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>S I N G A P O O P S
American influence overseas.
t. sharter
>The NEA said it has seen fewer offences related to public urination and defecation in the past few years. Between January and July this year, it has taken 528 enforcement actions against such offenders, compared with 989 in the same period last year and 1,566 in 2012.
Singapoop has a population of 5350000
Calculate the poo in the loo per capita rates yourself.
>Woman was identified as a foreign immigranf
>72 year old man case was 2 years ago, that dude is probably dead or in the mental hospital
Try harder
First-time offenders can be fined up to $1,000
At least we completely fuck anyone who dares do it and not legalize it, maybe that's why yours is so little because no one catches those who do it.
Then pics of illegal spics shitting in walmart don't count
>damage control
Zhang Loo. You ARE the Chink.
Yet your open defecation rates are the HIGHEST of any developed country.
Literal lmao at ur life m8.
You are a chink-indian hybrid. It is in your nature to shit in public.
Sure if it weren't the case where every pic you find of us, we can find 10 more of yours
RECORDED public defecation rates, this goes to show how shit is your enforcement against this shit, enjoy your perceived clean country.
Shart nation
Wtf I hate Singapore now
>country of 324 million
>country of 5,535,000
Wow. No surprise dumbshit. I bet I can pull out more images of people shitting in public in Russia compared to Singapore.
Look at per capita rates. If you had the same population as us you'd have 50x as many images of people shitting on public compared to the same cherrypicked twenty images of walmart shitters.
Embrace your absurdly high rates of public defecation in your country m8.
>USA news agency labelled Singapore 10th cleanest country in the world
>USA not in it
This should be enough evidence against your banter pushing, i'm going to sleep.
See: Explain this. Your own news agency.
>ameripoops so butthurt they try to insult based Singapore
Maybe america could have better luck pushing the banter to india
they got destroyed by based indians already
Thanks based poland.
>won't post the methodology of the study
>implying it isn't looking primarily at air pollution, littering, cigarette butts and such
When you can prove that we have a higher per capita open defecation rate than you, I lose.
But I will wager strongly against ot for the following two reasons
1. You have a sizable Chinese and Indian population. Both countries have high public defecation rates. It's ingrained culturally to an extent.
2. Your city is extremely crowded and thus lacks enough space to build an adequate amount of restrooms.
Lets assume that 30,000 people shit in the public every year in the US. Population is 324,000,000
Doing the math that gives us a rate of 9.2 public shits per 100 people
singapore population 5,345,000
900 cases of public defecation in singapore
16.8 public shits per 100,000 people
per 100,000 people
literal lmao. if walmart was a country it'd have a higher gdp per capita than you
don't talk shit about us when every one of your citizens would give their left nut to get a green card to the US.
>When you can prove that we have a higher per capita open defecation rate than you, i lose
Wew lad
Nearly every day in central Ohio people are charged with public urination or defecation.
>nearly everyday
Wew lad
It's over
Source: columbuscriminalattorney.com
Wew, it even got so bad in NYC, that they are legalizing it
Damn son.
> if walmart was a country it'd have a higher gdp per capita than you
Lmao you want to look at Ohio?
365 cases of pooping and peeing in public a year in a state of 12,000,000 people.
3.0 public shits per 100,000 people
Far less than your rate dumbshit. Again 900 cases a year in a country of 5,350,000. Do the math. Ohio has a far less public shitting rate than you.
see Get btfo by per capita.
>The bills cannot address the way the courts treat minor crimes covered under state law, such as marijuana possession. Instead, they focus on several types of offenses covered by the city’s administrative code, including littering, public urination, public consumption of alcohol, excessive noise and breaking certain park rules.
Don't see anything about shitting in piblic.
Walmart is even better than Norway
It's not gonna catch on bud I'm sorry
Not with that attitude