great Britain?
Maghreb edition
What was your country's 9/11?
Why don't eastern Europeans just move to and work in a country like Norway? The border is pretty much open
Guy travels around Japan tickling Jap girls' feet
Ask a Vietnamese anything
ITT: Post great countries
/esp - hilo español/ - No olvidamos a los valientes
38 degrees expected in two days
/balk/+/cum/ - TRUMP 2016 Edition
Tfw very few African buddies on Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Coffee in Israel
Sverigetråden - Emellertidsupplagan
Why does Finland have the highest amount of weeaboos per capita of any western nation?
Are you okay France?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Explain yourselves Assad cucks
Why Austria is such a shit?
I wonder how japanese people feel by having their country represented by cartoons made for kids and retarded...
Daily reminder that Finns have slanted eyes and high cheekbones
Recreational drugs
If you insult Lenin in front of Russian people
Nature is trying to remove non-Greeks
Any Swedes here? I'm gonna beat you up
Australian men film themselves torturing a kangaroo and post the video on Snapchat
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Fuck France
Which language has the most beautiful
Why would anyone wanna immigrate to this desert island shithole?
Reaaaaaaaally makes you think doesn't it?
/ita/ - il filo
BBC or CNN???
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sup Forums will answer
/slav/ /cлaв/
Who fucks who?
/esp/ el hilo spic
Country power ranking
France vs Germany
You have eleven (11) seconds to explain why you don't have a German gf
Daily reminder
Testosterone is the cause for all the violent behaviour and culture of kill in the world...
Do murricans only shit in their pants in Walmart?
I just learned that climate change denial is NOT a meme. Americans (mostly conservative Christians)...
When is Sweden going to pay us reparations for 600+ years of colonialism and extortion?
ITT: your country's best beer
Why do other whites hate redheads so much?
What are Dutch women like?
Faces of Sup Forums
I want to savagely penetrate a German girl
W-what are you doing sister!
Why do Australia and America share so many cultural similarities? Australians are more like Americans than brits...
Wine Consumption in Litres per Capita
Met a somalian girl and she said there are only 2 somalian here, i won lottery
No Flag bearers thread?
Sverigetråden - Futoupplagan
Is this true?
Cute Pepe ... difficult:3
How do we banish Sup Forums from our board?
Half Asians are the future
Why doesn't Germany annex Syria?
I am traveling tomorrow to Canada to study abroad for one semester...
What languages would you recognise if heard spoken other than the ones you know?
Is Germany going to be okay?
/v4/ Seras is best waifu edition
China Syndrome
Do you like hairy vaginas?
Kurva anyátok
Este thread para los españoles , la persona que estudia español
Travel to Russia last year
Would you ever take a road trip in America? We have great national parks
Turkey-Pakistan friendship
Oh hi dad! Meet Jamal, he is my new boyfriend
Do Europeans salt their butter?
/lat/ + /asean/
You will never be Finnish
Reminder to all American users
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why Italy never conquered territory in America?
Why is everyone in the world getting taller all of a sudden?
Hey mexicants
Are you satisfied with the way American media portrays people from your country?
Blue=Western country, ie. the culture is primarily influenced by the Christian religion and European philosophy
Why aren't you doing stomach vacuums yet you fatasses?
Uh, no thanks. I don't date gaijin
Ur cunt
I wonder what kind of diaspora we have here on Sup Forums, and if there is anybody from a rare country
Do people in your country destroy history?
First day of class
What the fuck eurofags. Explain how the hell you guys are not revolting and kicking out the middle eastern scum...
You know what time is now
Why doesn't america use the spanish caste system?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post your cunt's ww2 propaganda
1. Your state
Is white Europe kill?
Why do Americans love condiments so much?
ITT: We share the things that our countries have invented/developed/discovered that we are proud of
Mfw I realized the French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution
Tfw you can only fap to British women
How do we save Europe?
What does Sup Forums wear at home?
Japanese media say. Abe Mario and was a faliure…is it so? it's so sad
I love the United States!
How come east Asian cities don't preserve their heritage as much as Europeans?
Be american college student
Why don't you drink the drink of white germanics?
You wake up in your current location in 1700. What do you do?
Is this sexy for you?
Q: What's the most popular video game in America?
Fuck satan (queer) obama
American Culture
Which one will you marry?
How hard you think it would be for an English speaker to learn your language?
Why do the French hate Britain?
/cum/ - Canada, US, Morocco
1. Country
What would be the benefits of Russia absorbing the former USSR Republics into its territory while remaining capitalist...
/nachtschicht/ ab 8:00 wieder/deutsch/
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone
Sweden then: highly regarded as utopia
Go to Walmart
Be me at work
Why do Northern European countries have such shit tier food compared to southern European countries?
Dubs game
Faces of Sup Forums thread?
That feel when you look like this
Honest question
To the people who say British cuisine sucks,your parents never feed you proper British food tbqh
How do you call this?
Post view from outside of your window
Creative flags
Shinzo Abe is cute. CUTE
Say what you will about latin america and conquistadors...
Why are italians so pretentious?
Which side do you fags support in the never ending shitposting wars, Hungary or Romania?
When did you realize the Southern European male is the most beloved by every other female Race
Why do we come here? We don't learn anything about cultures. We laugh at each-others flags and call each other cucks...
How does one get a pure virgin slav gf?
1. Your cunt
Be brazil
Spain and Rossia = love forever
Sup Forums cars edition
Hey /int what's this good for?
Seriously, how can non-italian """"pizzas"""" even compete?
Roast my cunt, Sup Forums
Kansas City is not in the state of Kansas
Serious question for masterraces
Actually collecting flags Edition
1. [Your country]
What's your opinion of ethnic Estonian women?
I have been marathoning reviewbrah's videos for an hour now, and I must say...
Why do Germans and Southern Slavs hate Italians?
Opening og mcdonalds in siberian town
Why does Britain have the best slags?
Just a reminder to everybody laughing about American education: we are smarter than you...
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Which tower is better?
Hilo español
/deutsch/ - Sütterlinausgabe
I am WHITE and proud. Why everyone is making fun of me when i say this?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
This kills the Southern European
Do Europeans use cursive in real life? I know yanks don't, and russians always do
Why is Louisiana the poorest part of North America? Is it because it was a colony of France?
Make thread
Why do only white people shart in mart?
/ita/ - il filo
If you mix Lithuania, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico and Italy will it be a good place?
Hmmmm, why could crime be increasing in Walmarts across the country...?
What are your grandparents homelands or ethnicity?
German "toilets"
Sverigetråden - Sandslott upplagan
What happens here?
Do you girls browse Sup Forums?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Holy shit this fucking board
Europe's flags Tiers
Tfw you will never be Finnish
Do you like argentine pizza?
Which society model do you prefere?
Joke thread! Post jokes from your language and try to translate them in english
When a yuropoor thinks you are american just because you are from a state in america
Irish want to kick brits out
Please stop bullying Americans
Can we have a serious discussion about Sweden?
/balk/ + /gr/
You have to choose one middle eastern country to live for a year in
The French will defend this
Japanese person banters you
Were his paintings actually that bad or did he just get kicked from art school because the professor was a hooknose...
How do other Yuropeens feel about Swiss gun laws?
What do Russians learn about winter war at school?
When you say nigger but forget you're not on Sup Forums or playing cs go
How do we save Europe?
Feels good desu
Why didn't Spain and Portugal kill all the natives here?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
America Has Officially Seceded from /cum/
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
1. Yah country
/move/ - Moving/Relocation Thread
/usa/ - USA General
What is nightlife in your city like?
Is it true that Europeans can't afford cars and there are adults people who ride their bikes everywhere?
Italy vs Spain in a war
Why does pic related have such good singers?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens if she gets elected?
They envy us, because they can not reach us
Any Finns here?
Why can't Europeans make good music like this?
I have a dream... I want to success. I want to be great
Someone give me a quick breakdown of why they fought eachother despite speaking the same language and being essentially...
WTF I love Japan now!
/slav/ - 100% Pure Edition
Does gay sauna really exist? Our country doesn't have it
Could you survive a month in the wilderness in your country? Could you even survive a week?
/ita/ - il filo
Why japanese can't into competetive gaming?
Mom wanna cut my hair and wanna buy new shoes for me
There are people on int who never saw snow
At least 89 cars set on fire in Malmö
How do you like your steak?
Post cuisine from your country
Who's got the best national anthem?
/prepper/ ehemals /deutsch/
Can non-asian people tell the defference between Chinese language and Japanese language?
You'll never be a citizen of the greatest country on earth
Is it true that Berbers are tall and white?
As-salāmu ʿalaykum. Have you prayed to Allah today?
/asean/ we need a new meme gf
What does Sup Forums think about Iran and Iranians?
Sverigetråden S T O R A upplagan
How heartbreaking was it for you when you realized Japanese girls are not like muh animu characters?
Can a cute Finnish boy give me a (you) :3
Post nice roads from your cunt
We are the best country of Africa yet everyone bullies us why?
Roman empire
/bunte Toleranz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Denmark Mexico Italy Lithuania and Brazil
It was a good trade imo
How do you feel about Japanese-Brazilians?
Finns and ruskies
44.000 Russians, with tanks and artillery, THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO KILL A HANDFUL OF SPANISH ONLY HAD TO GUNS!
Why is the UK stealing all our good Somalis?
I know that Czech republic is superior to Slovakia by basically every measurement but can anyone explain why...
Any New Zealander, here? I want to kick your asses
I wish I was a woman in Germany in 1945 when the Russians marched in...
Countries no one hates
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ il filo
Mfw non-english cucks are forced to forsake their mother tongue in order to communicate with anyone outside of their...
Somos también Españoles
Underrated cunt
Why don't you just stay back and fight, you coward
Look at these """"french""""" citizens ahaha
/deutsche/ Verstümmelung
Wtf I hate France now
German "Women"
What are your upper class apartments like? Ours are ugly. I love my country but I dislike buildings in it
Would you rather live in Australia or New Zealand?
Would the last few weeks of World War 2 have been different if Hitler had called upon Japan to help secure Berlin?
Do people in your cunt swear in English? Watching subtitled euro shows they tend to do it quite often
Tfw your country has the best general
The thread of discussions for /ausnz/ and /balt/ and maybe you if you would like to join us
"Sorry I farted"
Global greek general
Hurrdurr Norway is a banana republic
Is it true in Europe it's not considered gay for two naked men or boys to sleep together in the same bed?
Do you know this?
In the primary schools, Vietnamese kids are taught of a poem about an American man who killed himself or something...
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why do Indians eat such spicy food?
Finland stronk! =)
*tires socialism*
What went left?
Does your country have a prevalence of slutty women?
ITT summarize your general in one image
1. your cunt
/sg/-Shart General
Really makes you think
Poland ball thread
TFW mom is demanding I get a job or she'll kick me out
Really makes you think
Kurva anyátok
Show us your city's flag(s)
WTF I love Czechia now
Guess the location thread
Going to my wagie job
Post cute spots to take gf in your country
I'm going to post 3 pictures of my freezer and fridges. Do you Europeans consider this a lot of food?
What is wrong with this man?
Be American
Goodmorning Sup Forums
/asean/- Siesta edition
Post yfw you realize over half of canada's population lives beneath the red line
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Which do you think is better?
/lat/ + /rus/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Who is the most beautiful woman in your country?
Well done Britain, well done. Let's all give them an applause
How do you dress Sup Forums?
Can we Russians join Latino threads? We are clearly classical Latin American country:
Do you want slavery back?
ITT: Helpful tips for tourists visiting your country
Tfw no gf
/brit/ + /fr/
This is what people in the Midwest call Mexican food
What have you been doing over the summer Sup Forums?
Why is depression among youth so prevalent nowadays?
Does your country/city have a subway?
South Korea
How is it like to be white and have educated parents?
He is not Chilean
Post pictures of the city where you currently live at night
He would rather wake up to an empty bed because his blue-haired harpy white feminist gf got picked up by her other bf...
Without bias, what is North Korea really like?
Queen Elizabeth II dead at the age of 90
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
What does Sup Forums think about Prussia?
We're full
Why are some English people so swarthy? Is it because of the Celtic blood in them...
Why is Merkel still in power?
Tfw you realise that France is objectively the greatest country in the world
Tell me about the americans, why do they shart?
Californian immigrants
Why is America so butthurt?
Now that the dust has settled what is the official Sup Forums consensus on the 2016 Olympics in Rio?
See you in Tokyo!!
Everyday I thank God that I wasn't born Japanese, Arab or Canadian
Chinese Thread - 中文主題
Hey Canada
/fr/ - le fil des autistes francophones et francophiles
How familiar are non-Americans with American blacks and black culture?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why does the Chinese government block inane normie crap like Facebook and Youtube while not blocking stuff like sites...
What's the legal age in your cunt to work?
Why the fuck is the anthem of greece always played in the closing ceremony of the olympics?IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE...
Culture Pals - /cp/
How do Mexibros feel about this guy?
Brazil hosted a World Cup before Portugal
Road in your countries
Why do Sup Forumstards come to Sup Forums?
Danes are good for _____
What is life like here?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What do you think about colombian girls?
When an american girl hears my estuary english accent
OK, it's time for some serious discussion - is sharting really that serious problem among USAdians? Please, no memes...
Does your country have an original type of pizza?
What has been the biggest news story in your country, at least in the last 30 years...
1948 London Olympic Games
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...